By Joseph Snook
Investiagtive Reporter
Rep. Jodi Hack, (R) Salem
(photo: Denis C. Theriault/staff)
- Oregon is the only state that currently does not have the power to
impeach its Governor.
Although it doesn't
happen very often, the last state to impeach its governor was Illinois,
ousting Democrat Rod Blagojevich in 2009 for corruption. Blagojevich
was later convicted and sentenced to 14-years
in prison.
Leading the push to change
Oregon's impeach power is Rep. Jodi Hack. She sponsored House Joint
Resolution 10 which states the Governor could be impeached for, “malfeasance
in office, corruption, neglect of duty or other high crime(s) or misdemeanor(s).”
If passed, the House of Representatives could lead the move with a three-fifths
vote, followed by a hearing in the Senate, requiring a two-thirds vote
before ousting a governor.
Although Oregon
can currently recall a governor, it is noted that the Legislature should
also have the power to impeach, as a secondary form of protection.
This issue arose
when Oregon's previous Governor, John Kitzhaber's integrity came into
question when he reportedly colluded with his fiancée. She allegedly,
"violated ethics rules or criminal laws in advising him about clean
energy issues while serving as a consultant on the topic" to which
he was, or should have been aware of. He resigned shortly after when
most of his own party distanced their support for him.
Replacing him was
appointee Kate Brown. She was formally elected during the last election
cycle, and is currently Oregon's 38th Governor. Although she is married
to a man, she's known as the Nation's first openly
bi-sexual governor. She is also known as no fan of the second
Republican leaders
have voiced their concerns for her anti-gun
stance. There have also been reports
of interest concerning Gov. Brown that the public may disapprove
If Oregonians really
want to protect the confidence of the office of Governor, the passage
of HJR
10 should be welcomed with open arms.