Thomas Moore
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Files 87 False Charges
Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter
Jose, California
– “Fung, I am going to get you.” According to witnesses
this is exactly the statement that Assistant United States Attorney
(AUSA) Thomas Moore made to Sam Fung following a 2002 hearing wherein
Fung had sued IRS agent Dennis Brown to keep him from obtaining access
to Fung’s bank records (find past articles on this subject at Moore, who is currently prosecuting Fung, successfully
defended Brown and this crazed prosecutor is now displaying his unbridled
power to prosecute Fung on conspired, coerced and obviously trumped
up charges…Eighty Seven charges to be exact. For the record, Mr.
Fung’s bank account records turned out to be completely legitimate
as the government found when they ended up obtaining them anyway, and
they reportedly found not one single accounting out of line. Agent Brown
and prosecutor Moore obviously thought they would find National Trust
Services (NTS) or Fountain Head Global Trust’s (FGT) funds in
Sam’s possession but not one dime was ever in his account or control,
nor did he ever have access to these funds. If they would have done
their homework they would have found that Fung was simply an investor
who lost money like everyone else. Void of any concern for truth, a
vindictive Thomas Moore now must set out to destroy Fung, just as he
threatened to.
Sam Fung falsely accused.
filed his “Superseding Indictment” against Sam Fung of Medford,
Oregon on April 12, 2007 in the United States District Court located
in San Jose, California. What this new indictment claims is that Fung
aided in the filing of false tax returns and that he conspired with
one Eric Aaron Lighter of Hawaii to defraud Dr. Irwin Gootnick of San
Francisco, CA and Dr. Morris Brock of Santa Rosa, CA. Both Gootnick
and Brock were NTS clients and they hired Fung to be their “agent
trustee” – per the teachings of NTS. Gootnick and Brock
obtained Eric Lighter’s phone number from Fung because Fung had
hired Lighter to defend him when the IRS started their assault on him
and they believed Lighter would help them as well. The evidence in this
case shows that the smooth talking and extremely deceptive Lighter swindled
Gootnick out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Lighter allegedly
was able to get to the petrified Gootnick because allegedly, Gootnick
has been heavily involved in tax evasion and was worried about prison
time. Brock, after consulting with Lighter reportedly decided to get
a second opinion and avoided Lighter’s trap.
a well polished con man was able to deceive Gootnick, a successful psychiatrist
and businessman just as he was able to deceive Fung. Fung originally
hired Eric Lighter with a $10,000.00 retainer, thinking he was an attorney
and convinced Lighter could save him from the ravages of the IRS. Fung
was constantly coached, drilled and threatened to do as Lighter instructed,
or else. Fung, knowing he was innocent of any crime was none-the-less
scarred of Moore and the IRS agents who had targeted him and he worked
hard to do exactly as Lighter instructed. Lighter told Fung of cases
he had won, even showing Fung a “case he had taken to the United
States Supreme Court.” Fung had no doubt Lighter would protect
him and was blind to the fact that Lighter was using him to both further
his lunatic legal theories and to get next to potential victims who
had been involved with NTS.
Gootnick finally realized that Lighter had swindled him he went to the
prestigious San Francisco law firm of Sideman and Bancroft and hired
Rick Nelson to represent him. Nelson is an ex-AUSA and associate of
Thomas Moore. Emily Kingston, also an ex-AUSA and associate of Moore
was now employed by the same firm as Nelson and interestingly, Kingston
was Sam Fung’s original prosecutor – small world isn’t
it! To this writer’s knowledge Nelson has been able to keep Gootnicks
from getting indicted even though Dr. Wing Ng from Hawaii claimed that
the Gootnicks were laundering money for years from at least one of their
medical practices. Ng, who is also an attorney and CPA continued, “I
am convinced that the Gootnicks’ actual main reason for entering
into the transaction(s) with Lighter was for “insurance”,
in case they were investigated and “found out”; to have
one more person to blame other than Mr. Fung. A Hawaii Bankruptcy Judge
called the Gootnicks tax plan “brazen.”
sued Eric Lighter on Gootnick’s behalf and set out to take Fung’s
deposition regarding his knowledge of Lighter’s alleged swindling.
Fung, who was already under indictment contacted his present public
defense attorney Jack Gordon of San Jose, CA. and told him he needed
assistance during the deposition as the issues that would be discussed
were intertwined with his criminal charges. Gordon disagreed and refused
to assist. During Moore’s first attempt to depose Fung, Fung simply
plead his fifth amendment rights. Immediately, Nelson contacted Magistrate
Judge John P. Cooney and Cooney threatened Fung with jail if he refused
to answer questions even though Fung informed him that he needed legal
counsel. During the deposition Fung was asked questions related to dealings
he had with Gootnick and certain aspects of a taped conversation between
himself and Gootnick. Fung completed the deposition, telling the truth
and not long after he received his “Superseding Indictment”
(SI) from Moore. This SI was directly related to events that were covered
in the civil deposition and Sam Fung, without question, should have
had legal advise. Obviously, Moore was well aware of the taping and
was using Nelson to attempt to get something on Fung. The SI is full
of truth about Lighter, however, Moore has named Fung as a partner of
Lighters when nothing could be further from the truth. Fung’s
signature is not on a single agreement that was signed between Lighter
and Gootnick, nor is Fung mentioned in any of their dealings. Fung had
retained Lighter and was actually swindled every bit as much as Gootnick.
Are we starting to get the picture of how serious Moore was when he
stated, “I’m going to get you Fung.”
new and beefed up SI also contains original charges wherein Thomas Moore
and the IRS agents assisting him claim that Fung aided and assisted
in the filing of false tax returns for a dozen NTS clients. It’s
truly amazing that none of the twelve have been charged with any crime
when Moore is claiming their tax returns were false. Obviously, Moore
has granted the twelve individuals immunity in return for their willingness
to place the blame on Fung when his trial takes place. The truth about
Fung’s aiding and assisting is that he bought a computer program
that generated tax returns. The twelve individuals provided Fung with
their numbers, he entered them into the computer and the returns were
then generated. Fung could possibly be guilty of preparing tax returns
without a license, however, if anyone is guilty of filing false returns
it is the twelve who provided the numbers. We can rest assured that
the twelve will deny this fact at trial, as they have been well coached
by Moore and the IRS agents involved, but there denial just won’t
hold up, because an examination of the teachings of NTS, which all twelve
were taught will expose any denial as perjury.
the late 1980’s Fung was invited to an NTS seminar. He was completely
impressed with the teachings, just as hundreds of professionals over
the years have been. Fung’s main business has been commercial
real estate, however he believed the NTS trust system would be the perfect
vehicle to afford him the “American Dream” and assist in
ensuring his financial freedom. According to witnesses who taught and
promoted NTS, Sam Fung was always concerned with the legality of NTS,
asking questions and receiving answers on many occasions.
watched IRS agent Dennis Brown attack NTS throughout the 1990’s.
He watched Brown perform raids on NTS headquarters twice, where NTS
records and computers were seized, only to be returned. Everything that
happened during Fung’s involvement with NTS bolstered his belief
in the legality of NTS, just as it did for hundreds of highly successful
businessmen and women who took part in the program.
Fung was indicted in August of 2005 he hired attorney Gilbert Eisenberg
from San Francisco, paying him a $35,000.00 retainer. Fung was soon
forced to file his own motions due to this attorney’s alleged
negligence and failure to investigate and present a proper defense,
at which time Eisenberg resigned. Next, Fung hired Oregon attorney Terrance
McCauley, paying him a $60,000.00 retainer. When Fung finally realized
that McCauley wasn’t properly representing him and that McCauley
had conflicts of interest with his case he fired McCauley and asked
the court for a public defender due to the fact that his first two attorneys’
had stripped him financially.
court appointed attorney Cynthia Lie from San Jose, CA. Fung was confident
that Lie would properly investigate his case, however, after Ms. Lie
had received Sam’s discovery from his prior attorneys and prosecutor
Moore and after she had them in her possession for months she wrote
Fung and informed him that she had a conflict of interest and couldn’t
represent him since her office represents Leroy Fritts, a defendant
in the governments case against certain NTS instructors.
2007 attorney Jack Gordon of San Jose, CA was appointed to represent
Fung. To date, Gordon is falling right into Eisenberg’s and Terrance
McCauley’s footsteps – no investigation, won’t return
countless emails from Sam Fung, no witnesses have been spoken with and
no obvious motions to dismiss have been filed. These examples show any
prudent person why government prosecutors generally claim a 96 per-cent
conviction rate – most attorneys conduct little if any needed
work on criminal cases before they escort their clients into the cattle
chute (court) for slaughter.
Moore can threaten to get Sam Fung, he can protect obvious criminals,
he can twist the truth into a knot and nothing is done by those handed
the responsibility to vigorously defend Sam Fung. I have spent nearly
two years investigating the entire issue of NTS, FGT, Eric Lighter’s
activities, Fung’s involvement with these programs and the actions
of all the players and I’m just beginning to get to the real truth.
How can any attorney wait until a few weeks before trial to prepare
for such an involved case? This is exactly the direction Jack Gordon
is heading and the answer is – he can’t. If Fung doesn’t
get competent counsel who will spend the required time to learn and
then present the factual evidence that has been compiled, there will
never be a fair and impartial trial for Mr. Sam Fung. As always, it’s
truly amazing to this writer how people like Thomas Moore can sleep
at night. Maybe the all-powerful Moore can find some “legal”
angle to shut people like me up…all of us here at the US~Observer
know that he would love to do just that.
miss our next edition where we will expose months of investigation into
NTS, FGT and Roy Fritts, the founder of NTS. When all the forgeries
are uncovered and the absolute criminal activity by Rick and Karla Prescott
and others is closely examined the truth about Roy Fritts is coming
in much clearer – is it possible that Roy Fritts was a victim
of criminal activity, just like the hundreds of investors who lost out?
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