September 2007

Demanding Accountability

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Oregon Grange
Support H.R. 5860
Amend the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

Whereas: The passage of H.R. 5860 would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow above-the-line deduction for state and local and foreign, real property taxes.

Whereas: H.R. 5860 Bill states the following: Section 1. Deduction for real property taxes allowed whether or not tax payer itemizes other deductions.

(a) In General - Subsection (a) of Section 62 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (defining adjusted gross income) is amended by inserting before the last sentence the following new paragraph:

'(21) Real Property Taxes - The deduction allowed by Section 164 for real property taxes described in section 164(a)(1).'.

(b) Effective Date - The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.

Therefore be it resolved: That the Oregon State Grange supports the passage of U.S. Congressional H.R. 5860 Bill which will amend the Internal Revenue Code to allow deduction for real property taxes on income tax forms without having to itemize other deductions.

This resolution was adopted by the Deer Creek Grange #371 at its regular meeting held on May 14, 2007.

This resolution was adopted by the Oregon State Grange at its 134th Annual Session haeld at Jefferson, Oregon, week of June 17-22, 2007.

William D. Waggoner, Master
1920 Thompson Creek Rd.
Selma, OR 97538

Delaine Sherman, Secretary
P.O. Box 871
Selma, OR 97538

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