By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter
Bend, Oregon – On
September 7, 2011 a local business owner, his wife and friend were subjected
to a chain of events that quickly turned an evening
of enjoyment into one that the local business owner stated, “has changed
my life forever.” The business owner asked that his name remain confidential
at this time, due to his involvement in the community. He has since, taken
the offensive to proclaim his innocence against a false arrest and assault
IV (4) criminal charge.
During their visit at
Stars Cabaret Night Club in Bend, Oregon the three patrons stated the bartender
was abnormally
unprofessional. After
a very short period of time at the establishment the local business owner’s
wife was informed that she was “cut off from alcohol.” Not knowing
why she was cut off, since she was not intoxicated, the three patrons decided
that they should leave the establishment, after questioning why they had
been treated disrespectful.
The business owner (patron)
stated, “I wasn’t pleased with the
way we were treated, and wanted to know why? I was okay with leaving, but
as a business owner, I wanted to inform management that I felt the way we
were treated wasn’t acceptable. I walked back into the bar and that
is when I explained to Mr. Turel that I was going to be in contact with the
owners to let them know how we were treated.”

Bouncer Stephen
Stephen Turel, a bouncer
at the establishment had reportedly informed the patron that they could
refuse service to anyone. Although the
patron was visibly okay with that decision, he informed Turel that he would
still be in contact with the owners. As the patron exited the establishment,
Turel approached him in a rapid manner. The patron turned just before Turel
could make contact with him and lifted his hands in a defensive manner with
open palms - showing that he didn’t want any problems. Turel then attempted
to lift the patron off his feet and throw him through the glass door as he
was exiting the establishment. In fact, the side of the patron’s head
struck the glass door. In fear for his life, the patron struck Turel in self-
defense. This was confirmed upon reviewing video surveillance obtained during
the investigation.
According to the police
report, Turel stated that the patron turned towards him with his arms raised
fists clenched. Turel told Bend Police Officer
Schneider that he “pushed the patron backwards, because he was unsure
of what was in his hands.”
Video surveillance was
obtained from the establishment which clearly disproved Mr. Turel’s
statements that the patron “clenched his fists,” as
well as other false statements made to police by Mr. Turel. At no time
was the patron told to leave the establishment and at no time did the patron
threaten Mr. Turel or any other employee according to witness statements.
The patron was only trying to peacefully communicate with Turel and explain
that what had happened wasn’t professional and would be reported to
the owners. We should note that according to US~Observer sources, Steven
Turel’s name prior to 1997 was Steven Updike. We are currently investigating
the name change and the reason for it. Civil proceedings have been indicated
upon a background check of Mr. Updike, which will be investigated further
prior to publishing.
Prior to viewing video
surveillance, the Deschutes County District Attorney’s
Office offered a plea-bargain wherein the patron would plead guilty, complete
60 hours of community service, have alcohol evaluation and treatment, no
alcohol or bars, no contact with the alleged victim, a fine of $567.00, and
two years of supervised probation.
After the patron’s attorney made contact with the prosecutor, the
assistant prosecutor stated that a civil compromise would be acceptable to
the District Attorney’s Office if the alleged victim, Stephen Turel
and patron were willing to accept, which would ultimately let Mr. Turel and
the patron settle this dispute outside of a court room. Turel wanted $5,000.00
and the patron simply refused to pay anything.
After viewing the video
surveillance, the District Attorney’s Office
offered a new plea deal. The new offer dropped the charges from Assault IV
down to a non-criminal violation, which is comparable to a traffic citation.
Upon receiving the new
plea offer, the patron decided that he was not willing to accept any offer.
He stated, "I was physically assaulted by Mr. Turel and rightfully
defended himself."
It was confirmed upon
a records check that the patron – the alleged
defendant, has no criminal history whatsoever.

District Attorney
Patrick Flaherty
Deschutes County Assistant
Deputy District Attorney Matthew Nelson and his boss, District Attorney
Flaherty had both been given the same evidence
as this writer, which clearly shows that Mr. Truel is absolutely not a victim.
Furthermore, Turel’s key statements to the officers are clearly lies
when compared to actual video surveillance, which is irrefutable. Providing
a false police report to law enforcement is a crime – one that Flaherty
is seemingly attempting to sweep under the old corrupted carpet that officials
like Patrick Flaherty often use.
On April 10, 2012 - just
one day before trial was scheduled to start; the prosecutor contacted the
defense attorney with another plea offer.
The new offer by the prosecutor would drop all charges against the patron
if he agreed to pay restitution (Mr. Turel's medical bill – a reported
$150.00). Standing firm, the patron quickly rejected the offer and
said, "Unless all charges are dropped, I will be moving forward with
a jury trial." It wasn't sixty minutes after the defense attorney informed
the prosecutor, before he was informed that the case had been given to a
new prosecutor. In short order the new prosecutor informed the patron's attorney
that he was dropping all charges against the patron, and that he wanted the
defense attorney to be clear when he informed his client that the charges
were "being dropped because it was the right thing to do based on the
Since September 7, 2011
the patron appeared in court several times. He had multiple doctor
visits for medical issues, lost many days of work (as
a business owner), paid thousands in legal fees, was told he couldn't consume,
posses or be in an establishment that served alcohol and had been painfully
stressing the outcome of this incident that was innocent of. He
was also highly concerned that his unblemished record would be placed
in the hands of a jury to decide his fate.
FOUR plea-offers
were given to the patron. First carried an assault IV (4) guilty plea,
probation, fines, classes, etc. Second was the
offer in compromise where he could settle out of court with the bouncer,
which would ultimately cost him $5,000.00 for a crime he never committed.
Third was an offer that would drop his criminal charge to a mere violation,
which still carried penalties and costs. Fourth was the offer where all charges
would be dropped if he agreed to pay restitution, which still carried costs
and more importantly, the public perception of guilt. Finally, and after
four attempts to extort a plea-bargain failed, Deschutes County District
Attorney Patrick Flaherty dropped his false prosecution all together.
It is obvious after reviewing all of the evidence in this case that Stephen
Turel lied to the police. An innocent man was arrested and put through seven
months of agony for an alleged crime that he never committed. Had the patron
not had legal representation, investigative resources and funds available
to fight, he most likely would be another innocent victim of the justice
system. Had he not been able to obtain the assistance of the US~Observer,
corrupt District Attorney Patrick Flaherty would obviously have continued
his attempt to destroy this innocent man.
One question still remains:
Why hasn't Stephen Turel been charged with filing a false police report?
District Attorney Flaherty has absolute evidence that
Turel filed a false report and get this; an eye-witness statement was obtained
wherein it was noted that Mr. Turel has been seen on other occasions acting
violent towards patrons and then calling the police.
If you have any information
regarding this case or any other involving District Attorney Patrick Flaherty
Assistant Deputy District Attorney Mathew Nelson,
please contact the US~Observer at or
call 541-474-7885. All calls are strictly confidential. Anyone with information
on “Bouncer” Stephen
Turel is also urged to contact us.
Note: Former Deschutes County District Attorney Michael Dugan lost
his office in the last election in May of 2010, due in large part to
his attempted false prosecution of Kevin Driscoll (view Driscoll articles
by going to our Vindicated
Page) and the US~Observer’s
exhaustive coverage of the case. Corrupt Assistant Prosecutor Jody Vaughan
conducted the false prosecution of Driscoll for Dugan and she was relieved
of her job when Flaherty took office. We had hoped that District Attorney
Patrick Flaherty possessed ethics and would be concerned with justice, but
he has failed miserably at communicating with the public and has failed to
respond to phone calls, office visits, emails and two separate faxes to his
office. Is this the type of District Attorney that Deschutes County residents
want in their county? Aren’t the citizens of Deschutes County, Oregon
smart enough to realize that if Flaherty can completely ignore conclusive
evidence, that absolutely shows a person’s innocence, that he can attack
anyone, at any time, without any just reason? Get with it people!