By Andrew Alberti and Edward Snook
Investigative Reporters
Nye County, Nevada – In our last edition US~Observer Chief of Investigations Edward Snook stated, “…DA Brian Kunzi is almost frantic in his efforts to destroy Shirley Matson. Kunzi appears to be hiding some things that are extremely important (damning) and rest assured, we will find out exactly what they are.”
Joni Eastley and her castle (Citadel)
Citizens: Compare your Property Tax Payment
for 2013, with the $583.72 tax that Eastley’s
paid last year for their Castle!
One of the most expensive residential properties in Tonopah, Nevada is owned by former Nye County Commissioner Joni Eastley and her husband Dennis. Let’s cut right to the chase readership.
When allegations of corruption come to the attention of the US~Observer, Edward Snook always instructs that you need to follow the money. He has stated, “corruption always involves the monetary in one way or another.”
Eastley’s paid $583.72 in property taxes for their Castle and the property it is built on in 2013.
According to Nye County records, Eastley’s bought their Castle in 1998 for $145,000.00. One would assume that it was worth $145,000.00 or they wouldn’t have paid that amount. One would also assume that since Bank of America gave the Eastley’s a loan against the property that they required an appraisal equaling the amount of the loan.
Reports uncovered by the US~Observer show that Joni Eastley reportedly stated that she and her husband put an amount equal to the purchase price ($145,000.00) into the outside of their Castle. This would mean that the value of the Eastley Castle was at least $290,000.00 in the tax year 2000. However, Nye County only had a $21,943.00 taxable value on the Eastley Castle for tax-year 2000-2001. While taxable values and market values are different, the fact remains that the Eastley’s are obviously paying far less in property taxes for their Castle than most Nye County homeowners, if you compare true value. Why?
JoVon Sotak, a
writer with Old House Web wrote an article on the Eastley Castle
wherein she stated, “Joni discreetly told me that she and Dennis
have put money equal to the purchase price into the exterior of the
home.” She went on to disclose that Eastley’s spent an
additional $10,000 into re-wiring the home and that they were planning
to restore the basement. Given these figures, the Eastley Castle
would be worth at least $300,000.00, not including the basement restoration
or other work done to the interior of the home. Our experts estimate
the current value of the Eastley Castle at $400,000.00.
It certainly would appear to any prudent person that former Nye County Commissioner Joni Eastley has received favoritism from present and past employees of the Nye County Tax Assessor’s Office and or past elected Tax Assessors themselves. And, there is no question why assessor Shirley Matson was stripped of having a chief deputy appraiser. Certain people wanted Matson to become overwhelmed with duties other than making sure property values were correct. I’m sure Ms. Matson will be doing a lot of checking once she reads this article.
In any event, the ridiculously low, current tax value of $44,274.00 assessed on the Eastley Castle has all appearance of possible criminal or highly unethical activity. Is this part of the reason that Nye County public officials and others attacked Nye County Assessor Shirley Matson so viciously when she was “mistakenly” elected Assessor in the last election? It must be, because no one had any valid reason whatsoever for going after her.
Cheating the hard working, tax paying citizens of Nye County, Nevada is certainly going to make some insiders very nervous, as well it should. Those who are paying double and triple the amount of property taxes compared to Joni and Dennis Eastley are going to be mighty upset when they read this alarming article!
The US~Observer is digging into other tax issues related to past and present Nye County public officials. We are also investigating numerous other tax and money related accusations that allege corruption in Nye County, Nevada.
Again we ask all home owners in Nye County to compare their property to the Eastley Castle and then compare what they paid last year in property taxes with the $583.72.00 amount that the Eastley’s paid on their Castle. Keep in mind when you compare your home and property with the Eastley Castle that if the Eastley’s made such extravagant renovations to the outside of their Castle, you can rest assured that they made significant renovations to the inside as well.
Icing on Top of the Corruption Cake
Joni Eastley is alleged to have been fired from Round Mountain Gold a dozen or so years ago. She went into politics becoming a Nye County Commissioner, reportedly earning a measly stipend of $24,000 dollars a year and after 12 years is now currently termed out. From a commissioner, she was moved laterally (via alleged unlawful tactics) by the Board of Commissioners (with Commissioner Wichman’s alleged influence) in 2013, to the position of Assistant County Manager. I’ll just bet that she has her sights set on the Nye County Manager position and if my bet is right, Nye County Tax-payers had better watch out.
Nye County tax-payers need to pay attention and get involved or just keep on getting screwed.
Anyone with information regarding corruption in Nye County, Nevada is urged to contact Investigative Reporter Andrew Alberti at 775-513-6056 or email to
Edward Snook’s Public Message to Nye County District Attorney Brian Kunzi:
As you can see Kunzi, we have been very busy investigating Nye County alleged corruption and we have barely scratched the surface. We have plenty more issues to bring to the citizens of Nye County once we have confirmed validity and most of them are far more serious than the Eastley Castle one.
I am fully aware of the many statements you have made about my “rag” US~Observer, about your ability to file a lawsuit, etc. I am also completely aware of valid complaints that have been presented to you that you have done absolutely nothing about. Rest assured Mr. Kunzi, I would welcome a frivolous lawsuit, and in fact I would gladly pay your filing fees. It would be extremely interesting to see you attempt to answer the many questions I have for you.
At this time I would again urge you to start seeking justice and simply do what is right. You still have the ability to call me and make things right in Nye County. When and if you call I suggest you start our conversation by assuring me that you will personally see that Nye County Tax Assessor Shirley Matson is reimbursed the $45,000.00 plus she has coming. You absolutely know what this amount is all about.
Further, given your track record, I don’t expect you to do anything about the damning information in this article, other than to attempt to cover it up.
If you continue on the road you have taken, the time will soon come when my phone line will no longer be available to you. When that occurs, I would make the educated guess that your career and reputation will go exactly the same direction as your predecessor Robert Beckett (crooked former Nye County District Attorney).
My direct number is 541-291-6052 Brian, call me.
Every tax-paying citizen in Nye County should be enraged after reading about this corruption. If they are responsible, they will pick up their phone, call District Attorney Brian Kunzi at 775-751-7080 and give him a piece of their mind.