April 2007

Demanding Accountability

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CASA’s Spargo
Steals and Lies
DHS Continues Swann Abuse

By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

Josephine County, OR – In our last two editions we published the tragic story about how the Oregon Department of Human Services literally stole Fran Swann’s children. Just prior to writing our first article I contacted Supervisor Bob Clark to ask about DHS plans regarding the case and he informed me that it was DHS’ intention to return Jessica and Shane Swann to their mother. I would soon find that Clark had lied to me and that DHS has no intention of ever returning the children.

In a weak attempt to cover their damning actions DHS is making ludicrous demands of Ms. Swann. One such demand is that she return to Psychiatrist Dr. Eric Morrell for a follow up examination. This DHS professional witness has already sided with DHS and against their targeted victim, Fran Swann, as is his standard procedure. Most professional witnesses find exactly what their client wants them to – if they didn’t they would stop receiving their healthy payments for testimony. What they are wanting is not so much a follow-up exam with Morrell; they want another damning report from him to take to court against Ms. Swann.

Judith M. Spargo, Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for the Swann children is responsible for writing reports and “Recommendations” to Judge Lyndi Baker who is presiding over this case. Spargo’s reports written so far have been packed with lies, innuendos, and half truths, while her “Recommendations” are just one more step in a well conducted, joint effort between Spargo, DHS and their professionals to relieve Fran of her children permanently.

On February 20, 2007, Judith Spargo entered a Grants Pass business that carries the US~Observer newspaper and she took all Observer papers on the premises. Spargo was upset at the Observer because we published in our last edition, “The deceitful and two-faced CASA Judith Spargo is now recommending to Judge Lyndi Baker that Fran’s children be removed from her permanently even in light of the fact that Fran was the caregiver for one of Spargo’s “children” in the past. Spargo has been in Fran’s home on many occasions and she has stated numerous times in prior years that she was impressed with the fine job Fran was doing with the children whose lives Fran literally saved. What an absolute hypocrite. Again, no investigation, only lies and assumptions.”

When Spargo was questioned by the police she admitted having taken the papers and told the officer “she did not intend to steal the papers.” Spargo then told the officer, “She had given several of the papers away to friends, but still had approximately 70 of the papers in her possession.” It is an absolute fact that Spargo didn’t steal the papers in order to hand them out to her friends. She stole them to keep the public from reading the truth about her miserable self and then she lied to a police officer in an attempt to stay out of trouble. Just the type of person that should be making recommendations to Judge Baker.

Currently, DHS has informed Fran Swann that they will be asking for a set over regarding the April 12, 2007 hearing that is scheduled because Dr. Morrell is on vacation in Hawaii. While the doc is on vacation spending money he has in part made by being an “expert witness” for the state, Fran Swann is suffering tremendous anxiety and heartache. Fran’s children have likely been ruined by DHS, caseworker Sara Eberly, their experts, and Judith Spargo at this point, however, all involved can rest assured that the US~Observer will publish examples of such ruination as we obtain the information.

We have spoken with numerous witnesses who state that Fran Swann is an excellent care provider for Shane and Jessica but they are too afraid of DHS to testify for her as they have foster children and they believe that DHS would retaliate against them. I also believe that this evil and disgusting agency and those who slither around as its employees would retaliate.

I also believe that DHS and those who slither for DHS are slowly brainwashing the Swann children. This will most likely lead to further false allegations against Fran Swann. In closing and on the up-side, Fran has supplied her attorney with many witnesses, including professionals who aren’t afraid of DHS and who are ready, willing and able to tell the truth about Fran Swann and the fine parenting job she has done with young Jessica and Shane Swann.

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