The United States and the American way of life can be brought back to its former state of a super-power and free holding “We The People” as Sovereigns as easily as turning water into coffee.
Even the steps to achieve it are easy. However, the process would take steel resolve and unwavering motivation with dedication.
The answer is: Return to The Constitution “for” the united states of America and institute that document as the Supreme Law of the Land.
Second, is to reinstate the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the Monroe Doctrine with the Federalist Papers as supporting documents for reference and validation of the Constitution.
Unknown to most people is the Act of 1871.
This act was passed illegally by a congress (Acts of the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62) and signed into law.
For the record, this law has NEVER been abolished or repealed. It is still in effect today as explained below.
The result of passing the Act of 1871:
It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool We The People into thinking it governs the Republic. It most certainly does not!
Capitalization makes it a legal document.
This minor adjustment has had a major impact on every generation of Americans since its passing in 1871.
What Congress did by the passing of this illegal act was to create a totally new document; a government for the District of Columbia. It became an INCORPORATED government.
This newly altered Constitution does not, in any way, benefit the Republic or its people.
It benefits, solely and totally, THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION and operates completely outside of the Constitution “for” the united states of America.
So instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic
Constitution, we the people now have relative rights or privileges.
Some examples of inalienable rights that have turned into relative privileges are:
a) a sovereigns right to travel has been transformed under corporate government policy to be a privilege requiring a license for you and your vehicle.
b) permission is required to marry…license
c) property rights/ownership became a privilege requiring you to pay yearly rent for property the state clearly owns…property tax (owner is named as “tenant” on the deed)
d) the right to the fruits of your labor is now the privilege to pay income tax
With the passing of the Act of 1871 the 41st Congress committed treason against “We The People” who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the united states of America.
It is unfortunate, but America has been duped, conned and by not knowing the Republics Constitution, trapped.
In 2008, Americans gathered to vote for a President.
“We The People” thought they were voting for someone who supported The Constitution for the united states of America.
In reality, they voted in the next President/CEO of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
Does the Congress and Senate know about the Act of 1871? Of course they do.
Every five years they get a revised copy of the US Code to invent new laws for…that is what an HR or SR is. The “R” stands for resolution. It is a process CORPORATIONS use to amend their own rules of operation.
When passed, the new law is added to the CORPORATE Constitution – The US Code.
The Congress and Senate do NOT work for We The People and neither does the President – they work for THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION!
“We The People’s” only involvement is that we get to pay the corporations bills.
Now that you know the truth, here’s how to remedy the lies:
The logical order in which to achieve the return and legalization of The Constitution for the united states of America as the Supreme Law of the Land is as follows:
1) Each and every state declares Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the Republics Constitution.
2) Each and every state, under the 3rd and 9th Amendments should round up every Federal Employee including FBI, BATFE, Federal Judges, etc and for lack of a better word, deport them back to DC with the declaration that the ONLY Law this state will honor is the Supreme Law of The Constitution “for” the united states of America.
3) Arm every citizen under the organic Constitution and without regard for Federal Law. The right to keep and bear arms is a right of every sovereign citizen and NOT a privilege. (There are laws still on the books giving guns and horses to those leaving prisons. HONOR the RIGHTS of “We The People”. And then watch the crime rate drop significantly!)
4) Each and every State Government should abolish every law and state government position contrary to The Constitution for the united states of America.
5) DEMAND a complete, total and UNCONDITIONAL surrender of Washington, DC as they are a foreign power on US Soil. Then replace the corrupt by the rules of the Supreme Law of the Land, which is the entire Congress and Senate, President and staff, including Czars and every appointee.
Under a lawful and qualified President:
6) When a lawful President is sitting in the White House, abolish every agency not listed in Section 8 under Powers of Congress. (Without the CIA we may find this world a whole lot friendlier!) Then divest that federal government of ALL lands not specifically enumerated in the organic Constitution.
7) Close ALL borders until we are done cleaning out the corrupt and corruption.
8) Immediately STOP all wars, empty every foreign military base and bring ALL of our troops home including ALL equipment down to every bullet. The American people have NO duty or obligation to support any other country – STOP ALL FOREIGN AID. Both military and civil.
9) Round up and deport ALL illegal aliens while raiding, arresting and deporting every agent of a foreign power from both the UN and the IMF. Allow NO foreign power or corporation to exist on American soil!
10) Raid and arrest every member of the IRS, Bilderberg Group and the CFR. Take all monies they have stolen from the USA for over 90 years and deposit it in our National Treasury.
11) Repeal and/or abolish every federal law repugnant to the Constitution for the united states of America and reduce the size of government to its limits.
12) ENFORCE The Constitution for the united states of America and support and defend it against ALL enemies foreign and domestic.
What was wrong?
We forgot who we were and forgot what we stood for.
What’s right?
We can go back to our roots and fix everything the corrupt have dedicated their lives to destroying.
I do not fear the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. I fear that We The People will lack the guts and gumption to take our country back from the corrupt and those who want it destroyed.
John Nutter