June 2007

Demanding Accountability

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The US~Observer
is Born!
First Franchise Expected to Help
Many in OK

Oklahoma Capitol Building

Oklahoma City, OK - The US~Observer prides itself on vindicating the innocent through its unique method of public exposure of the corruption in our justice system, as well as individuals who wrongfully target others for personal gain. To this end, the US~Observer has sought like-minded individuals in each state who are willing and able to franchise the US~Observer to defend the freedoms of their local citizens by employing the proven methods the US~Observer has established through its many years of publication. It is the US~Observer's honor to announce its first franchise, the US~Observer Oklahoma based in Oklahoma City.

With backgrounds in journalism, an in-depth knowledge of false charges and wrongful prosecutions, and experience with the US~Observer's unequaled approach, the individuals heading the US~Observer Oklahoma truly are willing and able to take-up the monumental fight for truth and justice all across Oklahoma.

Look for the first exciting edition to be released this month and on the web at www.usobserverok.com.

Editor's Note: Should you know anyone in Oklahoma who has been falsely charged or prosecuted call the US~Observer Oklahoma at 405-246-9444.

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