United States, 2012
- Across America, more people are becoming actively involved in
their communities through politics. Republican Presidential Candidate
Ron Paul has finally proven to mainstream media and America that not
only is he serious - his grassroots ground troops are rapidly growing
in numbers. Ron Paul arguably has the largest "active" support
of any presidential candidate - which has recently carried him to an
outstanding finish in the Iowa, New Hampshire, Maine, Minnesota and possibly
other Caucuses. It is understood that the delegates obtained have yet
to be confirmed, which could likely favor Ron Paul's run towards
our next option as President this year.
The negative image portrayed about Paul is that he is "too soft" on foreign policy. I want to make it clear that in today's media - left (liberal) and right (conservative) politics are used more than ever to create a smoke screen amongst the people. Often in politics and media this deceptive tool is used. Fortunately, for those who are more active and those who have educated themselves on what the mainstream media does - the difference between "left and right" is becoming a moot issue. Today's active citizen's know the real issue isn't left or right - it is simply "right or wrong and more so - constitutional or not."
Foreign Policy & Predictions made by Ron Paul (2002) - Have they come true?
Many examples have been made regarding the recent Occupy Wall Street movement and the ongoing Tea Party movement. Ron Paul's grassroots organizers are heavily credited for starting the Tea Party movement shortly after the 2008 presidential election which has been hammered by mainstream media across the country and the same goes for Occupy Wall Street. Instead of shining the light on the real issue (why these huge movements exist) the media has simply focused their publicity on the "welfare recipient", "homeless" Occupy Movement (Fox News), and the "racist", "radical gun worshiping" Tea Party Movement (CNN).
Ron Paul shares the same concerns which are greatly embedded in both movements and his popularity has soared since the 2008 election, which was obvious as the results were announced in the Iowa Caucus. I am a strong supporter and part of the Tea Party, and in recent months have become enthused to get to know and understand local Occupy Movements, which I can accurately report as "people who share the same disgust with government and big business" as the Tea Party.
As a former medic in the 82nd Airborne Division, I cringe when I hear "conservatives" claim that Ron Paul's foreign policy is weak, broken and Un-American. Let me be clear when I state that I fully support Ron Paul's foreign policy from a constitutional stance and so does a large part of "active" military, as Ron Paul receives MORE FINANCIAL support from active military personnel than the other candidates COMBINED. There is a reason for that and it's not because he's soft.
Ninety-nine percent (the occupy movement motto) of America is absolutely fed up with how out of control our big business and federal government have become - which I will twist in a way that reflects that same motto, but in a new light. Ninety-nine percent (estimated) of what our federal government does today is simply unconstitutional, which directly reflects Ron Paul's stance.
It is this simple: If the power wasn't granted to the federal government within the Constitution (the document upon which this country was founded), it is NOT the job of our Federal Government. Our country is BROKE people, WAKE UP! Drastic changes have to be made, because drastic unconstitutional agencies and regulations exist that have flat out broke the moral and financial state of this country.
One candidate has given a clear message since day one. His message has never changed, nor has his actions. The blowback from unconstitutional wars has damaged our country severely. The Fed, which was created in 1913 has crippled our currency. The theft of States Rights has furthered our plunge into a UNITED STATE - giving Americans a mute voice when taking on the GIANT "One-percenters" (including the federal government).
The sad part of what I see today is the average American who puts their trust in a system that has absolutely failed the will of the people. Children have obtained higher education in hopes of getting the "stable government job" or have simply become dependent upon that same government to feed them because they have been programmed to think they can't provide for themselves. Private sector jobs are quickly disappearing and many that still exist, are doing so on a very small budget, which trickles down to each employee, whether through under-employment or layoffs.
I am fortunate enough to have a job which gives me first-hand knowledge that many aren't exposed to. If I was tasked to write this article just three years ago, I wouldn't have had a clue as to how bad our problems really are...
While I don't expect everyone to jump up and have a change of heart and get involved, I do hope that those of you who aren't as active, will do something, even if small in nature - to help better your life, and your community. Ron Paul is the hope that many have been looking for, he is the ONLY viable candidate for President.
In this day, social networking and digital media are becoming more useful for the common person. Instead of logging into iTunes, take a few minutes to share a link to something that you stand for, watch a video regarding real issues that directly affect YOUR life. Contact somebody who can help direct you in a way that is productive. Get INVOLVED. Your future and the United States of America's future depends on each and every one of us.
Most importantly, take the time to educate yourself on the issues that we all face together. Remember, Ron Paul's stance on every issue stems from what our Constitution says...Read it.
Writer’s Note: Please feel free to contact me via email - joe@usobserver.com. I am more than willing to share important information that can help you determine if Ron Paul is or is not the candidate for you.Here is a link to strong informative videos regarding Ron Paul.
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