By Curt Chancler
Investigative Journalist
If you are politically correct or offended by the truth in plain English,
do not read this commentary any further!
County, Oregon is located in the southern part of the state. It borders Northern
California and is
comprised of lush green valleys, tall
mountains, clear rivers and streams. At first glance it would seem to be
a great place to settle down and start a family, build a business or maybe
retire. Jackson County has mild winters and a two hour drive from its largest
City of Medford will put you at the beaches of the Pacific Ocean. There are
several different rivers and lakes nearby as well as one of the top ten natural
wonders of the world, Crater Lake. Jackson County boasts a very diverse population
because people have moved here from all over to enjoy all that Jackson County
has to offer. On the surface the people seem to be bright, friendly, responsible
and outgoing, but it’s only an illusion.
The reality is that over the last four decades the vast majority of the
citizens of Oregon, especially Jackson County, have sat on their cowardly,
complacent asses and allowed a hand-full of rich fat-cats with an agenda,
to create vile systems of county and city governments that are corrupt and
unconstitutional from top to bottom.
Even worse, these
duty challenged cowards have stood by and done nothing, while the government
thugs that hold the elected and appointed
offices have violated the constitutional rights of the people of Jackson
County, Oregon – stripping them of their right to live as a free people
and own land and enjoy the use of that land. And just for the record, these
are the rights that your oath violating, morally bankrupted, low-life politicians
swore to uphold and defend.
You know it is
really hard to tell if the voters of Jackson County are uninformed or just
plain big-city-stupid.
Every election they vote into office the same
kind of integrity void, anti-constitutional bunch of political low-life’s
that they voted into the same offices the last election, and even worse,
these political dumb-asses get upset when their chosen champions continue
to ignore and steal their constitutional rights to everything from their
children to their property.
The first thing that you must always remember when you are dealing with
government or one of its corrupt representatives is our founding fathers
(state and federal) gave us constitutions that lay out governments limitations
over we the people and our Bill of Rights lay out the rights guaranteed to
all Americans by our constitutions, however, these rights only exist if we
know what they are and if we are willing to demand them and are willing to
stand up and fight for them.
Furthermore, any elected representative that has the constitutional authority
to legislate or create a law or statute must understand that the law or statute
that they sign into law cannot be in conflict with or repugnant to either
the federal constitution or the constitution of the state that the government
official represents. Our founders knew only too well the inherit nature of
man to dominate others when they have the power to do so.
Our constitution’s
make it clear that when anyone, whether private citizen or government official
makes a civil claim or criminal complaint
against any citizen of the United States, that citizen has the right to face
their accuser and hear the charge or complaint against them. They have a
right to counsel. They have a right to an elected judge and a court with
the jurisdiction and authority to hear and rule on the claim or charge made
against them. And above all, they have a right to a trial by a jury of their
peers. They have a right to present evidence and have sworn witnesses testify
on their behalf. They have the right to an appeals process that goes all
the way to the Supreme Court. They have a right to bail; and no fine or bail
shall be cruel or unusual. These rights to one degree or another have been
limited, altered or have disappeared (been stolen).
Now let’s
take a look at what the good people of Jackson County, Oregon have let
happen to not only
their constitutional rights but the constitutional
rights of their children, grandchildren and all future generations of Jackson
County Oregon.
In 2003, your Jackson County Commissioners Jack Walker, Dave Gilmore and
Sue Kupillas, along with then County Administrator Sue Slack and then County
Counsel Doug McGerry were conspiring with Circuit Court Administrator Jim
Adams and unnamed others to eliminate our constitutional right to a jury
trial, an elected judge and a court of record with a complete appeal process.
On February 5, 2003, in a televised County Commissioner meeting, then County
Administrator Sue Slack happily announced that they had been working for
several years to come up with an administrative process called chapter 294
of the codified ordinances. Ms. Slack said, we like to think of this as an
experiment in creative adjudication and if it does not work as intended,
then we will try something else.
Jackson County’s Circuit Court has been a silent partner in this conspiracy
from the beginning and has allowed Jackson County Officials to remove the
people’s civil cases from a constitutionally guaranteed court and place
them into a quasi- judicial tribunal that has left the people with little
or no real judicial review remedy through an appeals process.
Now listen up,
this is for all of Jackson County’s uninformed, complacent
constitutional retards. You - the good citizens of Jackson County no longer
have the constitutional right to stand and face your accuser, because your
Jackson County Commissioners have created an unconstitutional ordinance in
land-use matters where the identity of your accuser shall be kept secret.
Donald Rubenstein
You no longer
have the right to an elected judge that has sworn an oath to defend and
uphold your constitutional
rights. But, you do have an administrative
process that by design allows a man like Donald Rubenstein, a Hearings Officer
that has taken no oath to defend and uphold your constitutional rights, a
man that works at the pleasure of the Jackson County Commissioners and has
been given by your county commissioners past and present, the ability to
deny any accused citizen of Jackson County his constitutional rights to due
process as described in Article 7 Section 1 of the Oregon State Constitution.
He also routinely denies citizen’s rights under Article 1 Section 17
of the Oregon State Constitution which states, “In all civil cases
the right of Trial by Jury shall remain inviolate.”
Non-elected, with
no Oath to the Constitution, Donald Rubenstein, in a court like setting,
possesses the
unconstitutional power to determine findings
of fact, conclusions of law, determine guilt or innocence, lay fines, sanctions
and even take your property. If you resist compliance with Mr. Rubenstein’s
orders he has the power to go to the very Oregon State Circuit Court that
your Jackson County Commissioners have denied you access to and have contempt
of court charges brought against you - the dumb-ass-taxpayer.
Danny Jordan
But wait, it gets
better. county commissioners have allowed Non-elected, with no Oath to
the Constitution,
Danny Jordan, Jackson County’s Administrator
to have the power to appropriate people with no law enforcement authority
or certification, to act as law enforcement officers and enforce Jackson
County’s unconstitutional land-use laws and codified ordinances.
In fact, this
is Chapter 203.01 (b) of Jackson County’s Codified Ordinances. “Code
Enforcement Officers. The County Administrator may designate, from time to
time, appropriate persons as enforcement officers to enforce these Codified
Ordinances and other County ordinances, within the purview of this chapter.
Such officers shall, when so designated, have the authority and the duty
to take such actions as may be lawful and reasonably necessary for the enforcement
of these codified Ordinances and other County ordinances, including investigation,
the issuance of citations and the service of notices, subpoenas, court orders
and orders of the hearings in the course of prosecution. The County Administrator
shall issue, in the name of the County, adequate identification for this
function and the code enforcement officers shall carry the same and display
it upon request or as appropriate in the performance of their duties. The
duties of the officers include, but are limited to, entry upon private property
to the fullest extent limited by the Fourth Amendment to the United States
Constitution for the purpose of investigation, abatement of public nuisances,
issuance of citations charging violations hereunder and delivery of notices
and orders authorized by this chapter. The officers, after displaying his
or her identification as such, may detain persons to the extent necessary
to secure their identification and to issue a citation for violations for
which the officer has reasonable grounds that the conduct constitutes a violation.”Who
decides if the county administrator’s actions are lawful? None other
than Jordan’s partner in crime, the county hearings officer Donald
Rubenstein! Well it looks like you do-nothing citizens of Jackson County
finally have a government you deserve.
I believe that I and a few others in Jackson County, Oregon have earned
the right to have this opinion that we share about the vast majority of the
citizens in Jackson County. We believe they fall into one or more of the
following categories; politically uninformed; ignorant about their constitutional
rights and the restrictions those rights place on the power of government
over the people; ignorant and complacent about their duty to stand up and
defend their constitutional rights and the constitutional rights of present
and future generations of Americans; spineless; greedy, self-centered, stupid
and most likely, all of the above!
I believe we have earned that right because we have fought for the rights
of every citizen of Jackson County seven days a week for decades and we did
so with our own money and the loss of precious time with our families and
friends. This created a huge cost to our earning abilities and all it would
have brought to our families, but we all did what we did because we believed
in the American Dream and the duty to defend that dream.
We have fought
the fight against Jackson County, Oregon’s corrupted
government and its corruptors. We have endured their vile and criminal attacks
against us and our families and we will continue this fight until they obey
their oath to the people or they destroy us through their pervious use of
their unconstitutional power and legal system.
To you, the complacent
duty-void citizens of Jackson County, that have sat on your sorry butts
and did nothing
but let a hand-full of duty-bound American
citizen’s fight for you and your families rights, thanks for nothing.
Curt Chancler can be reached by calling 541-826-6968.