August 2007

Demanding Accountability

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Oregon Grange
H. Con. Res. 56
“The Law of the Sea Treaty” Shall Not Be Ratified By The United States Congress.

Whereas: The Law of the Sea Treaty would cede 70 percent of the World's surface to the control of the United Nations;

Whereas: The Law of the Sea Treaty creates the International Seabed Authority, which will for the first time in history grant a United Nations entity the authority to directly impose fees, which are really taxes, on private enterprises and countries for seabed mining, offshore oil platforms, and other raw material recovery activities;

Whereas: The Law of the Sea Tribunal, created by this treaty, has claimed jurisdiction over the territorial seas and economic zones of coastal countries, as well as jurisdiction over the onshore economic activities in coastal countries that might affect the oceans, and could rule in a manner contrary to the United States military, counter-terrorism, and commercial interests; and

Whereas: The Law of the Sea Treaty would be an unprecedented surrender of sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations and violate the United States principle of "consent of the governed":

Whereas: To be valid, any treaty must be strictly in conformance with, and free from any conflict with, the United States Constitution.

Therefore be it resolved: That the Oregon State Grange supports H. Con. Res. 56 and requests that the United States Congress oppose ratification of "The Law of the Sea Treaty." To do otherwise will violate the United States Constitution which is supreme over laws and treaties; as stated in (Article VI, Section 2) of the United States Constitution.

This resolution adopted by the Deer Creek Grange #371 at its regular meeting held on May 9, 2005.

This resolution was adopted by the Oregon State Grange at its 132nd Annual Session held at Reedsport, Oregon, the week of June 20-24, 2005.

William D. Waggoner, Master
1920 Thompson Creek Rd.
Selma, OR 97538

Delaine Sherman, Secretary
P.O. Box 871
Selma, OR 97538

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