February 2006

Demanding Accountability



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Rogue River Couple Face Lawsuit

By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

Rogue River, OR – On December 2, 2005 a lawsuit was filed against Randy and Kimberlee Auxter seeking in excess of $580,000 for Battery, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Nuisance and Interference with Prospective Contractural Relation.

In December of 2003, Randy Auxter began cutting trees on an easement belonging to his neighbors David and Ernette Dargitz. When Mrs. Dargitz approached Auxter and informed him that he was not to cut trees on her property, Auxter became violent and while screaming at Dargitz, Auxter grabbed her and shook her “violently.” Dargitz has been receiving medical treatment on a continual basis ever since.

As if he hadn’t done enough damage, Randy Auxter took advantage of every opportunity to confront Dave and Ernette Dargitz and in February of 2005 he began blasting music from two large speakers mounted on the exterior of his manufactured home and pointed directly at the Dargitz home. At this point the US~Observer got involved and we have documented literally months of the Auxter’s continuous harassment through the use of their excessively loud music.

During the summer of 2005 Mr. and Mrs. Dargitz decided they could no longer live under the stress and placed their home on the market. Before long a realtor contacted them informing them that she had a client who was making a special trip from California in order to view their property. When the highly potential buyers arrived at the Dargitz home they were immediately confronted with the blaring music coming from the Auxter’s. The realtor soon learned of the on-going problem with the Auxter’s and although her clients stated that the property was perfect for them they weren’t going to purchase because they felt the Auxter’s might do the same to them.

The US~Observer’s investigation has shown the Auxter’s to be disgusting human beings at best and we have also learned what a con-artist Randy Auxter can be. When the right people are around Auxter plays his Multiple Sclerosis (MS) condition to the hilt, however during his normal routine Auxter can be seen working, lifting and getting around like a normal person.

The Auxter’s have greatly damaged Dave and Ernette Dargitz and other people as well. It’s time that their hatred and ability to damage others is exposed and we commend the Dargitz for attempting to hold them accountable.

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