October 2006

Demanding Accountability

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Showdown at
the OK corral?
Truth & justice currently have
no home in Oklahoma

By US~Observer Staff

The US~Observer has been featuring a case from Oklahoma where a young man named Ryan Wonderly now sits in prison having been wronged by the judicial system. Unfortunately it is becoming a recurring theme as far more individuals in the OKC area are coming forward with similar stories to Wonderly's. Stories of judicial ethics violations, misconduct, and coersion where the defendant is forced to accept a plea to a crime they profess they are innocent of. These stories tell of judges colluding with prosecutors and defense attorneys all who leave no choice for the defendant except to take the plea, or face the judge's full wrath as guilt has already been assumed of the defendant by the bench. Gone is the constitutional protection of being considered innocent before being proven guilty by a jury of your peers, especially for the many who have faced this sort of "justice" in Oklahoma.

Many who have contacted the US~Observer cite issues within the current District Attorney's office, headed by Wes Lane, and they say that if there were a DA whose ethics protected the rights of the innocent it would go a long way to cleaning up the process, which currently seems to be more focused on putting people away regardless of their innocence just for the sake of attaining higher prosecution rates which generally equates into more tax dollars. For a great commentary on Wes Lane which outlines the softening of his wife's two felony drug conviction sentences log-on to the world-wide-web and go to: bubbaworld.com/lane.html. There is also a video taken by Fox 25 where Lane is caught on tape telling the Fraternal Order of the Police, "What kind of crack would I have to be smoking to file a case on an Oklahoma City police officer during a period of time where I'm hoping to achieve the endorsement of the F.O.P.?" YouTube Lane. In other words, log on to youtube.com and search videos for Wes Lane. The clip is titled "DA Lane Caught on Tape at FOP Meeting."

Due to the overwhelming volume of concerned Oklahomans who have contacted the US~Observer in regards to their broken justice system the US~Observer will be hosting a meeting to initiate an Oklahoma action group to tackle the problems at hand. It's time to take back the Oklahoma courts and DA's office and kick them into a higher moral standard and ethical practice. It's time for a showdown to protect all innocent people, even those who can't fathom that innocent people can wind-up in jail. The meeting will be held in Oklahoma City on October 24, 2006 - for further details please call:

While there is excitement brewing for the US~Observer's arrival there is another glimmer of hope for OKC. The possibility that Wes Lane will be voted out of office this November.

David Prater who is running against Lane is favored by those who have written in, and the US~Observer has been told that Prater has won over many people by his genuine nature and no nonsense approach that if you are innocent, then you are innocent, but if you are guilty, he'll get you. Prater also won the majority vote for endorsement by the F.O.P.

Perhaps if Prater wins justice will once again be vigilant in OKC.

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