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9/12 Tea Party in D.C.
Concerned Americans At September Tea Party - Nations Capitol
By Ron Lee
Washington D.C. - On September 12, 2009 masses of Americans descended upon the capitol city to peacefully protest the direction they feel the country is headed; into a socialist state. Issues that range from healthcare reform, taxes, ACORN, and a perceived misrepresentation by government officials of the people’s wants are what drove people to come from all over the country to participate in the day.
From estimates of 30-40 thousand to 2 million, the day’s “official” attendance estimate was 60 thousand which remains a point of contention between attendees and media outlets who under-reported the massive display of free speech.
One thing is true, the protests will continue, regardless the numbers - especially if they keep getting ignored by both the mainstream media and, more importantly, the government they are protesting.
How Many People Care? More Every Day....
Photos courtesy of Peggy! Thank you!
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