August 2007

Demanding Accountability

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Jurors’ True Duties
Take back control
before it’s too late

By US~Observer Staff

Editor's Note: This article is of utmost importance and will be continually posted on the US~Observer site. (This article has been updated as of 12/07.)

America - During the early years of the United States, up to the mid 1800s, you could get tossed in prison for failing to pay back your debts. Not only were you expected to come up with the money to pay back what you owed, but you also had to pay for your imprisonment!

Today, it is still possible to be thrown or remain in jail for debt. Debts of fraud, child-support, alimony, or release fines can land you in jail or prevent you from being set free. This is the government's goal when prosecuting income tax cases. Apparently we have become desensitized to incarcerating men and women in what should rightfully be called "debtor's prison."

Anybody who is called to be on jury duty for any court should know their responsibilities, rights and power. The jury has the absolute moral and legal power to judge all cases on the basis of the fairness and reasonableness of the law. Corrupt judges have suppressed this information so most of us are not aware of the jury's power. At the time of our nation's founding, when many judges were honest, this power was not hidden as it is today. The jury has the undisputed power to acquit, even if its verdict is contrary to the law as given by the judge and contrary to the evidence. The judges want to keep this power secret so they can continue to force all of us to obey unfair and unreasonable laws. The judge will instruct the jury that they must make their decision based on the facts as presented during the trial and in strict accord with the law as stated by the judge. The jury does not legally have to adhere to the judge's instructions. This is because in a jury trial, the real "judge" is the jury itself, and the judge in the black robe only has the power to oversee the orderly presentation of the case to the jury, while it is the jury that is the proper "judge" of both the facts and the law involved in the particular case at hand.

Every prospective juror has not only the right but the obligation to himself and his fellow Americans to see that justice is done and to remember that ignoring an unjust law or considering if the law is being applied for political reasons is sometimes the juror's only recourse to achieve a just verdict, which would be NOT GUILTY. Is the defendant being singled out as "an example" in order to demonstrate government muscle?

Much of today's "crime wave" consists of victimless crimes--crimes against the state, United States or political crimes. So, if you think that a guilty verdict would give the government too much power, or help keep a bad law alive, just do the right thing – vote NOT GUILTY and stick to your guns. Remember that you can refuse to apply any law that violates your conscience.

Example: The year was 1670, and William Penn was on trial for violation of the "Conventicle Act." This Act made the Church of England the only legal church. The Act was struck down by a not guilty vote. Freedom of Religion was established and became part of the English Bill of Rights and later it became the First Amendment to the Constitution. William Penn most likely would have been executed if the jurors would have yielded to the guilty verdict sought by the judge and prosecutor.

It is an irrefutable fact that our system of justice has been stolen or better yet swindled from us by attorneys over past decades. Judges are part of this swindle in that they are also attorneys. The legal profession in America has denigrated itself from one of ethics to one of “legalized” theft.

Prosecutors often charge people with "multiple charges" so the jury will assume that the defendant must be guilty of something – watch multiple charges very carefully and if you smell a rat – do what – vote Not Guilty. One of the great mistakes a jury can make is to betray both truth and conscience by compromising. If you are of the persuasion that the defendant is not guilty of anything, then vote NOT GUILTY on all counts.

The vast majorities of people in this country are petrified of attorneys, judges, prosecutors, the IRS and in many cases corrupt “law enforcement officers.” In a free and just nation this would not be the case.

The answer to the problems with our “legal system” appears to be complex, when they actually aren't. Americans must bridle our out of control “legal system” or we are all in for a world of hurt.

We live in a land where hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens can march in our streets, right in front of law enforcement and where border patrol agents are imprisoned for doing their job in attempting to stop an illegal alien drug smuggler from bringing drugs across our border. U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen Cardone in El Paso, Texas, sentenced Jose Alonso Compean to 12 years in prison and Ignacio Ramos to 11 years and one day despite a plea by their attorney for a new trial after three jurors said they were coerced into voting guilty in the case, the Washington Times reported. Judge Cardone is corrupt and the jurors in this case were anything but “fully informed” regarding their true duties. As happens in court rooms across this nation every day, the judge actually instructed the jury to find these agents guilty.

Realizing that our justice system closely resembles a slaughter house where cattle are herded through chutes to their execution, something has to be done and the obvious place to start is with our juries. If a person is called to jury duty they need to realize that they are the real “judge” of the case. When the court excuses the jury to make private decisions that the court doesn’t want the jury to hear (exclude evidence from them) then all responsible jurors should simply come back with a Not Guilty verdict. If the judge in any given case even hints at instructing the jury to find a defendant guilty, responsible jurors must deliver a Not Guilty verdict. And above all else, if the law purportedly broken by a defendant is presented to the jury and that law is vague, ambiguous, or appears to be a bad law, the jury must deliver a Not Guilty verdict. This won’t be hard for jurors in income tax cases because they won’t be shown any law since it doesn’t exist. And above all, do not let any judge dictate anything you, period.

You can't be punished for voting according to your conscience. Jurors (and judges) often pressure hold-out jurors into abandoning their true feelings and voting with the majority to avoid the expense of a hung jury and mistrial, or because they are tired of deliberating and want to go home. You do not have to give in. Why? Because hung juries are okay!

Voting your conscience may lead to a hung jury. Don’t worry you are doing the responsible thing. There is no requirement that you must reach a unanimous verdict. The jury you hang may be significant as one of a series of hung juries sending messages to the legislature that the law you are working with has problems and it's time for a change.

It is a fact that we have some down right dangerous criminals living among us and when bad people commit crimes they need to be properly punished, however, far too many innocent citizens are falsely prosecuted in our courts and it is up to all of us to make sure we are fully informed regarding the rights and duties of being a juror. It is the juror's duty to protect the rest of their fellow Americans from dangerous criminals, unjust laws and power hungry lawyers and judges.

Credit or blame for the verdict will go to you. Be sure to ask the judge how you can pose questions to witnesses so that you can learn the complete context should the lawyers fail to bring it out. If the judge doesn't allow the jury to ask questions then a NOT GUILTY verdict should result.

The government is working hard to "dumb down" the American public. They want all people reliant on it for everything including the ability to think. The government controls the people by controlling their thought processes. This welfare society it's creating is a far cry from the God fearing, independent, hard working, productive, family oriented people God created us to be. Who says we should stop thinking for ourselves and use common sense in making decisions? In reality and if we don’t change the course we are on, it won’t too far down the road that we won’t be allowed to think or make decisions, because government is rapidly taking these rights from us. Jurors had better wake up before the jury itself is gone…

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