By Curt Chancler
Investigative Reporter
After four months of looking at the facts and the people involved in an incident that took place on 2-20-2010, at a remote camping area in southern Oregon, I am convinced there is a clear and present danger to the camping public and their families when they enter public lands.

BLM Ranger - William Finch
This clear and present danger comes in the form of out of control public servants that took an oath to protect and serve the very people they are victimizing. The US~Observer has published two articles (find articles on the web at www.usobserver.com and search for BLM Ranger Finch) on the unwarranted attack and arrest of Dennis and Michelle Easley by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Ranger William Finch and Jackson County, Oregon Deputy Sheriff Jimmie Gyllenskog.
From the beginning of our investigation on this story, it became apparent very quickly that BLM at both the county and state levels are out of touch and out of control. BLM is an unconstitutional administrative agency that possesses no constitutional police powers or authority to enforce any laws on anyone, yet they do so.
The response from our readers about BLM Ranger William Finch’s abuses against the Easley family and others has been huge and we are on top of it, but it has been my experience that every time law enforcement at any level is questioned about their behavior they will always close ranks, lie, deny, cover up, withhold information, refuse to comment, or attack the victim, and the Easley case in no different.
The public’s outcry regarding this type of BLM corruption and abuse of power has been muffled from coast to coast because it is only being reported on by small local newspapers and web sites. The so called main stream media has ignored BLM’s attacks on miners, hunters, and the camping public for years, and these abuses generally go unreported, unless the US~Observer is involved.
Dennis Easley was arrested and jailed for Disorderly Conduct, his wife Michelle was assaulted and then charged with disorderly conduct for interfering with a peace officer, resisting arrest, and both are now awaiting trial. The Easley’s had the unmitigated gall to demand that supposed public servants, riding red, unmarked dirt bikes, displaying nothing that would readily indicate they were law enforcement officials, identify themselves and show their lawful authority as law enforcement officers, before complying with the two men’s command for the Easley’s to show their ID.
Because of Deputy Gyllenskog and Ranger Finch’s poor judgment and alleged criminal behavior in this case, Dennis and Michelle Easley are facing serious charges that can have a very negative impact on their future and their family. The children that watched Deputy Gyllenskog and Ranger William Finch’s actions that day are now afraid of cops. The five adults that witnessed the incident from only a few feet away, believe Deputy Gyllenskog and Ranger William Finch violated their oath, the law, and should be punished.
Deputy District Attorney Kelly Glenn has refused to speak to me about this case, so I emailed Ms. Glenn a list of eyewitnesses and a list of the names and phone numbers of people that came forward with stories of their bad experiences with Ranger Finch. I can only assume that Ms. Glenn did not want the Easley’s case cluttered up with facts.
I believe the District Attorney’s office is relying on the testimony of two witnesses supplied by BLM, a Mr. Terry L Drew and Mr. Michael E. Waites. Both men’s account of the incident looks like it was written by Deputy Gyllenskog and Ranger Finch’s mothers and BLM’s attorneys. Armed with the statements of BLM’s witnesses, Mr. Drew and Mr. Waites, and pictures of the site; I and eight others went to the site. With a film crew, we laid out the locations of each person involved and measured the distances claimed in Mr. Waites and Mr. Drew’s statements and did not find their claims credible whatsoever.
Sheriff Winters has been given the same list of eyewitness and a list of the names and phone numbers of people that have come forward with stories of their bad experiences with Ranger Finch that was given to the Ms. Glenn’s Office. Dennis and Michelle Easley were given the same list to give to their court appointed attorneys so there can be no reason for everyone not to be on the same page in this case.
I would hope that everyone involved in the arrest and prosecution of the Easley’s in this case do the right thing and realize that this is not going to just blow over in time. Each person involved in this case can look forward, or not, to having their involvement in this abuse recorded permanently on the US~Observers website.