Thank You!
I was so happy
for the subscriber of the year award, thank you. After I have read the
Observer I take it to a café and leave it, or a barber shop,
or a waiting area at ODOT, or a public library. That way many people
will see it. The last issue that made me subscriber of the year I won’t
give away, I will always keep it with pride.
Once more thank
you. I really want to say thank you!
Winston, Oregon
DA Eric Nisley
Hi Ed,
How have you been.
I enjoy reading the Observer. I get the idea you don't think alot
of DA Campbell. I would like to give my buddy Eric Nisley the
same kind of recognition. I would like to do it around the time
he is to be running again for DA. I can't find anything on
the internet as far as what year he must be reelected to the position.
Do you have access to that information?
I do know that
he was never elected. He was appointed and has run unopposed ever
since. When I plugged his name into the internet I did find another
group very upset with the way he handled a case regarding putting a
dog to sleep. It was interesting, basically it said that he did
an end around the law to accomplish what he wanted to accomplish.
I'm very familiar with that strategy. I also found several articles
regarding Kulongoski's endorsements which Nisley apparently strongly
supports. In other words, I think he has the protection of the
governor when it comes to abuse of his position and power. The
governor controls the attorney general and he controls the OSB, and
therefore the corrupt DA's in Oregon are immune to any repercussion
from the OSB for attorney misconduct as long as they are jumping through
the governor's hoop and supporting his agenda's.
Have you ever wondered
why Nifong got busted? I think it is as simple as he didn't realize
those college kids had some influential parents with some influential
friends. Otherwise he wouldn't have had anything to worry about.
His corrupt cohorts (Bar Association) simply said, "To much publicity....we
aren't going down with you, you'll have to take the fall on this one."
I would really
like to read an investigative report on the particulars of how Nifong
went down. I really believe it was like any political embarrassment where
action is taken to stop further investigation and exposure of further
I am glad to see
alot of articles on the responsibility of jurors. I would only
add that false prosecution cannot be stopped other than by pleading
"not guilty" and insisting on a speedy trial. It is
the only way to prevent manipulation and abuse by oppressive DA's.
I will go so far
as to say, hiring an attorney will do no good if your case goes against
the agenda's of the people in power. Attorneys know that the BAR
will find a reason to lean on them if they aren't one of the players.
Houze wanted me to plea bargain and even refused to take my case to
a jury. Simply, that would have been in direct opposition to the
governors agenda regarding discipline and children. Houze knew
It's ugly out there
ED!! Keep up the good work.
Thanks Again,
Gary West
Let the Bullies Have it!
To the
In the news there
is a lot of talk about the latest possible attack at the Plymouth Whitemarsh
High School. With reminders of past shootings in other schools.
They blame the
firearms, the parents and students. But, never the “Bullying”
that goes on in the schools. The school systems have done little or
nothing about “Bullying” that goes on in the schools. Untold
hundreds of students go to school every day in fear of being a victim
of the “Bullies” at their school.
The schools always
want more money to do more of the same. However, it is not working!
It is long past
time to hold the “Education Industrial Complex” responsible
for their shortcomings!
John Sweeney
Portland, Oregon
Daily Courier
Letters Not Published
Note: The next letter to the editor was sent to the Daily Courier but
was not published. We invite everyone who has sent a letter to the Daily
Courier and had it refused, or if it was edited by the Courier to the
point it lost its true meaning, send them to us for publication.
Dear Editor,
The NAFTA Superhighway
is reality. A cursory web search will reveal the Feds have given 2.5
million to NASCO's plan, who says "There are no plans to build
a new NAFTA Superhighway - it exists today as I-35." However, they
claim that 65% of it will "require major upgrades", but no
plan. Meanwhile, Ports To Plains site says "spur the construction
of 4-lane divided highway, associated reliever routes and rail along
the length of the corridor". The Federal Highway Administration
is promoting it, but there is no plan. The US DOT has material on their
website, but there is no plan. Oklahoma has partially passed legislation
to block it, but it doesn't exist. The Texas corridor site itself states,
"a preferred corridor no more than 10 miles wide", but they
have no plan. Texas Legislators have made several attempts to block
it, but all have been vetoed by Gov. Perry who intends to take all the
land by eminent domain. Just how many acres is 600 miles by 10 miles?
All documented fact from the very people that have no plan. When you
use an entire page on a subject, investigate and give us facts, not
a half page clip art and theorist drivel.
Best regards,
Jeff Bradshaw
Socialist Green?
To the
I am writing regarding
Josephine County Commissioner Jim Raffenburg and his uncanny ability
to stand up to those who want to turn our community into a green, little
socialist one. There are plenty enviro-whacko's here and Commissioner
Dave Toler is top dog.
Commissioner Dwight
Ellis just seems to champion whatever cause is the most popular in that
moment in time. Unfortunately, the little green spin machine is hard
at work and the socialist agenda just got the go on a new manager.
Where is the voice
of the people in that decision? Dave Toler needs to go.
Thank you,
Mike Hall
Josephine County