Snook, Gary Berlant, Stan Strange
By Edward
Investigative Reporter
(John Taft Contributing)
 Stan Strange and Foster Glass
Snook’s Note - Josephine County, Oregon isn’t the only
place where corrupt prosecutors and bad police officers falsely charge
the innocent and lie to accomplish their goal. This is happening in
most every jurisdiction in this nation.
County, Oregon just happens to be one place where the US~Observer
has completely exposed this corruption by making it public, thereby
offering others, in all localities, the one and only blueprint for
stopping this cancer – Public Exposure… If any of you
are at a loss as to how to stop an innocent person from being completely
ruined, a phone call to 541-474-7885 would be an excellent place to
County, OR – A small town district attorney bloated with pride and arrogance
has been exposed and humiliated for incompetence - the jury that his
office helped select voted in favor of the defendants. The following
case should never have been brought to trial. It’s an indictment
of the Josephine County District Attorney’s Office.
Shortly after 5:00 p.m.
on Friday May 5, 2008, the life altering, 1 ½-year-long attempted
false prosecution of Stanley Strange, Glen Seybold and Louis Pombo
ended when a Josephine County, Oregon jury deliberated for a reported
13 minutes and returned Not Guilty verdicts on all false charges filed
against the three by Josephine County District Attorney Stephen Campbell
back in October of 2006. All three defendants were falsely charged
with Reckless Driving and Strange was also falsely charged with Assault
in the Fourth Degree.
As if the false charges
weren’t enough, District Attorney Stephen Campbell forced these
innocent defendants through three full days of costly trial, cost
the jurors three days from their lives and the taxpayers a substantial
and unwarranted amount of tax-dollars.
This nightmare for Strange
and his fellow motorcycle riders began back on August 27, 2006 when
a car driven by Eric Harris Hill attempted to run the three off Hwy
199, just north of O’Brien, Oregon. Hill was driving his 1984
yellow Mercedes accompanied by fellow cohort Alexander Golden and
Hill’s girlfriend Samantha Pettigrew. The three were supposedly
heading for the northern CA coast for a camping trip, but information
received at the US~Observer would suggest something much, much different.
Upon reaching the town
of O’Brien and after nearly being run off the road, Strange
and Seybold pulled their bikes off to the side of 199, while Hill
stopped his vehicle directly in the middle of the southbound lane
of traffic. As Hill was backing up traffic, Strange went to the drivers
window of Hill’s vehicle and started shaking his finger at Hill
through the open window, as he yelled, “What in the hell did
you think you were doing? Why were you riding my ass, etc.”
Hill quickly hit his electric window button trapping Strange’s
arm. According to eye witnesses, “Hill then took off at a fast
rate of speed, dragging Strange down the Hwy about 20 ft.” Strange
was able to get his arm loose, but only after it was badly injured,
raw and bleeding.
Strange and Seybold immediately
went to McGrew’s Restaurant for help. Upon entering the establishment
Strange asked that someone call 911, which they did, and when asked
what had happened Strange informed those present that the kids in
the car had been trying to run them off the road for the past few
Restaurant patron Darlene
Miller immediately took Strange into another room and began cleaning
and bandaging his injured arm. Ms. Miller testified at trial that
Strange only drank ice water and Seybold and Pombo drank soda pop
during their wait. Strange, Seybold and Pombo waited 1 ½ to
2 hours for the police to arrive and when none showed up Stan left
his phone number and the three rode to Strange’s home. Finally,
at 6:00 p.m. Oregon State Police Officer Joshua Quick arrived at the
Strange home to question the three.
Upon arriving home, Strange
and his fellow bikers opened a beer while Stan took a pain pill to
relieve his throbbing arm. When Quick arrived he inquired about what
had happened. Strange told the officer the entire story and according
to OSP officer Quick he started taking notes. Most officers make note
of all important issues when they take notes from a witness, however
when Quick had to produce his notes during the trial much of his manufactured
court testimony wasn’t contained in the four short paragraphs
he had written during his questioning on August 27, 2006. I should
note that from Quick’s extensive, manufactured evidence from
the witness stand this reporter expected to see two or three pages
of notes. Most of the testimony intended to damage the “hated
bikers” didn’t exist in the officer’s short notes
even though he had explained to the jury how he wrote the notes as
they talked and then how he would go over the notes with the bikers
to make sure they were correct. The bikers adamantly denied making
numerous statements (statements well-intended to convict them) that
Quick attributed to them and nothing appeared in his notes regarding
the damning statements that he was forced to produce during his rebuttal
testimony given the last afternoon of the trial. There is no question
that much of Quick’s testimony was false and created for the
sole purpose of ensuring a guilty verdict – the rebuttal testimony,
very likely created during the last day of trial as Quick and Tran
spent their lunch time in serious conversation, prior to Quick’s
rebuttal testimony. Better luck next time officer – read on
Southern Oregon University
(SOU) students Hill, Pettigrew and Golden were stopped in CA by California
Hwy Patrol Sgt Ryan Stonebreaker after they had traveled well into
CA. The three immediately gave Stonebreaker a well rehearsed story.
They told how hard they tried to call 911, how they had looked for
a place to get assistance, how Hill had been assaulted by Strange
and how devastated they were. Stonebreaker bought their false testimony.
Hill had a scratch near his right eye and a small bruise on his arm
that had already turned black. During trial Hill wanted the jury to
believe that Strange had reached through the window, striking him
in the right side of the face and that Strange had tried to break
his arm. All eye witnesses, including Strange and Seybold completely
refuted Hill’s lies. Attorneys’ Foster Glass and Gary
Berlant pointed out to the jury that bruises don’t turn black
that fast, that the scenario presented by Hill and company never happened
and especially the fact that Hill had multiple opportunities to stop
in populated areas to get help and contact police, but chose to continue
on even though they were worried the bikers would follow them. Glass
was able to get Hill to testify with certainty that when he saw Stonebreaker
pass him (40-plus miles inside California) he immediately pulled to
the side of the road, and that he never heard any sirens. Stonebreaker
told Glass just the opposite. He stated that he not only turned his
flashing lights on but that he turned on his siren as well. Stonebreaker
told the jury that he didn’t do any in-depth investigation,
that he was only assisting a “sister agency” in getting
reports from the occupants of the Mercedes. Actually Stonebreaker’s
testimony that defense attorneys solicited helped to destroy the students
fabricated story – So, why did Josephine County District Attorney
Stephen Campbell, represented in court by an extremely disgusting
and twisted assistant named Nick Tran, pay for officer Stonebreaker
( now stationed in Sacramento CA) to come clear to Oregon? Ask yourself
this question in light of Campbell’s attempts to get more tax
dollars from the public, due to the “allegedly strapped financial
position” in which he currently finds his office. I would suggest
this scurrilous DA shouldn’t get any more funding from the public
in light of the numerous and expensive false prosecutions he pursues,
(paid for with tax-payers’ dollars).
Why Did Quick Manufacture
DA Stephen Campbell and
his office staff, well known for initiating false criminal charges
against citizens who are often the victims of the crime, completely
ignored eye witness testimony. In late 2006 and after this investigative
journalist had obtained affidavits from three separate eye witnesses,
I delivered the affidavits, personally to Stephen Campbell at his
office. Campbell thumbed his nose at the affidavits as he stated,
“Ed, these issues usually need to be decided by a jury.”
I knew as I left this corrupt individual’s office that no one
in this county is safe as long as he remained in office, with the
power to indict anyone of his choosing, with absolutely no investigation
I immediately wrote articles
exposing Campbell and even helped promote numerous protests in front
of the Josephine County Courthouse, where up to 80 people marched
and carried signs with Campbell’s picture and statements claiming
that he falsely prosecutes the innocent. At this juncture (six months
after the bikers were charged) OSP officer Joshua Quick appeared at
the District Attorneys Office and all of a sudden a second police
report magically appeared. This second report appeared to be the words
of Quick; however, at trial it was shown that the words were actually
written by Assistant District Attorney Nick Tran. The second report
fit right into the prosecution’s case against the bikers and
had they not been exposed in open court as fabrications, the bikers
would have likely been convicted. All major points contained in the
second report were completely different than the conclusions contained
in Quick’s first one. All of a sudden “Strange admits
to stopping Hill’s vehicle in the lane of travel at O’Brien.”
The bikers are (were) now “visibly intoxicated” during
the initial interview and “the bikers wanted to project a typical
tough attitude through their attitudes and demeanor.” Quick
and Tran continue their manipulation of the truth; “Hill and
his passengers would not have been a match for Strange, Seybold &
Pombo.” Not enough for a conviction? Quick and Tran further
state, “In Quick’s estimation, Hill and his passengers
were terrified and panic-stricken.” Wow!
What about this out and
out conspiracy?
The bikers were riding
on 7-8 hundred pound motorcycles – Hill was driving an approx.
4,000 pound vehicle. And most importantly Quick never interviewed
Hill and his passengers but Stonebreaker did, so how would Quick know
anything first hand about the students – he wouldn’t.
Further, even with the eye witness affidavits in hand, neither Quick
nor anyone from the District Attorney’s office ever attempted
to locate and speak with one of the three separate eye-witnesses.
In fact, officer Quick, in the last 1½ years has failed to
do any investigation whatsoever – he obviously thought, like
Tran did, that the unbelievable, manufactured fairy tale case would
convict the “dangerous bikers.”
Who Are The Innocent Defendants?
Stanley Strange is a 56-year-old
finish carpenter, now on full social security disability from severe
injuries suffered in accidents; Louis Pombo is a 64-year-old retired
stone mason and Glen Seybold is celebrating his 50th birthday this
year as he works as a welder, metal fabricator at a successful Illinois
Valley gate business. All three take part in toy-runs for underprivileged
children; they assist the elderly in their community on a regular
Strange paid his original
attorney Matthew Galli a $1,500.00 retainer fee. According to Strange,
“Galli originally told me I had a good case and then he started
writing meaningless letters until the retainer was depleted and we
weren’t even to court yet. Next, he started telling me that
I needed to accept a plea bargain the DA had offered. He said there
were problems with my case now and I should accept the deal. I fired
Galli because he was doing nothing to represent my interests –
he was only doing his best to turn me into a ready cash supply and
a guilty person when I was totally innocent.
The Observer got me in
touch with Foster Glass from Bend, Oregon and the Observer continued
working on my case, telling me that I needed to expose the facts and
go to court. Glass became my attorney and the Observer did exactly
what they promised – they exposed all of the facts to the public.
Thank God I listened or I would be just another victim of a corrupt
legal system.” The US~Observer highly compliments (a rare occurrence)
Mr. Glass regarding his tactful and excellent defense of Stan Strange.
Glass and Berlant both ripped right through the false, malicious and
manufactured case against Strange, Seybold and Pombo.
Grants Pass, Oregon attorney
Gary Berlant was appointed to represent Glen Seybold. According to
Seybold, “Berlant has been trying to do a good job and I believe
in him.” The Observer watched Berlant very closely both before
and at trial due to the fact that Grants Pass attorneys rarely give
their clients an adequate defense and most of the time the defendant
loses when represented by a Grants Pass attorney, especially when
represented by a “public defender” (court appointed attorney).
Attorney Gary Berlant was prepared when be began this trial and he
did an exceptional job representing the best interests of his client.
Berlant has shown himself to be both intelligent and resourceful and
Grants Pass could definitely use more attorneys of Berlant’s
Louis Pombo originally
hired Grants Pass attorney Daniel Simcoe, paying him a reported $1,500.00.
Pombo was then forced to go into this trial and represent himself.
Pombo did a superb job being honest at trial – so honest, that
the facts presented to the jury didn’t constitute any crime.
Judge Lindi Baker dismissed the charge against Pombo before his case
reached the jury. Assistant DA Nick Tran had strongly objected to
the motion to dismiss with twisted and groundless comments –
Tran lost!
The US~Observer congratulates
Stanley Strange, Glen Seybold and Louis Pombo. We also congratulate
and hold high regards and respect for the six jurors in this case
who were able to quickly sort through the deceptions and lies presented
to them by Nick Tran who represented Josephine County District Attorney
Stephen Campbell’s personal grudges, prejudices and special
interests. These jurors should hold their heads very high.
The US~Observer also commends
Josephine County Presiding Judge Lindi Baker. Judge Baker, as we have
written in past cases, was a mirror image of justice, patience and
integrity. According to one of the attorneys in this case, “Judge
Baker is in a league of her own and one of the finest judges I have
appeared before – and I have been in front of countless judges.”
The Observer couldn’t agree more…
Note: I sincerely hope that one of these days all the citizens of
Josephine County, Oregon will realize that when DA Stephen Campbell
tells them he needs more money that it is simply because he has wasted
hundreds of thousands of dollars on false and malicious prosecutions
just like this one. We can safely assume that it cost taxpayers between
$75,000.00 and $100,000.00 of combined effort to prosecute and lose
this vindictive case. Important to remember – These innocent
men were all offered plea bargains. If they had taken the “bargain”
the public would never have been apprised as to just how bad and dangerous
District Attorney Stephen Campbell, OSP Joshua Quick and ADA Nick
Tran really are… Our readership should be aware that even though
Nick Tran twisted the truth and lied to the jury in open court, he
was only acting as Stephen Campbell’s sycophant and therefore
the person mainly responsible for this travesty of justice is none
other than Josephine County District Attorney Stephen Campbell.
has neither the temperament nor moral qualities to run a district
attorney’s office. The district attorney’s office has
been hijacked by a self serving few who care little for liberty and
justice for all. County residents need to understand this and take
appropriate action to protect themselves from this renegade DA.