July 2005

Demanding Accountability



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To the Editor,

I had a Dissolution of Marriage case held against me in Missouri where the judge later found there was no marriage to be dissolved.

He then created a default Judgment that is extremely vague and oppressive. It creates a pseudo Judicial officer in the words: "Father shall have only rights of visitation as determined by Mother." One who determines the rights of another has the power of a judge.

I tried to vacate the void judgment in Joseph Philips' court by showing him that there was no Marriage to Dissolve. He had it clearly shown to him that there was no Marriage. So he modified the judgment. It now shows that he, Philips, determined that I was both MARRIED and not MARRIED on the face of the judgment.

In order for the law to be respected it must be respectable-this ain't even close.

I have had blackmail, extortion and psychological abuse administered because of the corruption of the Court/State tyranny.

The case continues because I take a stand like Ghandi. I refuse to be forced to act on the ridiculous demands of the state. I was giving child support to Julie until the State of Missouri told me to stop. I was to send the payments to the Department of Child Support of Missouri. I refuse to work with the state if it is going to create such garbage and oppression.

So, I moved to Utah. Now I have the state of Utah trying to enforce a judgment of the court of Missouri. I spent 40 minutes on November 29, 2004 trying to explain to Garth Rand Beacham, a judge in St. George, Utah, that the judgment was void. He refused to understand.

Instead, he added his judgment with the Missouri Judge's adding more garbage to the existing garbage. I notified him that he had an obligation under 18 USC 4 to put an end to the felonies where I am being robbed out of my paycheck without a void judgment.

In the course of the case I found the assistant Attorney General Paul F. Graf in falsification of record where he back dated a document and filed it into court as filed 9 days earlier than it was.

Darrek Trump, a case worker for Office of Recovery Services, perjured himself where he says under oath that he has never signed an affidavit - yet he has one filed in the case with his signature.

The State of Utah and Office of Recovery Services and Attorney General and Derrek Trump are all employees of the state of Utah. The Plaintiff is State of Utah/Office of Recovery Services. Is there any question which way the states employee, Beacham, has ruled?

I have been Robbed by the State of Utah. I have been Robbed by Beacham. I have been Robbed by Office of Recovery Services. I have been defrauded by Beacham. I have been Blackmailed by Julie Zitting. I have had my children held hostage for documents (Extortion). I have had my children held hostage for money (Extortion). I have been literally made to beg and repeat begging until I "get it right" - but it's okay since the court said she could.

I have been working with the courts for nearly 4 years to clean up the mess that these felons in black dresses (judges) have made. But they can make up rules on the fly and hold me to much stricter rules than they do attorneys. As long as the state can steal a little money - who cares?

Steven Bradshaw
St. George, UT

Dear Editor,

I read the article by Ron Lee on The Master's Miracle and I just can't believe it! I think someone is lying and doing anything they can to cause trouble for The Master's Miracle. I have used it for the last 4 years and I have bought it for my friends and family and there has never been a complaint about anything. In fact, I have heard several tell me how the fortified Mineral neutralizer has given them more energy than they had before.

My 10 year old grandson had an aneurism in his right artery that was 4ml in size, and the doctor said if it got to a size 8 they would have to do surgery. The next month when he went for his checkup it had grown to a size 5. His mother put him on using the neutralizer every morning and when they went back to the doctor for his check up, it was completely gone!

I'm sorry, but I just don't believe your article. Reporters seem to be all the same. They only report the bad and not the good. You get a good christian company with a good product and just because maybe a little batch does get bacteria in it, which can happen to any product and any company, and they go off and report it like it was meant to be that way and to make it sound like the company is lying to you and cheating you. Well, what makes your reporter any better? Who is to say that he is not lying and cheating just to get a sensational story.

So the 79 year old Adie Wickers of Seattle started going down after the formula change. That doesn't mean it was the formula, it could be something going on with her body. It was just last week that my aunt came up and told me that since she started on that neutrlizer she has more energy, so I am sorry, but I don't believe all this story is the truth. I believe that the ex distributor Dave Greer is angry at them and doing anything he can to make things look bad for them. I also read articles on Clayton Tedeton and according to the article I read, his neutralizer also contains bacteria and is not allowed by Canada, so maybe you need to investigate that also. Just do a google search on Clayton Tedeton like I did and you will find all kinds of articles that are negative.

In the meantime, tell your reporters to report everything even the good, not just the bad.

Marilyn Hampton

Editors Note: It has, in fact, been established that Clayton Tedeton’s product Miracle II neutralizer has been blocked by the Canadian government from importation due to Ecoli being found in the product just as Master’s Miracle has for the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas flourescens/putida and Enterobacter cloacae . The focus of the article referenced above was to inform the public that a company admitted the existence of a bacteria in their product which had potential health risks.

One, however, has to wonder why a person would back a company who tells their people to destroy marketing materials referencing eye use, that according to Master’s Miracle were not company assertions but that of a few rogue distributors. They lied in their health alert statement to protect their own interest, which was established by the evidence uncovered in the “Blindness and Death with Impunity?” article. Why wouldn’t they lie to their own people to do the same? A good “Christian” company wouldn’t do that.

Dear Editor,

I want to personally thank you for your help in our property dispute with Los Angeles public officials. Words can’t describe the relief we feel when we realize our 3-year fight is over.

We paid our attorneys’ over $20,000 to accomplish nothing for two years other than to create more litigation. We paid you far less to get the job done within 3-months.

Edward Snook, you are something else! Your intervention and success on our behalf has totally changed our minds about being able to reason with government and get them to do the right thing.

We have pondered what you told us of how people you have helped in the past would disappear once they were out from under the gun. Be assured that we will continue to support the efforts of the US Observer and other innocent victims.


Brad and Linda Ford
Los Angeles, California

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