By Joseph Snook
Investigative Reporter

Rusty Liscoe
Pensacola, Florida – On
March 20, 2012, Defendant Rusty Liscoe was subpoenaed for a deposition
with Prosecutor John DuBose. On March 21, 2012 the First Judicial District
Florida, Escambia County dismissed all criminal RICO
Criminal Organization) charges they had held over 63 year-old Rusty Liscoe’s
head since he was charged with serious felony crimes on July 8, 2010.
Four defendants, including
Liscoe hired the US~Observer on September 6, 2011 and one other defendant
was included free of charge due to the severity
of her charges (possible 90 year sentence) and her level of involvement
in the business, which was the same as Rusty Liscoe, who is now a free man.
Another owner involved,
Jeanne Weyburn of Pensacola, was never charged. Weyburn received a letter
Prosecutor John DuBose on February 22, 2012,
which stated that DuBose didn’t have any evidence in front of him at
that time that showed she committed any crime. Weyburn’s involvement
in the business was the same as Rusty Liscoe and pretty much the same as
the other owners who were charged.
An infamous man once
said that there are only two ways to completely eliminate a business partner, “Kill
them or have them put in prison.”
This article exposes
alleged crooked businessmen aided by totally corrupted public officials
to FRAME and prosecute
innocent business partners in order
to allegedly achieve the goal of - “Kill them or have them put in prison.”
Let us introduce
the players in this “Good Ol' Boy's Club” as

from left to right:
• Cliff
and Clint Killingsworth - (Business partners who allegedly conspired
against other
• Robert Beasley (Killingsworth's Attorney)
• David Ingram (100% Biased Law Enforcement Investigator)
• John DuBose (Corrupt and Incompetent Assistant Prosecutor)
• Scott Tatum (An embarrassingly corrupted Court appointed defense attorney)
- not pictured
• Pam Bondi (Florida State Attorney General)
• Rick Scott (Florida State Governor)
• Russ Edgar (Escambia County's Chief Special Prosecution Attorney)
• Lindsey Rodgers (Vindictive ex-wife of one defendant) - pictured below
• Bill Eddins (State Attorney - First Judicial Circuit of Florida)
Here are the real victims - the business partners who were falsely arrested
and charged:
• Jimmy Rodgers
• Sheila Rodgers
• Pepper Rodgers
• Rusty Liscoe
• Pamela Fanning
During the month of January
2010, Pepper Rodgers’ company, Top Level
Consultants (TLC) was retained by his father, Jimmy Rodgers new company,
The Comfort Club (TCC) as a sales force outsource. TLC was to provide (TCC)
with a vendors list and retain Real Estate Brokers for TCC's concept. This
is where the trouble started.
"Killingsworth called me over 40 times"
- Lindsey Rodgers

Clint Killingsworth

Lindsey Rodgers
Pepper’s wife at
the time, Lindsey Rodgers reportedly did not like the idea of him working
on the road. Soon, Lindsey began communicating with
Jimmy’s partners, Cliff and Clint Killingsworth, which eventually led
to an effort to disrupt and destroy the business and criminalize the other
partners. Soon, Lindsey and the Killingsworth's were allegedly contacting
business partners of Mr. Rodgers as well as local law enforcement with trumped
up lies of theft and fraud aimed at TCC and its other partners. According
to Lindsey Rodgers, “Killingsworth called me over 40 times.”
The Killingsworth's,
according to contracts that were obtained during our investigation, had
money to become business partners with the defendants.
The Killingsworth's wanted the funds they had paid to become partners with
the defendants returned, only months after they signed valid contracts.
The Killingsworth's have failed to return any of our phone calls. Attorney,
Robert Beasley was too busy
when this reporter visited his office attempting to
communicate, in December of 2011.

Deputy Investigator David Ingram with
Cliff and Clint Killingsworth
Eventually, Escambia
County Deputy Sheriff David Ingram began an investigation of TCC and its
owners. David Ingram was clearly biased, which was evident
during taped interviews obtained. Ingram appeared to act as the judge and
jury on the case, while talking to witnesses. It was his opportunity to
save the day, even if he had to invent phony crimes and allegedly conspire
reported criminals to achieve his goal. It was in the spring of 2010, when
Ingram joined forces with alleged criminals Cliff and Clint Killingsworth
and their
attorney, Robert Beasley to allegedly spring a trap on TCC's partners,
that would eventually land the defendants in jail for what should have
to a civil dispute, at best.
Unbeknownst to TCC's
partners, time was running out for their new and successful business. The
of July had just passed when all the partners were making
big plans to go nationwide with their new business model. Meanwhile, the
Good Ol' Bo'ys had other plans. It was early Thursday morning on July 8,
2010 when there was a knock on Jimmy Rodgers’ door in Lakeland, Tennessee.
Officers from the fugitive squad of the Shelby County Sheriff's Department
were there serving an arrest warrant for what would later be determined as
RICO charges. Jimmy Rodgers was arrested and informed that he would be transported
back to Pensacola to post a $101,000 bond. Sheila, Pepper, Rusty and Pam
were all asked to turn themselves in, which they did. All were assigned outrageous
bonds, designed to keep all parties in jail or at least cripple them financially.
This is where certain
members of the Good Ol' Boy’s scheme turned
diabolical. They arranged for 58 year old Jimmy Rodgers to be placed in the
hands of a State of Florida contracted transport company to undergo “Diesel
Therapy”, which is reportedly a modern-day form of torture.
On July 16, 2010, 8 days
after his arrest, Jimmy Rodgers was booked into the Escambia County jail.
one look at his mug shot shows the effects
of what an 8 day journey will do to someone who is not accustomed to that
type of treatment. Fortunately, Jimmy Rodgers had become "much stronger
mentally" with plenty of time during his transfer to think about who
was behind this injustice.
Donald Trump is not the
only one who can utter the famous words, “You’re
Fired!" Four of the five defendants in this case had to fire their lawyers.
Attorney Barry
who was hired by Rusty Liscoe, was FIRED after the US~Observer instructed
to do so, due to the fact that in the US~Observer’s
opinion he had “sold previous clients down the river.”
Attorney Michael
Griffith - Pamela Fanning's attorney. Reportedly FIRED
for not preparing a defense and for allegedly trying to force Ms. Fanning
to accept a plea bargain where she would serve 15 years in prison.
Attorney Rick
Hill - Jimmy Rodgers’ attorney.
Reportedly FIRED for disclosing confidential information that Jimmy had
given him to other attorneys
on the case.
Attorney Scott
Tatum - Pepper Rodgers attorney. Reportedly FIRED for trying
to sabotage Pepper’s case and have him convicted. According to
Pepper Rodgers, Scott Tatum attempted to get him to commit perjury. This
was made in open court before Judge Linda L. Nobles during a Nelson Hearing.
Nobles left Tatum on the case at that time. During Edward Snook’s subsequent
deposition, Tatum was observed receiving notes from prosecutor John DuBose
in a reported effort to impeach testimony that was clearly in favor of Tatum’s
client, Pepper Rodgers. Tatum was exposed by the reputable attorneys now
on the case who witnessed this. Allegedly, Tatum admitted this to the judge
and was dismissed from the case. It is more than apparent that Edward Snook
had both DuBose and his buddy Tatum completely rattled during his deposition.
Assistant Prosecutor
DuBose's no-show at recent court hearings, reportedly due to
the health of his father had the defendants wondering if they will ever
see an end to this grave injustice.
at a recent hearing, DuBose’s
superior, Russ Edgar was there to cover for him. Russ Edgar acted as if he
were in the dark on this case and stated to Judge Nobles that he would "get
to the bottom of this." In all likely-hood this case will go on for
well over 2 years before it sees any form of justice. We will see if Prosecutor
Russ Edgar has any ethics, or if he is just as corrupt as John DuBose, or
if he could possibly have been a part of this life-altering false prosecution
from the beginning.
John DuBose
subpoenaed Rusty Liscoe to his office for a meeting that lasted over
an hour on March
20, 2012. After listening to the taped deposition or Mr. Liscoe, it was
obvious, having investigated this case that Rusty Liscoe told the absolute
All defendants should have had their false
DuBose only dropped Liscoe’s charges - Nolle Prosecute the next day,
yet DuBose kept the false charges against the other owners, who had virtually
the same involvement as Liscoe. This is absolute Selective Prosecution, in
its purest form.

Attorney Robert Beasley
Attorney Robert
Beasley - Beasley, reportedly the Killingsworth’s
childhood friend and their business attorney
since day one of his practice, has been mentioned numerous times. According
to reports and emails Robert Beasley performed due diligence before the
Killingworth's became partners with the Defendants. That’s right,
PARTNERS, not advertisers or investors, but PARTNERS. According to statements,
it appears that Robert Beasley has lied in an effort to get rid
of his clients “partners” and
make it possible for the Killingsworth's to have the business all to themselves.
Beasley, who relies on his cover as a reputable attorney, is possibly one
of the main people involved in the Good Ol' Boy's Club.
Beasley and the Killingsworth’s
are reportedly well known supporters of Governor Rick Scott. Could this
Good Ol' Boy's Club reach all the way to
the Governor’s mansion? Why else would Governor Scott get involved
with the alleged murder of Trayvon Martin and not be willing to look at the
corruption in TCC's case or many other false prosecutions in Pensacola, Florida?
If Governor Scott can appoint a special prosecutor to the Martin case - which
is evidently due to media exposure, then he has the absolute power to do
the same in this case. Governor Scott has been fully informed of this corruption
by the US~Observer and he has remained silent. Due to Scott’s silence
in this case, the US~Observer has opened an investigation into his alleged
illegal activities and involvement in “privatizing” State of
Florida prisons and other issues concerning highly questionable activity
on his part...
Florida Attorney General, Pam Bondi also has the authority to remedy the
injustice which has kept these innocent business owners fighting for their
Bill Eddins, State Attorney
for the First Judicial Circuit of Florida is in charge of Russ Edgar and
DuBose - making him responsible as well.
We have been compiling plenty of information on Mr. Bill Eddins over the
past three years, that the public should find much more than interesting…
By Russ Edgar's involvement
at a recent hearing, stating he would "get
to the bottom of this", he is now directly responsible for the actions
of deciding whether or not to continue prosecuting this case. There is clearly
enough evidence that proves the defendant’s innocence, but let’s
focus on who should stop this injustice - Russ Edgar and Bill Eddins. These
two men hold all the power in North Florida and they need to end this now.

Pictured above: Jimmy and Sheila Rodgers (top), Pam Fanning
and Pepper Rodgers (below)
One look at the mug shots
compared with normal photos of the five defendants in this case will give
you a quick read into their paralyzing
fear. This is what the sick minds
within some law enforcement and prosecutor’s offices thrive on - A
few demented and depraved individuals who hide behind the respectful facades
of their badges or titles.
Google any one of the
defendants using their name and Escambia County and you can find the mugshots
For a price, certain companies will take
your mugshots off their site, which are search engine monsters. Without the
money to do so, you will likely remain there FOREVER! Forget about a future,
forget about a job, and absolutely forget about justice... “KILL EM'
Most important - Forget
about innocent until proven guilty in Pensacola, Florida and believe it
or not, you can forget about innocence, even after
you have proven your innocence in this Good Ol' Boy community.
feel like the reason why I'm sitting here, having to be accused of what
I'm accused
of is
because of the Killingsworth’s and an attorney named Beasley.”
- Rusty Liscoe, during his deposition

Pictured: William 'Bill' Eddins, Russ Edgar, John DuBose
There will be more updates
as this case moves forward. Fortunately, for Rusty Liscoe, one of the original
defendants, his charges have been dropped.
If prosecutor’s Eddins, Edgar and John DuBose are to do the right thing,
they will use citizens tax dollars wisely and serve justice in Escambia County,
Florida and drop all of the charges in this case.
UPDATE: All defendants
in this case have now been vindicated. Jimmy and Pepper Rodgers were the
last of the five people indicted to have their charges
Editors Note:
You can view previous articles about this case here: 1 - 2 - 3. If
you have any information on anyone involved, you are urged to contact
the US~Observer immediately at 541-474-7885 or