June 2010

Demanding Accountability

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Hart v Hart
Update and Correction

By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

Tom Hart
Tom Hart Jr.

Josephine County, OR - June 15th 2010, at 8:30 a.m. is the date and time set for a settlement hearing in Josephine County regarding the case of Hart v Hart. See our article, “Hart v Hart - A Case of Elder Abuse - Hatred and Destruction” at www.usobserver.com.

The continuing saga of Hart v Hart is beginning to take shape. According to Anna Hart’s legal counsel, he is currently in the process of filing a motion to remove Tommy Hart Jr. as Trustee for the Hart Trust. This is something that Thomas Hart Sr. had already done before his untimely death in June of 2009, however like most of his last wishes this has been ignored or better yet, skirted.

Thomas Hart Sr. left clear instructions that his Trust was to pay off his and Anna’s home and related bills upon his death and that she was to receive the sum of $400,000.00. Anna has been making her own monthly house payments and other related bills and she hasn’t received the money due her from the Hart Trust. Her attorney is preparing motions on these issues.

Mrs. Hart’s attorney Foster Glass has also stated that he intends to have the Elder Abuse lawsuit filed by Thomas Hart Sr. prior to his death, against Tommy Hart Jr. and others filed.

The issue of a Contempt of Court order against Mrs. Hart will be addressed at a hearing scheduled for June 25, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. at the Josephine County Courthouse, wherein she was ordered to give an accounting for some stock that she sold that was in her name at the time of Hart Sr.’s death. Glass stated to this reporter, “As a matter of law, this was Anna’s money, not belonging to the Trust.” This hearing should be a real eye opener for those planning to attend.

Ed Talmadge
Attorney Ed Talmadge

At an earlier hearing Anna’s former attorney Ed Talmadge, agreed to hand over her stock to the Trust so they could pay her bills with it, telling her that she had no choice. Anna, who was in no condition to make any agreements at the time, reportedly told Talmadge after the court hearing, not to sign any agreement forcing her to turn over stock that was hers. Anna has since used this stock money to support herself and to pay the bills that the Trust had been instructed to pay. It appears that Anna was given bad advice by Talmadge, however this is the issue to be dealt with on June 25th.

Look for the “much more in-depth information” regarding the continuing Hart Estate Case in our next edition, as the “wheels of justice” are turning very, very slowly right now…


In our last edition we published, “Ashland Attorney Gary Turner curiously withdrew the elder abuse suit.” This is the elder abuse lawsuit that Thomas Hart Sr. filed against his children. We should clarify that it was reported to us that Turner dismissed the suit that he filed against Tommy Hart Jr. and others and that report made sense, because we couldn’t imagine any other scenario. Attorney Gary Turner has informed us that he did not dismiss the elder abuse suit that he filed for Thomas Hart Sr. We have checked the record and find that he didn’t dismiss the suit, he reportedly turned the case over to the attorneys representing the very person that he had sued for elder abuse – Tommy Hart Jr. Tommy Hart Jr. subsequently dismissed the suit that had been filed against himself by his own father. Does this make any sense at all? Only if you understand how our broken legal system operates.

Attorney Gary Turner also asked us to correct the statement that he had failed to return our phone call to his office. We made the phone call, a female answered the phone and she informed us that she would give the message to Attorney Gary Turner

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