January 2006

Demanding Accountability



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Officer Needs Assistance
An exemplary police department
under attack

By US~Observer Staff

Often times the US~Observer finds itself pitted against corrupt police officials who try to bully the system with their power. Recently, we have found a small police agency in Gold Hill, Oregon that shines and should be commended for the outstanding quality of enforcement and commitment they have shown.

The Gold Hill police chief, Dean Muchow, has exemplified what a community service officer should be by completely rebuilding his police station through donations that he sought and work that he, his officers, and other individuals did - all donating their time to the project, saving the city thousands of dollars. Muchow and other officers also took their dilapidated squad car fleet and secured donated parts and work to get their vehicles running again.

But with all of the hard work and even with Muchow donating some of his own personal funds to his department he is being made out, by several individuals with an agenda, to be a money-grubbing official who is bent on issuing tickets to receive the revenue. The funny thing, his department doesn't get anything more than a pittance and the citations issued have all been warranted, but nonetheless, several Gold Hill city council members, the Gold Hill Judge, and one Medford, Oregon reporter have all aligned themselves to take down this top-notch police department.

There are so few good officers of the law who truly "serve and protect" their citizenry, that we must band together to protect them from time-to-time.

Call Gold Hill City Hall - (541) 855-1525.

Email them - recorder@ci.goldhill.or.us.

Let them know that the city police should be supported. The more calls and e-mails the better.

The following stories, listed in chronological order, outline what is going on in Gold Hill:

1. Medford Mail Tribune & Judge Tag-Team Outstanding Police Dept.

2. City Council Members, Judge, and a Reporter team-up to promote their own agenda

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