June 2007

Demanding Accountability

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Gold Hill, Oregon
A Game Plan
to Destroy a City

By Dean Muchow
Chief of Police

We live in an age of domestic terrorism as well as international terrorism. In Oregon we have local terrorists groups such as the “Anarchists.” These groups burn down car lots and timber offices. Small groups like these cause immense harm. They overcompensate for their lack of self esteem by attacking anyone they perceive as better than they are or in authority. It makes them feel like their loser lives mean something.

Most normal people are satisfied with their self-esteem or at least they don’t feel the need to attack anyone or anything to cover-up inadequacies they possess.

Sometimes the “terrorists” come in small packages. They don’t cause immense harm in the form of vandalism but they dig in like a tick with local government. It satisfies their egos, it gives them a feeling of power, and false self respect.

Small towns have many great attributes. However, quite often some of these glib losers latch on to a local council seat or commissioner’s seat. They use their new-found power like a drug to intimidate anyone they feel inferior to.

The well being of the entity they serve means nothing to them if it threatens their ego. They will destroy everyone and everything around them to protect their false impression of themselves. It goes something like this:

I’ve seen a situation where one of these losers at life, a “wolf” if you will, set out to attack the local police department. He gathered a group of supporters. They amounted to half the city council. They sent out false and defamatory statements and literature, false charges, “busy work” and attempted to micro-manage the police department and its chief.

They supported convicted criminals and held them in esteem if they were already in their group, while at the same time they were relentless in attacking anyone around them that would give the city a chance.

Eventually the insurance company came into the picture. They knew instantly the city could be sued if these councilors did not change their ways. The insurance company did what it could. They spoke with the “wolves” (councilors) and tried to appeal to their better side. The insurance company knew these “terrorists” were setting the city up for a no-win lawsuit and raised the deductible tenfold. That meant nothing to the “terrorists.” They kept blaming their targets, the police.

The wolve’s goal was to eliminate the police chief and the department.

The good, kind, and gentle members of the council didn’t have the heart to confront the “wolves” and just kept hoping they’d stop, much like a battered wife. They did win a few victories like gaining a council seat or two but each time they did the attacks spread to them as well. Just like the battered wife, they were either eliminated or they sought to appease the “wolves.”

The wolves lied often enough and attacked often enough that even good people began to believe some of what they said, but the insurance company knew better. They threatened to cancel the city’s insurance because the “wolves” kept digging the hole for the city deeper and deeper.

All the while the insurance company kept building its panic button. Not wanting to suffer a large payout they began to turn their sights on the victims of this mess, the police. The threat of canceling the insurance was held as blackmail for the city to ponder. The insurance company had sided with the “wolves” and began to attack the police indirectly.

Even after a state agency found the bad councilors guilty of violating Oregon’s state meetings laws (an Offense), the momentum still rolled against the victims: the police.

The city turned on its police department and terminated its existence, saying it was pure economics. Economics for the insurance company but how about for the people in this city?

Prior to having its own police force this was a town that had a lot of threats to its quality of life due to the “wild and wooly” behavior of those who came there to “raise hell” and the genuine, resident, criminal element.

The local police force had really sent the criminal element away and had a firm control on the other unsavory elements in town.

Now, after having a police department for over five years, the small city will be firmly kicked back to the stone-age, probably never to recover without an immense effort. It will be interesting to see what happens next.

Editor’s Note: This article about Gold Hill, Oregon is a very modest and extremely condensed exposure concerning the events that have occurred over the past few years regarding the City of Gold Hill Police Department and the Gold Hill City Council.

The staff of the US~Observer have been covering local and national politics for over twenty years and we have never seen corruption run so deep, yet so open, as we have witnessed first hand in Gold Hill, Oregon.

Gold Hill was blessed with an extremely talented, ethical and honest Chief of Police back in 2004. Chief Dean Muchow, a person who has never bowed to special interests or to corrupt individuals who seek to control local politics, has been the target of what the US~Observer believes to be the worst case of conspiracy and corruption in all of our years of covering the same. We have witnessed city councilors Gus Wolf, Jan Fish and former councilor Donna Silva lie about, slander, libel and conspire to destroy Muchow and his department. We have witnessed them protect Gold Hill Public Works Director and former, convicted Heroin trafficker Royal Gasso from what we consider to be his current criminal activity.

The council recently voted to disband their exemplary police department. The bad councilors have greatly damaged Chief Dean Muchow and his family; however, these resilient human beings will find a way to restore things. They have also continually attacked and damaged Sergeant Hank Hobart. I would strongly recommend that the three decent city councilors immediately resign their positions so they won’t be in office to share the stench of corruption that has been created by Gus Wolf, Jan Fish, Donna Silva and Royal Gasso. English philosopher Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing.’ The citizens of Gold Hill have allowed evil to flourish and they will, without doubt, reap what they have allowed to be sown.

Thank God I’m not from Gold Hill, Oregon and thank God that Chief of Police Dean Muchow, his wonderful family and Sergeant Hank Hobart can get out of this southern Oregon cesspool…

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