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Grange Resolutions for a stronger America
Subject: Oppose the National I.D. Act (REAL ID)
Whereas: The National I.D. Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush on May 11, 2005. Without this I.D. card, you won't be allowed to drive your car, board an airplane, train, or bus, nor enter any federal buildings, open a bank account, or hold a job. How much buyiong or selling of things will you be allowed to do and will a person's social security checks be cut-off if they don't get this card?
Whereas: This I.D. act tells the state governments that their issuance of state driver's licenses will now become the National I.D. cards. The National I.D. Act infringes on one's personal liberty.
Whereas: American citizens who have committed no crime will be subject to fingerprinting, or retinal scan, or both, and all other means of I.D. will be required to carry a card with an embedded computer chip containing reams of personal information.
Whereas: Eric Skrum of the National Motorists Association put it this way, "Ultimately, anybody in any state with a card reader would be able to look up your personal driving record, credit rating, social security number, health information, personal address, and anything else the government would force you to divulge in order to 'voluntarily' obtain a driver's license."
Whereas: The power to determine what will be stored on these I.D. cards was given to an un-elected bureaucrat, Michael Chertoff (now Janet Napolitano), who was appointed to a cabinet position as head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Whereas: The scary thing about this I.D. Act is the fact that approximately 2000 years ago, written in the King James Bible, in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, St. John the Devine tells how in the end times an Anti-Christ beast would appear and cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive the mark of the beast in their right hand and on their forehead. Those who do not take this markare scheduled to be killed. In reviewing all of this information, are we to understand that we will, some day in the near future, be forced by our government to receive a satellite surveillance radio frequency transponder I.D. chip in our bodies like the one our U.S. Department of Agriculture is trying to force the farmers and ranchers to implant in their animals?
Whereas: Our Federal Government is trying to sell us on this National I.D. System as a tool for fighting the "War on Terror" while at the same time leaving our borders open and overrun since the year of 1986.
Whereas: Over 28 plus states are opposed to the I.D. Act and South Carolina government's Mark Sanford says he wants no part of it. Why? For one reason -- the law was crammed into a South Asian Tsunami relief bill, with no debate in Congress. It is an unfunded mandate that will cost the states 25+Billion dollars. Because there is so much opposition by the state governments, Michael Chertoff extended the compliance time to January 1, 2010.
Whereas: The U.S. Constitution's 9th Bill of Rights tells about the enumeration of Congressional powers which are listed in Article 1, Section 8. There are a total of 18 listed powers and none of these cover the subject of a Driver's License National I.D. Act. Therefore, Congress has no authority to pass said law.
Whereas: The right to issue Driver's Licenses by State Governments has been given this exclusive authority per Amendment 10 of the U.S. Constitution, without any interference from the Federal Government.
Whereas: Per United States Supremem Court ruling Marbury vs. Madison, 1803, "Law repugnant to the Constitution is void ... for I can not call it law contrary to the first great principle of the social impact ... (IT) cannot be considered a rightful exercise of legislative authority" (Reference, Untied States Supremem Court, Marbury vs. Madison, 1803, 2 L Ed. 60; 1 (ra. 137; Ref. 6 Whea; 246 & Wal 601)
Therefore be it resolved: That the Oregon State Grange is opposed to the National I.D. Act, and requests the U.S. Congress to rescind this law; and, if they refuse, we request the Supremem Court do it for the citizens of the United States of America.
This resolution was adopted by the Deer Creek Grange #371 at it's regular meeting held on April 4, 2008.
This resolution was adopted by the Oregon State Grange at it's 135th Annual State Session held at Prineville, Oregon, week of June 16-20, 2008.
William D. Waggoner, Master
1920 Thompson Creek Rd.
Selma, OR 97538
Delaine Sherman, Secretary
PO Box 871
Selma, OR 97538
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