By Ron Lee
I am so sick of the whining and whimpering heard throughout the country.
From conversations in small cafes, to group meetings and town-hall style
functions, people gather and vent their frustrations with our current debacle
of a government system. Self-proclaimed patriots shake one of their fists
while clutching their caramel vanilla quad latte in the other. They rant,
then run home to catch the latest or most popular reality TV series. It's
no wonder we are losing our country when too many are too comfortable to
be bothered to give up the small conveniences they have. In other words,
they are all cowards.
Don't get me wrong, it's
great that people are at least seeing that there is a problem with a government
that has grown beyond its means into an entity
that prescribes almost every aspect of our living; that continuously places
more debt on the backs of its citizens; that makes laws that only apply to
the people, and not to those who "make" the laws. But, where is
the real outrage? Where is the voice of the many? Why do people still subscribe
to the right vs. left ideology when it is so obviously controlled? Fear.
I firmly believe people, even many of the outspoken, are, when it comes right
down to it, afraid to stand for what is right.
I recently attended a
town-hall meeting in Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, where the topic
of discussion
was the federal government's bid to
abscond with yet another 70,000+ acres of county land - to be turned into
a "protected" zone. Protected from what, you might ask? People.
And, from the use of that land for whatever purpose the county deems fit
in order to generate any kind of income in this gloomy economic time.
Like many areas around
the country, Josephine County faces some tough times. The federal government
is going
to stop paying subsidies for land that used
to generate county revenue through the O&C Act of 1937. In essence, the
Feds are financially starving Josephine County (among others), while also
ensuring the county can never be self sufficient by taking even more land
from it, and locking it away from the county's profitable use. Josephine
County faces an absolute devastation of its public safety department, among
many other needed services. But hey, the forest will be protected!
During the town-hall meeting, there were some great presentations regarding
this boondoggle, yet the audience was notably quiet throughout. While there
were a few sighs and scoffs, there was no clear reaction of disdain. It seemed
as if the people knew that what the Feds were proposing was abhorrent, yet
figured it's just one more thing the government is doing, and nothing can
be done about it. They acted as if they were the perpetual victims, and by
doing so, they are and will forever be!
Where is the action? Sure, there were some ideas floated about filing suits
and playing the court game, or trying to get legislation passed through,
but there was nothing suggested that showed the true resolve of the people.
Here is my idea... Just log the land. Mine the minerals. Build the roads.
Just do it! What can they do?
We have a Constitutional Sheriff in Josephine County named Gil Gilbertson.
He is a great man who cares deeply for the people he serves. Gilbertson has
already stated that he would stand in the way of the federal government if
they were trampling on his citizens constitutional rights, and I believe
he will! If they don't have the backing of the local law enforcement, then
they don't have much recourse.
We need to learn from the environmentalist who chain themselves to trees
or sit in the roads. We need to be proactive! We need to do!
But, even the most staunch
patriots, like Gilbertson, waver under the pressure the Feds can apply.
It has been
reported that Gilbertson was threatened by
the Feds after a letter he wrote to them regarding jurisdiction went public.
My sources tell me that Gilbertson's wife's assets were threatened - that
if he pushed, they'd push back. Even though I know he will stand by his people,
Gilbertson’s support of some of the more provocative methods to generate
revenue for the county has seemingly wavered.
How wonderful it would be if the people rose up in support of this man!
He does it for us! With the support of his people, I know Gilbertson would
do just about anything he could to ensure the Constitution reigns supreme
in this county.
I hope the people don't let him down if he ever needs us. I won't!
Nationally, do something courageous! Take a stand! Don't be too afraid to
act for the sake of losing belongings or percieved freedoms. Get over all
of the rhetoric and seek to understand your fellow citizen. You'll find that
right or left, everyone is afraid of where America is now. We can all agree
that concentrated power in the hands of the few is not what America was founded
And, please, remember
had our founders feared the repercussions of their actions, we would still
be a
part of England. Their oath is as applicable
today as it was then, "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our
fortunes and our sacred honor."
The time is approaching that we must show a united resolve that the People
are the power. I'm not calling for armed conflict, instead the people can
influence a great many things through a united financial stance. We have
the purchasing power. If you don't like something, stop paying for it! If
our communities need to generate revenue, just do it. Our inaction will assuredly
be our undoing.
Will you stand, or will you run? The answer to that question will determine
if America survives or not, and whether we can once again proudly say that
we are truly the home of the brave.
Writer's Note: To those of you who fight daily for the continuance of the
Republic, thank you. You know who you are, and you know that without the
people getting involved, the fight is over.
There is a new
group on Facebook called “The
Tea Party Occupy Connection.” Like
them and lets work together!
Down with King George!