August 2006

Demanding Accountability

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The Best Car Salesperson Stamp of Approval

Joe Dinkowitz of Grants Pass
Wheeler Toyota

By Ron Lee

Grants Pass, OR - Recently my car started giving me some problems. Actually, water started leaking from the radiator as if it were a sieve, and besides, I have over 180k miles on it so I thought it was about time to shop for a new one.

As with many other car shoppers my quest began with an on-line shopping spree of the main auto manufacturers traveling from site-to-site. After hours of deliberation I figured out what I wanted. Not the exact make and model, mind you, but the features, colors, mileage range, amenities and so on. I'm not one of those guys who feels his car is defining of his character (or lack thereof) so I don't care about it being the fastest, or if it has the most torque. I just want my car to get me from point A to point B safely, quickly (I guess I do like them to be at least a little peppy), and affordably.

With my goal to purchase in mind I set out on a day of discovery in the local marketplace. Shopping all of the "new" car dealerships in town, I found that I have to give props to who I would consider the best car salesman in the area, Joe Dinkowitz of Wheeler Toyota. Not only was Joe courteous and responsive to my questions, he was very informative, and I felt he really wanted to make my buying experience a good one. Something I can honestly say I didn't find at many of the other dealerships.

Joe puts a smile on the face
of a prospective purchaser.

While I didn't shop all of the salesman at all of the locations, this article is definitely skewed, but when you find in a person a great experience why would you need to go further?

Joe Dinkowitz has been in the car-selling business since 1999 and loves the fact that he gets to interact with so many outstanding people. Joe says he feels that Wheeler Toyota is more of a family and he enjoys the atmosphere they provide, not only for the employees, but the car buyers as well.

You can find Joe on the lot at 124 S.W. K Street downtown Grants Pass. If you live outside the area, don't worry! Joe handles their internet sales as well ... just log onto

In case you do decide to go with Joe ... Let him know the US~Observer sent you.

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