April 2011

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Nye County Nevada Fifth Judicial District Court Vacancy
Former District Attorney Robert Beckett's Right Hand Man Applies
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By Joseph Snook
Investigative Reporter

Tom Gibson
Tom Gibson

Nye County, Nevada - Tom Gibson, a partner at Gibson and Keuhn, Attorneys at Law in Pahrump, Nevada is on the list of potential candidates for the vacant judicial position in Nye County, Nevada.

Gibson is better known for representing Dr. Frank Toppo. Dr. Toppo reportedly helped former Nye County District Attorney Robert Beckett escape DUI charges by allegedly giving false statements to California State Troopers following Beckett's 2008 vehicle accidents. Beckett wrecked two vehicles (one county owned) within a six hour period on June 20, 2008. His Blood Alcohol level was reportedly at .10, but after Toppo came to his rescue, the DUI charge went "bye-bye.”

Soon after the wrecks, Dr. Toppo was facing alleged child molestation issues within his family regarding the sexual abuse of his former step-daughter by his two sons. Dr. Toppo retained Attorney Tom Gibson. In short, Gibson, Toppo and Beckett have been accused of bringing false charges against the very person who made the claim against Toppo. These charges were later dropped and now Nye County faces a multi-million dollar civil lawsuit for the alleged corrupt actions of Toppo and Beckett. Gibson’s involvement was intricate to the corruption, according to US~Observer sources. Google search "Mairs, US~Observer" for details.

Rest assured that Tom Gibson has "reportedly" ruined the lives of many innocent people in Nye County. He currently is listed as a public defender - I'd love to see how many citizens he’s defended "publically," who haven't been forced into a plea bargain. If "long-shot" Gibson somehow manages to get elected, rest assured that the US~Observer will resurrect our spot-light over Nye County, Nevada.

Editor’s Note: US~Observer is watching what goes on with Beckett, Toppo and Gibson. While we compile our information, we are waiting to see if the legal system in Nevada serves justice. Those with jurisdiction over the civil cases should do the right thing in seeing that the victims of these criminal actions are compensated. If not, we will deal with them publicly.

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