Accurate Reporting
Thank you for the reply, you are indeed a fountain of correct information.
Looks like we will be going hmmmmm for a great period of time.
Take care, you and others are very valuable if we are too keep our country! Just think, you will be on a disc of history on the 21st Century. You should feel good about this.
Ron Wheeler
Three Cheers!
My name is Eric R. Rhodes, my former attorney is up for disbarment for conversion of client funds for his own use (that's lawyer speak for theft ), fraud, breach of contract, violations of a whole bunch the Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC's) and of a bunch of Rules of Professional Responsibilities (DR's), and possibly some felonies as well, such as the Honest Services Fraud act of 1988. I suggest you do a web search on that act, it is quite an interesting Federal law and he could face some serious time for multiple counts under that law, 6 years for just one count, he has multiple counts he could face. He might just go to prison. I did all this without an attorney, believe it or not.
This has taken me two and a half years to get this case before the trial panel of the Oregon State Bar, who makes the recommendations to the Supreme Court of Oregon for disbarment.
My evidence was compelling enough to start a two plus year Bar investigation of Michael R. Shinn, OSB member 732709. He is currently suspended indefinitely pending the conclusion of the trial and the courts ruling.
You may contact me via email as I have a LOT to tell you. It's time for a good house keeping clean up of the legal system here in Oregon. Especially the courts, and the Bar, and the cops too come to think of it. The Bar didn't believe me when I started up my complaint, after all they get so many complaints each year that basically turn into nothing, they get a lot of crank complaints, but when Mr. Shinn did not reply or cooperate with the Bars investigation, they started to believe me, and dug deeper, way deeper.
I simply would not leave the Bar alone and when the Bar started to investigate my charges, they found he had done similar things to 19 other people, including a Judge on a probate matter, she held in him in contempt for failing to appear in the probate matter 5 times when ordered to appear, and for failing to get a DHHS waver on an estate, a simple one sentence document. The trial concludes this Friday and it will be in the Oregonian again, it has been in the paper three times now, written by Aimee Green. When the trail panel makes it's recommendations to the Supreme Court. I fully expect him to be disbarred. It is a serious breach of public trust when an officer of the courts goes this bad, and it shows there is corruption in our legal system. I have personally brought this case to Attorney General Kroger and his aid Ben Unger at a public meeting held in King City on June 27, 2009. This meeting was video taped with multiple camera's so he cannot deny this meeting actually occurred at 4:10 PM and lasted until 6:00, Mr Kroger left at 4:50 PM for a book signing at Powell's books that night. His Aid Mr.Unger stayed to hear our statements and receive our documentation. Mine was straight from the State Bar's own work, and so no one doubt it's the real deal.
You simply need to go to the Bar's office once this case is closed this Friday and ask to on see Mr. Shinn's disciplinary records, they are open to the public now and you won't "F"ing believe what is on the record. It would astound you, it's pile of books that you would need a hand truck to move, 8 volumes of records 3.5" thick. I suggest you call ahead to the Bar and tell them you wish to review the public disciplinary records on Mr. Michael R. Shinn. They'll need some time to pull the records out and you had better get ready to spend some serious time, like several days to review them, it can't be done in one afternoon, believe me. It took years to expose this lawyer. If you want to join me in this fabulous once in a lifetime event this Friday, don't call the BAR, just show up, and don't whip out press credentials when you do, it is a public hearing, but they don't like the press exposure. It's a great sport, destroying corrupt attorneys!!
Eric R. Rhodes
Editor's Note: Eric, keep up the good fight, but one suggestion for next time ... give us a call! It won't take two and a half years for you to see results. Nonetheless, superb job!
Folks, Okay, I need to rant.
I was just watching the news, and I caught part of a report on Michael Jackson.? As we all know, Jackson died the other day.? He was an entertainer who performed for decades.? He made millions, he spent millions, and he did a lot of things that make him a villian to many people.? I understand that his death would affect a lot of people, and I respect those people who mourn his death, but that isn't the point of my rant.
Why is it that when ONE man dies, the whole of America loses their minds with grief.? When a man dies whose only contribution to the country was to ENTERTAIN people, the American people find the need to flock to a memorial in Hollywood, and even Congress sees the need to hold a "moment of silence" for his passing?
Am I missing something here?? ONE man dies, and all of a sudden he's a freaking martyr because he entertained us for a few decades?? What about all those SOLDIERS who have died to give us freedom?? All those Soldiers who, knowing that they would be asked to fight in a war, still raised their hands and swore to defend the Constitution and the United States of America. Where is their? moment of silence?? Where are the people flocking to their graves or memorials and mourning over them because they made the ultimate sacrifice?? Why is it when a Soldier dies, there are more people saying "good riddance," and "thank God for IEDs?"? When did this country become so calloused to the sacrifice of GOOD MEN and WOMEN, that they can arbitrarily blow off their deaths, and instead, throw themselves into mourning for a "Pop Icon?"
I think that if they are going to hold a moment of silence IN CONGRESS for Michael Jackson, they need to hold a moment of silence for every service member killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.? They need to PUBLICLY recognize every life that has been lost so that the American people can live their callous little lives in the luxury and freedom that WE, those that are living and those that have gone on, have provided for them.? But, wait, that would take too much time, because there have been so many willing to make that sacrifice.? After all, we will never make millions of dollars. We will never star in movies, or write hit songs that the world will listen too.? We only shed our blood, sweat and tears so that people can enjoy what they have.
Sorry if I have offended, but I needed to say it.? Remember these five words the next time you think of someone who is serving in the military;
"So that others may live.."
Kelly Stone sure hit the nail on the head with the "Only in America" article. Thank you for such a adult view on that freak of (un)natur(al)e.
I have PTSD, caused by a childhood of never knowing when I would be beaten to death (or see my baby brother beaten to death). I get up, muddle through the day without having the urge to sleep with little children.
Cheers to pointing out that MJ didn't take the terminally ill children to Never Land (a blessing in disguise?).
It's about time that the blinders are taken off!!!
Don’t Tread
on Me
US~Observer Editor’s Note: Recently, the US~Observer launched an on-line campaign of like-minded web sites flying a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag. The animated banner says, “Celebrating the Principles of Our Founding and in Support of the CONSTITUTION - DON’T TREAD ON ME!” We announced this ‘web ring’ via an e-mail alert and these are some of the responses we have received:
I like your banner, but isn't it supposed to say "founding fathers" instead of just "founding" ?
Claire Muzal
Seneca, SC
Editor’s Note: Claire, we were founded on certain principles, regardless of who founded us. I do suppose it could be more clear and say, “celebrating the principles by which we were founded.” We’ll make that change soon!
To the Editor;
Just got my US~Observer email update and wanted to tell you that even before I received it I had put a Don't Tread on Me banner on my website (right after I heard that someone had gotten stopped for having a DTOM bumper sticker).
Here is my website:
I moved to rural Missouri after leaving Tampa because I saw what was happening to our country and I wanted to be in a place where I could raise my own food, hence the goat farm.
Keep up the good work!
Debra Prince
Hi guys.
I put your Navy Flag animated gif on the AFRA front page in the left-hand menu just below the Constitution Party and Campaign for Liberty logos. You are in good company.
Leonard Henderson, co-founder
American Family Rights Association
"Until Every Child Comes Home" ©
"The Voice of America's Families" ©
To the editor,
I'm outraged that the US Government continues to portray illegal immigration as a major cause in the downfall of our society. I once thought like many deceived Americans, until I looked into this issue.
Our own government is simply the one to blame. They make it nearly impossible for a corporation to stay in America with taxes, laws etc. It is much too convenient for companies to move out of America for profit, thus exploiting the citizens of other countries (primarily Mexico) with slave labor.
Slave labor is also here in the states, even though the numbers might be less, it seems to go unannounced, making living conditions for all much worse in one way or another.
Our own economy should be built by and controlled by Americans. Money truly is the "root of all evil". Greed has led to political corruption that is beyond repair in our current form of government, which also ties into corporations and media. It has become evident that our own government has a strong hand in what the media portrays as the "cause".
Our Government makes it so convenient for foreigners to come into our country (while painting a picture quite the opposite). If someone wants to become a citizen, no matter what the struggle, they will. Our government opens their arms to them with government programs (paid by citizens) for those who can't provide and for those who have sacrificed to get here. Once they get here, they work, and eventually get ahead, which is something that our own have simply forgotten the true meaning of because of government handouts (my money). It will, one day, backfire and when those who have paved this path can no longer tend the sheep which have been fed so well.... Look out!
When the people of this once great land can no longer get a handout or feed their family, they will learn to work once again and a revolution is inevitable. The Ones who are sitting nice and fat right now will be the first to go and when that day comes I will be gone, but for my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren, I hope it's soon.
John Rutherford
Grants Pass City Council Recall Letters
Dear US~Observer,
Did you know that ex-King David Frasher and his court, are each making more money than the Governor?
Former City Manager David Frasher made nearly $200,000.00 per year including $600.00 car allowance, PERS, maximum health insurance coverage, Club Northwest membership, $50k “slush fund” and credit cards among his benefits; who knows what else. The same goes for his Court - 8 senior staffer’s salaries average $140,000.00 per year. Because we live in a poverty pocket, we elected citizen councilors as watchdogs to put an end to the shameful and reckless spending by the City Administration and the former good ol' boy council. And they did. They saved us nearly 4 million dollars in just 6 months. The big money guys want their power back and are using Frasher as their willing tool. War has been declared on our elected Councilors. This is a war between the rich and the poor. It's all about money. The power brokers have muddied the waters to fool you, have pulled every trick in the book to discredit the Councilors we voted in to watch out for us. Don't be fooled. Protect yourself. Don’t support a transient politician/lawyer acting as a City Manager for the big bucks. Keep your voter-elected citizen-councilors, they are dedicated to seeing the city is held accountable for spending your money.
--Someone watching from within
Letter to Editor
In Grants Pass, the City Manager and Senior staff have the whip to gouge the people and take their money. In the past, the banker, developer, wealthy councilors let it happen. They didn't care. The newly elected Council won't allow it. Your protection is that a People's Council is the only buffer for the citizens against a shark-like feeding machine gobbling up our money faster than we can give it. It's more, more, more - they are insatiable, and now they want to take away the best council we've had for years. The new Council majority will protect us. Don't you get it? When you vote for recall, you've given away your power to the City Sharks. It will backfire on you. Protect your money. Don't buy the lie, and don't sign away the only protection you have against them draining your pocketbook. No Council Recall.
Jennifer Davies
Dear Editor
Our representative form of city government is being hijacked with the help of The Daily Courier's misleading articles/editorials, as well as the senior city staff.
Courier's Tues., Aug. 4, 2009, front page article stated, "Mayor Mike Murphy, following council approval, negotiated a contract with Assistant City Manager Laurel Samson to make her the City Manager Pro Tem for two months, a role she has filled two other times in the past." But the Wed., Aug. 5, 2009 City Council Meeting was a slick flim-flam, done by Asst. City Manager Laurel Samson, Mayor Mike Murphy and Finance Director David Reeves.
City Legal Council Doug McGeary (who was quietly fired by Ms. Samson prior to the meeting, which she has no legal authority to do) wasn't told of Samson's 12 month contract, nor were the City Councilors. The 'bombshell' was dropped on everyone at the Wed., Aug. 5th City Council Meeting!
The Daily Courier's front page Aug. 6th article buried the most important part of the story on Page 5A. Why? Because it states "Samson's contract was negotiated by herself, McGeary and Murphy." That's an outrageous lie! When questioned by councilors, I heard Samson say the contract was written up by her, with input by Murphy (who suggested and added a costly 12-month 'golden parachute' severance package), and was signed by her, Murphy and Finance Director David Reeves! Councilor Pell asked "who had the opportunity to negotiate for the public." So much for openness and above board tactics.
According to the City Charter, the legal way to initiate a contract is for the City Legal Council to write it up and get it approved by the City Council, then the City Manager signs it. Ms. Samson's contract appears to be an illegal piece of garbage!
How's this for a slicker-than-spit hijacking? What else is going on within the city senior staff that we don't know about? Plenty!
Loralee Tillman
A very concerned Grants Pass citizen
To the Editor,
Even though I disagreed with asst. city manager Laurel Samson most of the time I always respected her, but I do not respect her any longer. Samson and Mayor Mike Murphy pulled a trick on the councilors by inserting language and a severance package in her contract that would sink any business in the private sector.
I agreed with the recall of the councilors before, but now I have changed my mind because Samson and Murphy's current actions illustrate the deceptive tricks and backstabbing the councilors have been dealing with all the time, since being elected.
Jan Trask
Dear Editor,
Beginning with the swearing in ceremony of the four new Grants Pass City Counselors in January 2009, I have sat through numerous City Council Meetings and have witnessed continuous harassment of 6 councilors by (now former) City Manager David Frasher, (former Asst. Manager) now City Manager Pro Tem Laurel Sampson, Finance Director David Reeves, Mayor Mike Murphy, City Counselors Tim Cummings and Del Renfro. These six have continuously thrown a monkey wrench into every meeting, creating chaos, mayhem and utter mass confusion.
I couldn't figure out why they were doing this. Were the above six people backing four other people for city council who were to be their "rubber-stampers?" I learned that immediately after the election, a group was set up to work behind the scenes to unseat the four that had won the election.
I have since learned that Attorney David Frasher makes it a habit of using foul language to people who question him, and uses threats of law suits.
City Councilman Tim Cummings, working with former City Attorney Ulys Stapleton, pushed through the purchase of the highly contaminated hops field property.
$3.5 million of city taxpayer money was paid, knowing full well it was contaminated. The seller gave the city a paltry $70,000 towards cleaning up the contamination. It will take untold millions more IF the city wants to spend another cent towards this monstrous job.
Since the city refuses public requests for information (under the Freedom Of Information Act), no one, not even the new counselors, can find out what the senior city staff are hiding. My guess is it would blow the roof off of city hall, exposing all the dirt they've swept under the rug for a long time.
Isn't it time for taxpayers to band together and demand an independent audit?
Lorraine Walter
City Taxpayer
Mess On
HWY 199
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
I have lived in O'Brien, Oregon for four years now at the Nielsens' "Almost Heaven" Resort just 7/10 of a mile from the California border on U.S. Hwy 199 across the street from a former truck stop/weigh station.
The border is the gateway to our beautiful state. People stop at the former weigh station for the numerous reasons: nauseous from the curvy turns; they need to use the bathroom; throw away trash; etc. Either they missed the O'Brien Store going south or they missed the Rest Area going north. They stop because they are not aware there is a store or rest stop coming up.The consequences are enviornmentally devastating and present a public health hazard. The smell of human waste and the sight are enough to make a U.S. Marine VOMIT!! This is absolutely not "putting our best foot forward".
I will clean this mess. But it does not stop there, it is just a band-aid on the real problem. The solution being one of two things: signs going north and south alerting people to the proximity of the O'Brien Store and the rest area which are located exactly four miles north and south respectively; and/or locating port-a-potties and dumpster maintained at continuous tax payers expense. I think we Oregonians would prefer the signs which are a one time fee.
Because HWY 199 is a U.S. Hwy a copy of this letter is also going to be sent to Peter Defazio, U.S. Representative, 4th Congressional District, Oregon.
I love Oregon and I want the gateway to our beautiful state to be just as beautiful. So please print this so Congressman Defazio know we know and expect him to do something about it!
Michell Rene Dindust
Yes On
Health Care
To the Editor:
I don’t expect you to print my letter but I’m writing it anyway. I have been literally stripped by doctors and hospitals over the past few years. I was forced to sell my home that my deceased husband and I worked for all our lives. I don’t have a savings account anymore and I live on $980.00 a month. What our health care system did to me is criminal. I had just two years to go to be able to get social security, when our health care system destroyed my life. I now get SS but it’s too late. When I get through paying my rent and utilities I have around $250.00 a month. This is all I have to spend on food, gas, clothing, etc. Where is the accountability?
Carol Ashwood
Jacksonville, Oregon
Top Notch!
To the Editor,
I've been reading News for over 65 years now and wanted to let you know that you are doing a fine job. It is hard to find a publication these days that prints the truth. Your Journalists clearly go to extreme lengths to make sure you publish the truth. The truth is very evident in each article of yours that I've read. That, in my opinion is what a real newspaper should be. If you ever need a reporter in Wisconsin, let me know.
Albert Grutchins