Dirty Rat Attorney,
and Life-Sucking Agency
in Oregon?
Note: Recently, the US~Observer was contacted by Henry and Linda Ebert
of Southern Oregon who relayed a story of elder abuse, foster profiteering,
family rights violations, and of an attorney who did everything he could
do to keep the progress of their case at a standstill - even sabotaging
it completely.
US~Observer will be investigating these claims. Should you have any
information on Living Case Management (D.D. Services), Oscar Nealy,
or SPARC call 541-474-7885.
Lila Newheiser
requested several times for us, Henry and Linda Ebert, to obtain guardianship
of her 40-year-old son Franklin Newheiser who has Downs Syndrome, because
Lila had failed to appoint Henry as guardian in her living trust or
Fred is
currently in foster care and was living with foster care provider Marie
Shepherd when Shepherd refused to take Fred the four blocks to Beacon
House of Rest where Lila resided, with the exception of when Lila was
first admitted there. Also, Community Living Case Management, formerly
know as D.D. Services of Josephine County, refused to promote and enforce
reasonable visitation as they said they would. Lila had severe short-term
memory loss & osteoporosis. Lila even kept falling out of her bed
looking for Fred. Lila fractured her shoulder on 4/5/05 while doing
this. After picking her up at the hospital ER after treatment, we phoned
SPARC where Fred worked.
Lori Briggs
tried to refuse a visit between Lila & her son but then reluctantly
allowed 5 minutes. Fred & Lila were ecstatic to see each other.
This lack of visitation with Fred was causing Lila & her family
much stress & hardship. The Eberts had tried every avenue to resolve
this to no avail! Unacceptable mental abuse was being done to 83 year-old
Lila & Fred. Therefore Henry & Linda Ebert petitioned the court
for guardianship not conservatorship of Fred through attorney Oscar
Nealy of Grants Pass, Oregon.
mental & physical health continued to deteriorate. She was admitted
to Hospice 6/1/05 & still no visits from Fred until the Hospice
nurse called Shepherd. Shepherd brought Fred to see Lila a few times
in June then stopped for 2 months until Ombudsman person, Mrs. Scott,
got involved in the last week of August 2005.
After Fred
was served with guardianship papers that he could not read or understand,
Shepherd refused Linda Ebert to take Fred to visit his mother as in
the previous year, 2004. This refusal seems to be about control &
being paranoid of the Eberts moving Fred and causing her loss of income.
We had no intentions or plans to move Fred, as he seemed happy there.
This was a very cold uncompassionate criminal thing to do to both an
elderly dying woman & a Downs Syndrome adult. This is descriptive
of mental cruelty done by Marie Shepherd, D.D. Services, & Lori
Briggs at SPARC Enterprises. They all did not promote family relationships.
They are anti-family in this. How many families have they damaged &
how many in the future could be if this is not stopped?
Oscar Nealy
contributed to this by ignoring false statements (brought to his attention
by Henry Ebert) in objection letters to the court by Shepherd, Danielle
Crowder of D.D. Services, & Lori Briggs at SPARC, who all stated
that Fred does not want his brother, Henry, to be a part of his life,
etc., but he adores his mother. Fred is very happy to see us, hugging
us when we visit him at SPARC & elsewhere! There are many witnesses
to this fact. Nealy treated these letters to the court as gospel truth.
This shows poor judgment & incompetence! One example of this is
a quote from Shepherd’s letter to the court, “We all had
the best time in the rain. We were all dripping wet eating our lunch
soaking wet.” This statement should have been a red flag to Nealy.
A picnic in the rain is not something a prudent care provider would
do in charge of someone like Fred who has frequent head colds &
ear problems. Furthermore, Nealy’s office failed to notify the
Eberts of a 7/14/05 objection hearing. Nealy lied to the Oregon State
Bar, falsifying a phone message from Linda Ebert that was to have occurred
less than 3 hours before this hearing stating Henry was in Sparks, Nevada!
The court records state the Eberts were not notified of this hearing.
Nealy did
not keep the Eberts informed of the progress, etc. of case #05P0131.
Shortly after notifying Nealy that Lila was dying, the Eberts were notified
by phone by Nealy’s office that a rescheduled objection hearing
for 10/4/05 was cancelled, which proved out later to be another ploy
to deceive us. We didn’t find out until August 2, 2006 (nearly
10 months later) through attorney Loren Huertz that Nealy, without our
knowledge or consent, dishonestly and illegally got a Judgment of Dismissal
closing this case! Upon Huertz showing us this on the remote case register
computer printout, we were shocked beyond belief. Dismayed that Nealy
sold us out while Lila was on her death bed (deceased 10/7/05), Huertz
informed us that we would have to start over again at great expense
to us.
We feel
betrayed by Nealy. This was a premeditated cold uncompassionate immoral
& criminal thing to do. Where are the laws, safety nets that protect
the elderly, people like Fred & their families? As Lila would say
of this, “A Dirty Rat Attorney…” It looks to us like
Nealy took a bribe. Who & or what influenced Nealy to do such an
underhanded dastardly deed? Henry Ebert had implicitly told Nealy to
put this case on hold!! Nealy lied to the Oregon State Bar in writing
that we were all in agreement to dismiss this case. The main objector
was paranoid Shepherd who thought she would lose income if the Eberts
were granted guardianship of Fred.
Per the
Oregon State Bar, there are implications of 8 RPC code violations against
Nealy who recently submitted his resignation to the Oregon Bar. For
more information please contact Oregon State Bar (800) 452-8260. We
pray for justice. Re-open this case.
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