May 2006

Demanding Accountability

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Mail Tribune Continues Spreading Lies
Councilors Lie To City Attorney & What About Judge Leahan?

Gus Wolf, Donna Silva, Jan Fish

By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

Gold Hill, Oregon - An article published in the Medford Mail Tribune on April 21, 2006, by Sanne Specht (naturally) and titled, “Gold Hill council members to face recall,” was arrogant, void of fact, and shows the desperate methods Specht, Wolf, Silva, and Fish (bad councilors and one bad reporter) will go to in an attempt to run the city as they see fit while getting rid of the police department in the process. The Tribune’s liability from the slanderous and libelous article(s) written by Sanne Specht over the past few months is mounting.

Sanne Specht

The bad councilors stated agenda in Specht’s article is to bring “accountability” to the police department. They have had every opportunity to oversee and look into all issues with the police department. Indeed they did so in August of 2005, when Donna Silva and Gus Wolf questioned Chief Muchow’s spending in the construction of the city’s new police station. When reading the following facts and the false allegations contained in the Medford Mail Tribune articles concerning the police chief and how he has handled his budget, be apprised that city auditors just went over the chiefs budget and praised him (in writing) for his handling of the police budget. This is significant especially in light of the fact that gas prices have soared between 100% - 150% during this budget period. It seems that those councilors being recalled have swept this fact under the carpet out of sheer desperation.

Facts About The Police Station

For example; a flooring contractor donated a $4,700 commercial tile floor to the police station and the chief gave him a $200 gift certificate in appreciation. That’s a $4,700 value for $200 dollars. It was all out in the open for anyone to see. Why is that lacking “accountability?” He also bought lunches for people who worked for FREE. In fact, Gus Wolf worked part of one day painting the station. He had no problems accepting the food, beverages, and desserts, provided by Chief Muchow (pictured above). If it bothered him so much, why has he not paid the city back for the gift?

The chief spent just under $9.00 for two micro-brews while having dinner at a chief’s conference. He reimbursed the city $10.00. However, Sanne Specht would have a reader believe Chief Muchow spent far more on “alcohol.” What a desperate attempt by a political activist who calls herself a reporter.

This issue was resolved when it became obvious Chief Muchow had not misspent any funds at all. In fact, he’d donated a large amount of his own time and money to the project as well. He, and volunteers, built a police station worth approximately $150,000 for about a tenth of that. Nevertheless, the chief reimbursed the city $800 out of his own pocket. The council voted to return it to him in August of 2005. Neither the league of Oregon cities attorney nor the Gold Hill City attorney had any problem with what the chief had spent. Neither did the majority of city councilors at the time. Now the bad councilors are attacking the chief for their decision. Chief Dean Muchow should have received an award for his efforts, not only from building the police station, but for his efforts to save the city on police vehicles and needed repairs on them.

The fact is Gus Wolf and Donna Silva have never wanted a local police department. Silva has stated this in open council meetings, but said she “supported it” because the public supported it. Gus Wolf has been actively campaigning to eliminate the local police since before Chief Countryman came to town and more so recently. Jan Fish has been much more cunning in her attempts to decimate the police department than her two very ignorant partners.

All three “recallees” say there is no accountability but cannot say what exactly the department or the chief isn’t accountable for. The fact is that Gus Wolf, Jan Fish, and Donna Silva are nothing more or less than three incompetent and hypocritical trouble-makers with their own agendas and ulterior motives.

Wolf Slanders Chief and Female Officer
out of Panic

Gus Wolf recently told councilor Price (police liaison), and citizens, that Chief Muchow is having an affair with one of his female reserve officers. Wolf didn’t realize that the female reserve officer had returned to work and was riding with Chief Muchow as an officer. The US~Observer conducted an in-depth investigation upon hearing this accusation and found it to be completely false, just like every other accusation we have investigated concerning Chief Muchow and his department. It would be wise for Gus Wolf, the Medford Mail Tribune and other conspirators to be a little more concerned with their damaging false accusations, which will certainly bring forth legal actions against them. We are informed that their day of accountability in a courtroom is not far off.

Gold Hill Police Shine Amidst Attacks

The police department has continued to deliver its fine service to the people of Gold Hill and the community in spite of the almost daily landmines provided by Wolf, Fish, and Silva. It is amazing to this writer how Chief Dean Muchow and his officers can continue to deliver their quality service as they face false accusations on a daily basis by desperate and despicable individuals. Muchow recently and single-handedly arrested a dangerous rapist in Gold Hill. His effort garnered him a letter of commendation signed by 29 local businesses.

Bad Councilors Caught Conspiring
at Public Meeting

At the April 3, 2006, Gold Hill City Council meeting, Gus Wolf, Jan Fish and Donna Silva got caught publicly attempting to conduct one of their not-so-well contrived conspiracies. Wolf added the topic of replacing councilor Tom Daly to the meeting agenda. According to Daly, Wolf contacted him a week prior to the council meeting, seeking his support to get rid of the police department. An ethical Councilor Tom Daly refused to conspire with Wolf. At this juncture Wolf and company decided to attempt to get rid of Daly, thereby giving the three a majority vote and control of the city council. Wolf made the motion to replace Daly due to a clause in the city charter that states any person who is appointed to the council must run for re-election at the next general election. The council however, had appointed Daly to complete the term of his predecessor which meant he would serve until December 31st of 2009. Daly told the council he had this in writing, but the three councilors aggressively continued their attack. Their more than obvious conspiracy incited Mayor Sherry Young, the media and citizens in attendance, to come to Daly’s aid. After an unsuccessful, yet all out assault by the three bad councilors, Wolf withdrew his motion. Mayor Young stated she wanted to seek advice from the city attorney before acting on the issue, which was the prudent and ethical thing to do. Knowing that they were most likely going to be re-called, the logical explanation for Wolf and company to attempt to replace Daly would be to stack the council and appoint another pre-determined person to help them appoint Wolf as city administrator. They would appoint him for a period of time where the council could not remove him and give him power over the police department. In this position he could simply eliminate the police department, thereby completing their agenda to get rid of a chief who can not be bought or controlled by those infected with the god-syndrome. Gold Hill residents should commend Mayor Young and citizens in attendance for their stand against three terribly dangerous city councilors.

The Mary Goddard Jury
Back From Deliberation

City Recorder Mary Goddard

In our last edition we stated that the jury was still out on Gold Hill City Recorder Mary Goddard as to whether or not she was right in the middle of the bad councilor’s actions. The jury is in and Mary Goddard is guilty. After the April 3rd assault on Daly, Goddard called Daly and told him that if he was relying on the councils meeting minutes in August of 2005, to support his statement that he had it in writing that he was appointed for the full term, it wouldn’t work as Donna Silva had retracted that part of the minutes. How stupid does Mary Goddard think Daly is? Donna Silva, alone, can not retract anything that is voted on by the council as a whole. With this obvious attempt to swindle Daly into thinking anything other than the truth, Mary Goddard has been caught red-handed. After a close review of the history regarding all the attacks on the police department we find that you have also conspired with the bad councilors and lap-dog reporter and political activist wanna-be Sanne Specht. Once Gold Hill obtains a clean city council they should immediately send Goddard packing. This will certainly occur if Gold Hill voters look at the facts and then vote to recall Jan Fish, Donna Silva, and Gus Wolf.

Other Lies Contained in
Specht’s Mail Tribune Article

Specht states, “Muchow was indicted in September of 2004 on misdemeanor charges including official misconduct and theft after resigning as chief of police in Union.” This is a blatant lie. Muchow was not indicted and he cannot control the actions of a rogue district attorney (DA) from Union County, however if Specht knew step one about investigating she would find that the DA’s attempt to indict was unsuccessful. Read the US~Observer Sanne and save yourself great liability. That DA has now announced his resignation and we are informed he will soon be facing an investigation by the Attorney General’s office for prosecutorial misconduct. Gus Wolf wanted Chief Muchow fired for past articles by Specht that contained these same false and misleading charges. Gold Hill residents can thank their city attorney and this writer for saving them a mountain of liability by finding and presenting the truth about these false allegations to those decent council members concerned with representing Gold Hill’s interests.

Jan Fish was supposed to be helping Chief Muchow on the levy but she states the Chief “dropped the ball.” In fact, Fish had not helped at all and the council agreed to wait until a levy could be presented at a general election, therefore not costing the city any money. If the levy passes there will be no gap in coverage as she states. Where was Jan Fish and company when they were needed? They were obviously conspiring on how to get rid of the Gold Hill Police Department instead of how they could properly fund this fine department.

Bad Councilors Lie to City Attorney

On April 15, 2006, councilors Jan Fish, Donna Silva and Gus Wolf sent an email to the Gold Hill City Attorney that contained yet another vicious lie. The email stated, “Scott Jorgenson, of the Rogue River Press, stated later (after the April 3rd council meeting) that Mayor Young told him that she would not ever have let the Councilors vote and if they had tried to she would have adjourned the meeting. She said that she was prepared to have Chief Muchow escort the Councilors from the chambers, again, in clear violation of Oregon State law.” During an April 22, 2006, phone interview with Scott Jorgenson he stated, “This is a completely blatant lie. I never told them anything and Mayor Young never told me any of this.” How will the bad councilors get around this one? They can’t. They are factually attempting to sway the city attorney through the use of absolute lies as they struggle to both destroy others and achieve their own survival. In short, these three have proven they are capable of doing just about anything to deceive their professional advisors and ultimately their constituents.

What About Judge Don Leahan?

Municipal Judge, Don Leahan, attacked the Gold Hill police publicly and with Sanne Specht’s full cooperation some months ago. He implied the police were acting illegally and without integrity over the city’s increase in citations. The bad councilors backed the judge in order to scuttle the police, but finally had to admit there was no provision to support a third officer by citation revenue as purported by Leahan. The city attorney implored them to go into executive session at a prior council meeting so he could tell them about the liabilities regarding what the judge was doing. However, Wolf, Silva, and Fish, did not want to go there. Acting on their attorney’s advice would have quelled yet one more of their childish conspiracies. During our on-going investigation of Judge Don Leahan we have been informed that while acting as presiding judge over the Gold Hill Municipal Court he was charged with DUII (8-26-01) and later plead guilty. He also was reportedly the recipient of several speeding and seatbelt charges while acting as Gold Hill’s judge. Could this possibly be the reason for his groundless attacks on the Gold Hill Police Department? Armed with this knowledge, Gold Hill citizens should demand that their city council immediately get rid of this law breaking judge.

Editor’s Note: Don’t miss our next edition wherein we will fully disclose Leahan’s criminal record…and much more about this tainted individual. By the way; where has Sanne Specht been? Specht is supposed to be providing real news to Gold Hill residents, but obviously she has been to busy stalking excellent police officers to get to the real news. Wouldn’t the headline, Gold Hill Municipal Judge arrested for Drunken Driving be more appropriate than headlines factually containing deceptive lies?

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