September 2010

Demanding Accountability

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Letters to the Editor
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Schutt Him Down!


As to the recall effort on Lake County's DA, David Schutt, I say it is about time.

In early 2001 I wrote a letter to the editor criticizing the Lakeview Police Department. Lakeview was making a “clean up the town” event. They were sending the dog catcher to “messy residences” to deliver an ultimatum, “Clean it up by 4 O'clock”.

It was published in H&N on Feb 27, 2001.

I had been complaining to the town manager about his police department.

On April 6, 2001 ( Friday) just before 6:00 PM there was a knock on my door. About 8 policemen were there to arrest my son (same name as me).

David Schutt had convened a Grand Jury on the basis of a statement of a teenager who was on probation.

He had pasted a picture of my son on a page with 5 more pictures of people. It was a different size and had different contrasts to the other pictures. This was the “photo line up” from which the kid had identified my son.

The Grand Jury indictment was signed by the Foreman who was my FORMER BROTHER IN LAW. I never saw a warrant signed by the judge. It isn't part of Circuit Court file 01-103 CR.

Now my son is a 100% disabled veteran. He returned from Korea with the disability.

At the first hearing the judge impeached the witness. So David Schutt sits there with a single felony charge against my son with no evidence and no witness. But it cost my son 3 days in jail and $18,000.

Now I think this is the usual for David Schutt, not the exception.

Something good did come out of it though. The chief of police and dog catcher retired while the Town Manager resigned and moved on to greener pastures.

The good citizens of Lakeview were back under the protections of the US Constitution.

Ray Bledsaw
Lakeview, OR

Federal Bill S-510

Letter to the Editor:

Following is my interpretation of federal bill S-510, entitled, FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. It exudes management and federal control over every aspect of food production, distribution, and consumption. Other bills rapidly in progress and/or already in effect also are designed to control land, food, water and natural resources, all basics of human life. S-510 could seemingly make it unlawful to grow, share, trade, or sell homegrown food. . . unbelievably inhumane, un-neighborly, un-Christlike, un-American. What would even happen to our farmers markets? I urge everyone to read this bill and arrive at your own conclusions.

Are there those within our government dedicated to destroying the moral and economic fiber of our country? What must we think as we send our youth off to war and as we pledge allegiance to our flag? Does the flag still represent the country we want to be proud of? From what source are such laws coming? I would say they are likely originating from the philosophies and strategies of power-hungry globalists at top levels, perhaps even within our own structure, working through the environmental movement under the guise of protecting and providing for us.

It gets back to "who are the lawmakers?" We pride ourselves in being a nation of "laws". We are proud of our Constitution but we have allowed our elected officials to stray far, far away from its principles and protections. We have virtually lost our "balance" of government and power. The law-making which was designed to protect and guide our nation has been taken over by unscrupulous people and organizations (to the point of being subversive, even treasonous) operating in opposition to the best interests of citizens.

Congress, the Legislative Branch, is the body assigned to design and pass the laws which are then enforced through the Judiciary Branch. There are those in the Environmental system who pride themselves in now having the power to write and implement rules and regulations which assume the power and authority of "law". The movement has also taken over judges now ruling from the bench in favor of the environmentalists. This is primarily the sector of the population that can now afford the deliberately long, drawn out court procedures. However, it often takes little or no time for "green" organizations to achieve court settlements quickly and monetarily favorable for them. This has now been going on so long that the general public simply accepts it as a fact of life, reacting in frustration, then unfortunately overlooking it.

The 24 Federal Agencies such as EPA, USFS, BLM, F&W years ago had been granted by our Congress the authority to "administer" their own operations without Congressional oversight. This has evolved basically into law-making capability along with enforcement authority by these agencies. They now often proudly introduce their new regulations and rulings, stating in print, that they can be implemented immediately without going through Congress. The agencies report to the President, which means that the Executive Branch has assumed those powers .

The so-called "stimulus" funding was funneled to local governmental organizations where it was applied to short-term projects and often for governmental employee benefits. Certainly not for investment in the private enterprise, capitalistic "for profit" operations struggling desperately to survive and maintain job-producing production on a long term basis. Big Business and Big Corporations have likewise been taken over by the "green" movement, and they are moving in sync with financial institutions to assure that the natural resources and wealth of the nation is controlled and funneled through them.

The "human" and social element is being lost. This proposed new law to outlaw the sharing of home-grown food is just one example of the cold, ruthlessness being promoted in opposition to humanity. Our values are being destroyed in many aspects. Lifetime allegiance to a single business and its support, with dreams of retiring after a lifetime of dedicated service is now gone as people shift quickly from company to company in their own interests. The gold watch is now replaced with barely a hand shake for the devoted employee who walks sadly out the door after 40-50 years of service, while being replaced with a young, cocky MBA. I actually watched this happen with that person dying very soon after, basically with a broken heart, wondering if he had wasted his life and dedication to an employer and company he had worked hard for and loved.

The drive to create successful long-lasting free enterprise businesses is being eroded as we find ourselves in competition with government. The humanous of life is being strangely altered, and we wonder what has happened to our values. We should certainly be wondering what has happened to our own government. Basically with the shift of power within the three branches, could we already be operating under a ruthless, irreversible, irresponsible dictatorship???

Submitted by,

Clarice Ryan
Bigfork, Montana

P.S. This letter was basically written in response to Wanda Benton as my comments on S-510 a federal bill entitled, FDA Food Safety Modernization Act with a 6 page Summary.

Two other very critical bills are: HR-3534 Consolidated Land, Energy and Aquatic Resources Act of 2009, and HR-5101 Land and Corridors bill as well as the anticipated signing by Pres.Obama for 14 additional monuments under the Antiquities Act. We must brace ourselves for the reconvening of Congress the second week in September. We can be sure they are now diligently preparing themselves for pushing all of this monumental legislation through as rapidly as possible.

NO on Prop 25!!!!!
Californian’s need to read this!


All CA voters...please be alert to what Prop 25 can do to endanger Prop 13.

Real Estate - Prop. 13 OVERTURNED

To one and all…rest assured if Prop. 25 passes in the upcoming Nov. 2nd election, the subject headline above will follow just days later!

Prop. 25 will reduce the required Sacramento politician’s vote to make changes to California law from the two-thirds vote requirement currently to a simple-majority.

It is, and has been for years, a long standing fact that the:

Democrats in Sacramento already have the simple-majority needed to overturn Prop. 13, should the voting requirement law change to passage by a simple-majority and it is absolutely certain they will do it.

Given this GUARANTIED FACT we ALL need to warn ALL of our friends, neighbors, associates, and yes even our enemies, to:


As we all know there are few things in life that are “guaranteed.”

One being death, another being taxes, and this fact:

Prop. 13 will be overturned if Prop. 25 wins!!!

If the guaranteed protection against HUGE property tax increases assured by Prop. 13 is lost, there will be such an exodus of homeowners who will not be able to pay the monumental increase$$$ in their property tax that will have to sell. The market will then be flooded with properties and the drop in property values seen the past few years will look like chump change.

Please, please, please send this e-mail warning to every homeowner in your address book that lives in California : VOTE NO ON PROP. 25!

Nancy A.

North Carolina’s Unethical Shannon Ashe?


I will be the first to tell you that Shannon Ashe is the most unethical cruel and meanest man I have ever met in my life. He should not only not be allowed to be an SBI agent who is supposed to uphold the law, in my opinion he should be behind bars himself. If he is doing an investigation and those he is interrogating, and yes interrogates, he does not question, are by law to tell the truth, then why does he have the right to lie, twist, and do what ever it takes to shake the person on the other side of the table.

My daughter Charity Worley was murdered almost 2 years ago. I could go into great detail about how badly the authorities mishandled this case. It could have been solved quickly if they had not screwed it up. Now that they are realizing this they have decided to turn and turn hard on Myself the mother and Lindsey the sister. Especially Lindsey who found her first. Shannon Ashe destroyed Lindsey’s memories of her sister. When Lindsey remembered her big sister she remembered the pictures in her mind of the sister who took care of her while her mom was in the hospital. The sister who made sure she had birthday parties, the sister who took her in when she was pregnant, the sister who threw her a baby shower. The sister who was right there when there were complications with the birth, and we thought Lindsey wasn't going to make it. The sister who was always bounding-down the stairs with a giggle. The one who she confided in when things were not right with mom. Ashe replaced those memories with gruesome crime scene photos and autopsy photos. Yes autopsy photos, with her scalp peeled back. Ashe said to her, “you can confess now and we'll go easy on you,” when Lindsey was the first to pass a lie detector. We were told within hours of her death that "we hold your life in the palm of our hands." This man is cruel and I would like to personally get my hands on him. I lost one daughter. He devastated another. I would love to tell you how our incompetent law enforcement botched this crime scene.

Linda Casey

Edward Snook's Note: Linda, you feel completely free to tell us how they botched the crime scene and then we will let the world know about it. Shannon Ashe is indeed a corrupt and vile human being, who has no right whatsoever to hold any place of authority in the State of North Carolina. Ashe and one of his cohorts Chris Smith should be placed in a prison cell permanently for the crimes they committed against deputy Chris Hoover. Thank God we were able to save Chris from their attempted false prosecution. It sounds as if they should be in that prison cell for the crimes they committed against your daughter as well. We all need to realize that Shannon Ashe has superiors who have been repeatedly informed about his criminal actions and they have chose to do nothing about his crimes. They are far more guilty than Ashe due to the fact that they leave the people of North Carolina with no accountability, therefore no recourse against Ashe's police-state tactics. I'm sincerely sad over your loss and offer you the accountability that your Attorney General has refused to provide. Shannon Ashe has been labeled a criminal and the entire world has access to this truth. Each and every day of Ashe's life, he must wonder who has read about his evil and abusive actions, contained in the US~Observer newspaper and recorded on the Observer website.

Why Democrats Must Go

To the Editor;

Watch and listen as radio host and attorney Michael Berry reviews the first twenty months of the Obama Administration and why your vote on November 2nd determines the direction of our Country. Go to and type on the search line ‘Why Democrats Must Go’ or just go to
. It is a fast paced video and well worth 15 minutes of your time.

Margaret Lee
Reno, Nevada

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