August 2006

Demanding Accountability

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Sheriff Candidate Marches
to the Beat of Public Opinion

Gil Gilbertson

By Ron Lee

Josephine County, OR - The committee to elect Gil Gilbertson for Josephine County Sheriff announced in a press release that Gilbertson would be personally visiting every home in the county seeking input from residents on the current issues they feel face the department and what they want from a sheriff.

Gilbertson commented on his endeavor, "I love this county and want what is best for it and that starts with hearing from everyone what it is that is important to them. It doesn't bother me that I'll wear out a few pairs of shoes to do it ... If I miss you at home, give me a call.”

According to the release, "Gilbertson has already stopped by an approximated 3,000 Josephine County homes, and is well on his way to wearing out his second pair of shoes!"

The press release went on to say that Gilbertson can be reached at 541-955-4697 should he not find you at home, or he can be found at Blind George's News Stand every First Friday.

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