OF “DR. D”
Answering Your Questions on Health
M. of Lebanon, Oregon writes:
“It seems that whatever I eat, I get heartburn. Any suggestions
Dr. D.?”
Dr. D says: One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. I was hiking in northern Nevada’s stunning Black Rock Desert when I came upon an abandoned cabin. Inside I found an old box of 'Arm and Hammer' baking soda. It was exactly the same shape with dark orange and dark blue lettering as a box you would purchase today. On the back it stated,"for heartburn put one tablespoon in a 8 oz. glass of water." DO NOT EXCEED the one tablespoon because gases can build up and cause your stomach problems and baking soda doesn’t do your body right on a continual basis – not good. Only use the soda trick until you get to town and get your (glass) bottle of organic apple cider vinegar. I hope it works for you Sally. Let me know.
P. of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa writes:
“I have a family history of diabetes. Is there a simple test
I can do to check myself Dr. D?”
Dr. D says: Find a colony of sugar ants (also called piss ants). Place a saucer with your urine on it next to the colony. If they are attracted to it, immediately stop eating white bread, pork products, etc., etc. If they don't, given your family history, you should change your life-style and diet anyway. There are many fine books on this subject. If you want to know which author I like to read, let me know. Freddie do you know how much an ounce of prevention is worth? – Just maybe a pound of cure!
John V.
of Mollala, Oregon asks:
“ I'm 6' 2" and my weight is 280 lbs. My blood pressure
is elevated but my doctor wants to put me on blood pressure medicine.
Do you think I should? I also smoke cigarettes.”
Dr. D says: I say you’re lying to me you hog. Your 100 pounds overweight and you smoke cigarettes and your blood pressure is ‘slightly elevated.’ OOOH-Please!You better start shaving that bacon off you and follow your doctor’s advice. You’re a dead man walking.
W. of Monmouth, Oregon asks:
“I’m considering a breast reduction surgery. Do you think
I should, Dr. D?”
Dr. D says: Tammy you are in luck! I have examined women’s breasts for over 50 years! Women’s breasts naturally fluctuate in size. You speak of no pain or discomfort. RELAX. As for surgery, that’s a one way street. Whatever they cut out of you and is placed in a wastebasket, stays in the wastebasket. You may need it someday.
Take that money you were considering spending and go on a nice vacation. Be thankful for the gifts you were given. The way you describe them to me in your letter, I would call them, perfect.
Joel F.
of Jefferson, Oregon asks:
“Whenever I eat Asparagus, my urine stinks.”
Dr. D says: Not much to go on Joel, but let’s run with it. Does your urine really stink that ‘bad’? If it does, I’d say it is bad. Keep eating the asparagus and get rid of whatever you have inside that is causing the stink – hope that it isn’t the asparagus you are eating. Reverse Engineering: Asparagus has the highest concentration of vitamin C found naturally in any vegetable. According to the only two time winner of the Noble Prize for Medicine ,and a graduate of Oregon State University, Dr. Linus Pauling, a person cannot consume enough Vitamin C. Dr. Pauling suggested 10,000 units daily will keep you young. At age 82, Dr. Pauling was still teaching college level courses. That’s proof in anybody’s pudding. See if an equal amount of vitamin C causes the same stink – if it doesn’t, what does that tell you? Joel, be sure to let me know “how it comes out.”
Roxy M.
Of Portland, Oregon asks:
“What is the best way to get rid of expired prescription drugs?”
Dr. D
says: Try to return your unused pills back to a pharmacy
and have them replaced with fresh ones. Someone told me that federal
law mandates that this exchange is free from all cost. While you are
there ask for a printout of the drug. Expiration dates are very important
because as all other things in this society, they are disposable and
lose their effectiveness. Try to repeat this process as often as you
like. Roxy, study your printout. 96% of that pill is toxic metals
and junk that you and the environment don’t need. Concentrate
on that 4% of ingredient(s) that are helpful to you – then see
if you can find another way to obtain them.
Deano W. Of Kearney, Nebraska writes:
“I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and smoke marijuana. I worry
that I’m compounding my chance of getting lung cancer.”
Dr. D says: Who said two wrongs don’t make a right! The last argument before congress before pot became illegal, was that ‘at least’ it should be available to the cigar and cigarette smokers. Reason: it cleans your lungs. Mechanics: resin in pot is a lighter, stickier substance that adheres to the tar and other dirt in your lungs. The hair like cleansing system in your lungs has an easier time working with resin.
Now that you don’t have to worry so much about your lungs, why don’t you take that energy and investigate your other life choices.
C. of Lake Labish, Oregon writes:
“I’ve been asked by my friends to join them in their ‘alternative
style’ of living. I know it’s not natural but is it harmful?
They say by using protection (condom) and a lubricate (water-based)
that everything will be OK. I’m really worried Dr. D and I don’t
know who else to ask. I would deeply appreciate your personal expertise
regarding this painful issue.”
Dr. D says: Daniel, I don’t have any personal expertise whatsoever on this subject – I do recommend however, that you catch a bus.
Roy P.
of Fallon, Nevada writes:
“I’m considering buying a machine ... for removing pollutes
from my body. It consists of a footbath with a small amount of voltage
running thru the water. The cost is $2500. Is it worth it?”
Dr. D says: I placed my feet in the bath and followed the directions to a tee. The water turned dark brown. According to the chart that came with the unit, I was releasing heavy metals from my liver and the poison called nicotine into the water.
On the second test I followed the directions except I placed my feet into impermeable plastic bags. After the required time of 30 minutes lapsed, the water turned the same dark brown color.
On my third test, I didn’t place my feet into the water at all. After the allotted time the water became the very same dark brown color. Is it worth it? You be the judge. If you decide to make the purchase please contact so we can discuss some high desert land I have for sale…
M. of Wilder Idaho writes:
“I was involved in a very serious car accident just over 18
months ago. I’ve had several surgeries and I haven’t worked
since. During this time I acquired several bottles of Ocycodone. I
knew these were very addictive, which is the reason I have so many.
I only took them when I absolutely needed them. What should I do with
these pills now?”
Dr. D says: As your financial adviser, I say SELL! Call 1-800-RUSH- LIMBAUGH. Don’t let him short you. They are worth about $20 bucks a pop.
Todd V.
of Silverton, Oregon asks:
“I’m considering purchasing a magnet necklace for $280
dollars. What are your thoughts on this
Dr. D?”
Dr. D
says: Tests have shown that these necklaces cause a minute
increase in blood circulation around your neck and make you appear
foolish to other humans.
Before buying one I recommend this procedure: Place one foot in front
of the other. Repeat this with increased frequency and tempo. This
will send a message to your heart to increase the circulation thru-out
your entire body. The other benefits that you receive from this exercise
are too numerous to list here.
P. of Gold Beach, Oregon asks:
“I'm an 82 year old widow. My boyfriend wants to come over for
the weekend. His golfing buddies gave him a bottle of Viagra for his
86th birthday. What do you recommend Dr. D?”
Dr. D says: Red or white wine. That’s a coin toss Margie. I do recommend if you have any vacation days coming, use them. Otherwise, plan on calling in sick.
If you have a
health issue that you would like to have investigated by the world-renowned
Dr. D email: editor@usobserver.com,
or write:
Dr. D c/o US-Observer, 233 Rogue River Hwy, PMB 387, Grants Pass,
OR, 97527