Officer Lassiter -
Nothing but a bully with a badge?
Ron Lee
The Verbal Assassin
- Bethany Police Officer Robert Lassiter has made quite a name for himself
in many parts of the community, and he isn't winning any popularity
contests. In fact, it's quite the opposite. People are out-and-out afraid
of him and have painted him as a rampaging cop who is hell-bent on getting
anything he wants. And, strangely enough it seems like he is succeeding.

Officer Robert Lassiter
his continued pursuit and harassment of a man whose wife he was allegedly
having an affair with, and according to an investigator, even having
her bent over the hood of a car at the end of a dirt road while he was
on duty ... Oops, embarrassingly, it was caught on tape by the investigator
hired by the husband of the cheating April Barton. Oh wait, Lassiter
confiscated the video and it has even been alleged that he had a hand
in altering it to omit the tasty details. Evidently, the investigator
has filed suit against the city for the sum of $125k for his wrongful
imprisonment when Lassiter confiscated the video and threw him in jail
for "interfering with a police officer". Interfering with
his groove is more like it.
who is still involved with April Barton, has expanded his harassment
of April's ex, Tom Barton, to Tom's family and Lassiter has gone so
far as to cite Tom's parents for moving violations which were subsequently
thrown out of court. But, Lassiter's almost daily cruise by Tom's house
this case isn't just about harassment, it gets down-right insidious,
or at least seemingly so. Tom Barton is being accused of sex crimes
and Lassiter was the initial reporting officer. It's highly likely Lassiter
was already involved with April prior to the charges and Lassiter is
rumored to be friends with the accusing families. Something just doesn't
seem right with this picture, especially when you uncover the facts
in the case against Barton, which I have. (For more on the Tom Barton
case please go to and search for Barton.)
the Bethany Chief of Police, Neal Troutman, thinks Lassiter is a problem,
too, but has said there isn't much he can do. But, one has to wonder
if Troutman would do anything at all. I mean, when Lassiter was almost
literally caught with his pants down with April Barton, Troutman dished
out a stiff 3 day suspension for "conduct unbecoming a police officer
and violating the department's policy on professionalism." Wow,
what a joke. Perhaps, Lassiter acts the way he does because it is tolerated.
the time has come to do something about it. It's time to take a stand.
That's what you have to do with bullies, and it seems to me like officer
Lassiter is nothing more than a bully with a badge.
Bethany City Manager, John Shugart at 405-789-5005 as it seems like
he is the only person of authority who can do anything about Lassiter.
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