By Joseph Snook
Investigative Reporter
Soon to be
"Former Nye County DA"
Robert Beckett
Nye County, Nevada – In 2005, after successfully rescuing Bud Sonnentag of Nye County, Nevada from two life sentences on felony charges, Edward Snook, Head of Investigations for the US~Observer stated: “I will not stop pursuing Beckett until he loses absolutely everything – just like many of his victims.” District Attorney Robert Beckett has prosecuted the innocent for personal gain, abused his power, stolen money from Nye County citizens and donated the funds to family run “non-profit” organizations, filed false charges against police officers, wrecked two vehicles (one of them county owned) within 6 hours of each other, been arrested for a DUI, lost his re-election hopes in the primaries this year, and recently, on September 7, 2010, had to sleep off what appears to be an AA relapse in Nye County’s Drunk Tank after being arrested for a second DUI within two years. These are all claims against the not-so-perfect Nye County D.A., Robert Beckett.
The US~Observer has been exposing the corruption of soon to be “former” D.A. Robert Beckett since 2002. Becket has attempted to ruin the lives of many people over the years, and I’d almost have to feel sorry for the guy if it weren’t for the reality of the pain he has single-handedly caused innocent people.
Manuel and Jackie Mairs, along with Bud Sonnentag are just a few people who D.A. Beckett has attempted, but failed to convict on false felony charges.
From the story Observer Hammers Nevada Corruption, “On September 24, 2003, Sonnentag appeared in Nye County Justice court where his attorney Ken Ward informed him that all the charges were going to be dropped in ninety days. Ward actually struck the deal during a phone conversation with Edward Snook wherein according to Ward, Nye County agreed to drop the false charges if the Observer would stop publishing facts regarding the illegal activities of District Attorney Robert Beckett” and the charges were subsequently dropped.
In December of 2008, Beckett filed two false perjury charges against the Mairs. Once the US~Observer investigated and proved these charges to be false, a letter was written to D.A. Beckett asking him to drop the charges. On May 11, 2009, Judge Tina Brisbell dropped both charges due to the lack of evidence from the D.A.’s office. D.A. Beckett and his deputy D.A. didn’t even show face in court, presumably due to the pressure applied by the US~Observer and the Mairs’ Attorney, Lisa Rasmussen. Once again, the US~Observer had successfully shut down D.A. Beckett. One reported “victim” of Beckett recently stated, regarding the DUI arrest, “even though it brings tears of joy to hear what has happened to Beckett, it also brings tears of treacherous memories I’ll never forget as long as I live from the things he did to my family.”
It’s shameful to know that someone who literally has the most power in Nye County could be such a poor person of character. For over 15 years D.A. Beckett has been locking up supposed criminals in Nye County. With over 18 years in publication and investigations conducted around the country, I must say that it brings a most sincere feeling to know that D.A. Beckett, who is one of the most corrupt individuals that we have investigated, will most likely be hitching a ride, or better yet, sweatin’ off some pounds as he pedals down the street on his bike in “Hot” Nye County, Nevada, as he heads towards the unemployment line.
The US~Observer’s job and duty is exposing and ruining corrupt public officials like Robert Beckett. Once these individuals are published in our hard copy newspaper and placed on the Internet as being corrupt, they must wake up each day wondering who is reading about their corruption, they must walk out in public, wondering who is giving them a negative glare and it literally eats them up – in this case it drives them to drink alcohol excessively – it causes self-destruction.
For the innocent that D.A. Beckett has successfully convicted, it must be a bitter-sweet day for justice in Nye County, Nevada. Many innocents, who weren’t fortunate enough to obtain the assistance of the US~Observer, now have some semblance of justice, knowing Beckett is permanently ruined, or in other words, out of commission as a False-Prosecutor.
Edward Snook’s fulfilled promise to strip Beckett of his power is proof that when corruption is investigated by the US~Observer, we get results.
Editors Note: Strangely enough, it was a call to the police made by Hollywood 'Madam' Heidi Fleiss that landed Beckett in jail on September 7, 2010.