Editor's Note: We recently went out with an e-mail alert that simply read, "You have heard a lot about what is going on in our country and now it is your turn to tell the world! Send us your thoughts about the state of the country (or world, even) and we will publish them on www.usobserver.com! Keep one thing in mind ... what is the solution? Is there one?"
The response has been amazing, and we would like to thank each one of you for taking the time to share your viewpoint!
You will find the responses we have received thus far below ...
You solicited for opinions. I'll try to be concise.
My wish is for April 15 to be just another spring day. That what ever team you are routing for to make the World Series this year that this the 2nd week of the new season is just that and not a mad dash to the post office to file returns.
See, I did a silly little thing from the last 10 words of the 1st amendment...the petition for redress thingy about 10 years ago. Judge Emmit Sullivan stated sure, you may petition all you want, the government need not answer. Another congress critter stated we will answer them with enforcement actions.
To make my wish come true and obliterate plank 2 of the Communist Manifesto, it will NOT happen via the courts. I have seen over and over how the game is continued with the court's aid. It must come from educational sources like yours combined with others with the same knowledge to give it strength.
I refuse to file or pay as there are at least 30 other ways I am taxed throught the year. A comprehensive annual financial report may just reveal between investments and enterprises, much in the way of income taxes and others would not even be necessary to fund gov't activities at current unconstitutional levels. Doing another silly activity by confining government to the Constitution, well much taxation would disappear as well.
Mainly my refusal to file stems from the boatload of research I have done to come to my conclusion of which I am NOT a tax protestor, but find I am not required to file or pay as are most Americans not either in law stemming from Supreme Court decisions, code pages, and expert witnesses I have read and heard speak. And after our petition for redress was EVADED with Bob Schultz 10 years ago well, who is evading whom? Not one more charge of tax evasion should ever be charged anyone after that.
I'm sure you are aware of the following:
Freedom to Facism
Joe Bannister
losthorizons.com(Pete just lost but I believe this was another stacked trial)
livefreenow.org(Peymon is having a meeting up coming in Irvine CA)
A combined marketing effort is needed. More lawyers recruited. A national class action suit for those with standing(all of us who have been wronged over the years and especially those in jail or have had property stolen). I want this issue done with in my life time! I am 47.
In Freedom,
Bill Hurley
Manchester, NH
Dear Editor,
Thank you for the e-mail alerts. It is always nice to get the US-Observer.
You wanted to hear our thoughts, so I thought I would send one or two.
First, I would like to say that I have known Justin Tallman for a number of years now, and I am sorry that he is coming under fire. He has been a good friend to a lot of people around here (Clackamas County), including me. And now that something he has done may have backfired on him, he is apparently having to pay the price in terms of the news covereage of the events..
Hopefully you'll all be able to work together to help Justin's friends recover any losses.
Another thing I'm concerned about is the article by Devvy Kidd, where she exposes the fact the the 17th Amendment was never ratified. I have contacted Red Beckman for more information on this issue.
If the states would obey the law and recognize the fact that the 17th Amendment was never ratified, then the U.S. Senators would be brought back under the control the states and the huge damage they have done to this country in terms of trade agreements, outsourcing of jobs, etc. may be stopped.
Recently the Bill Moyers show discussed the "campaign contributions" that the U.S. Senators are receiving from the banks. And by that I expect he means the Federal Reserve member banks, because I don't think the local banks have the money to give Senators tens of millions of dollars in campaign contributions.
We have also seen where Henry Paulson, when he was Secretary of the Treasury, gave himself $200 million in taxpayer money, later to find that an electric car company in Santa Barbara, California, CODA Automotive, said that Henry Paulson had invested undisclosed money in their company and was making arrangements for them to move their production to China. The company said Paulson has "deep, personal relationships in China and unique insights into the country and its people."
A few years ago, Senator Ron Wyden was invited to open the New York Stock Exchange. Usually that honor is reserved for CEOs of corporations listed on the NYSE or possibly some dignitary who might have won 10 gold medals in the Olympics. It doesn't make sense to me that someone who is supposed to be representing the union workers who support him and the working people of Oregon would be invited to ring the opening bell at the NYSE. Perhaps if Sen. Wyden lived in Oregon and had to report back to the state legislature, things might be different.
Jerry Johnson
How to Take Back America
1. Fire Congress
2. Pay attention to people like Ron Paul and Pastor Chuck Baldwin
3. Shut down the Treasury Printing Presses
4. Seize the Fed. It ain't no fed nor is it a reserve
5. Locate and arrest all secret Fabian Society "agents" buried in our government. The
SOBs take their orders from the British Crown (since 1872)
6. Track down all Free Masons aiding and abetting the Fabians and the Vatican Jesuits
abetting them
7. Seize the Council on Foreign Affairs
8. Seize the Tri-Lateral Commission
9. Give the UN HQ in NYC the heave-ho
10. Impeach the occupant in the WH for failing to produce his birth certificate
11. Secure our borders and round up the illegal aliens. 12 million could start a civil war
12. Force those who took the bailout $$ to pay it back. Let them go bankrupt
13. Cut the federal taxes in half and reorganize the IRS into a Simple Simon Agency
14. Pull out of Iraq now
15. Shorten the war in Afghanistan and get out. We are not the old Soviet Army
16. Tell the homos to go home. Leave the troops alone. You can't fight a war while
being shafted
17. Drop the second secret oath of loyalty the Justices at the Supreme Court that is
made behind closed doors to the Lord Chief Justice in London. The Court is supposed
to be 100% for America and the Constitution
This is just the beginning, Folks. I could go on but it'l take me a week to finish this list.
Peter Carminati
In response to your request for my "take" on the State of the Country, I offer my thoughts herewith.
Although I teach college English, my research interests include a wide band of topics. I have been studying this situation for over a decade and am in daily contact with a personal friend who is a former USCG Academy attendee and now a retired USCG Warrant Officer who has been studying this for over three decades. His direction led me to do in-depth research in the fields of Constitutional Law, U.S. History, Political/Foreign Affairs, Military Intelligence, Survival Tactics, Environmentalism, U.N. Agenda 21, and other areas. Since I teach on the college level (not surprisingly, being one of the very few conservatives on campus), I have access to databases and materials, as well as research release time, to be seriously and professionally involved in these matters. I incorporate as much of this material into my courses as will judiciously meld with the course content. For example, since I teach Orwell's novel, Nineteen Eight-Four, in one course, that novel's content fits exceptionally well with the direction our nation and the world is headed these days. I match much of what occurs politically around the world, but most particularly in the USA, with the various segments of his plot in that novel. We are clearly headed toward that dismal Big-Brother state which he so depressingly describes.
Can we turn our nation around? Perhaps, but the only viable, non-violent way to do so would be through honest elections. Yet, we have few honest elections anymore. The push, after the 2000 Presidential vote debacle in FL, to place electronic voting machines in every precinct in the nation has been largely successful. However, the problem there is in the fact that one cannot know for certain how one's vote is tabulated because Diebold Corp. (mostly) controls the software for counting the votes and will not allow access to its codes, claiming proprietary access protection. Hence, there is no way to validate our voting. Indeed, a software engineer testified before a Congressional sub-committee that he wrote vote-counting software for the 2004 Presidential election in Ohio and he said that it was programmed so that the vote could be swung 49% to 51%, either way, and that detection of this fact was virtually impossible. Since this is first-hand truth, it would appear that there is little hope remaining at the ballot box for saving our nation, much less for returning it to the ideal which our Founding Fathers envisioned and set into place. Unless we can return to paper ballots, supervised at every local precinct voting station, there is no hope for honest elections, and without that change, there is no hope for saving the nation. Even local politics have been infested with the "consensus building" virus, whereby Robert's Rules of Order have been superseded by use of a "facilitator" rather than a "chairperson" and rather than a vote, the meetings are conducted and prolonged until a "consensus" is reached, with limited-time access for public input. Consensus equals compromise, and that means giving in on matters of constitutional principle, like Eminent Domain, for example. The newest SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the U.S.) interpretation of Eminent domain allows local jurisdictions to "take" private land for public "use," rather than for public "good" as was originally intended. The concept of Eminent Domain no longer applies to acquiring land for the building of hospitals, schools, needed municipal structures, libraries, and the like, but now includes the taking of private property for sale to developers so that the local tax income is raised and the municipality or country reaps the reward of increased tax revenues, all the while claiming that more tax money IS for the public "good" since it is used to provide for more municipal services. Such services are, however, often either not essential (dog parks?) or are not forthcoming. What a hoax!
Can we change all this? Personally, I find it doubtful, not only because of the infected voting system, but also because of the lack of an informed public. Educationally, our populace has been successfully dumbed down. See Charlotte Iserbyt's book (available online) THE DELIBERATE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA for details on this program. The public is more interested in American Idol and TV Reality shows and iPods and Blackberries and the newest video gaming devices, and other technological innovations than they are in discovering what is undermining our Republic. Many college students I see daily, and most people on the street, cannot demonstrate simple critical thinking skills, cannot write a substantial paragraph, cannot identify the location of the Bill of Rights as being the first 10 amendments of the Constitution, cannot express a coherent thought without the use of clichés and sound bites, and cannot name the Speaker of the House, the U.S. Attorney General, the Vice President of the U.S., or the governor of the state in which they reside. With such a lack of civic knowledge, no wonder the socialist wool has been pulled over their eyes. In response to the state-controlled media, there are only a few AM radio shows and some Internet news outlets for the truth in news, and most of the populace doesn't access those sources, so if one relies solely on the alphabet channels of TV and public radio for one's news sources, the brainwashing and deceit are deeply injected.
I firmly believe that, metaphorically speaking, Lexington and Concord may soon be revisited. The economy will collapse and/or some other "false-flag" event will occur and the feds will try to crack down and all hell is going to break loose. Just hope that you aren't too far from home or "retreat" when that happens because highways will be closed and without fuel or food and water (which will disappear from grocery store shelves within three hours), those stranded away from resources will become victims of one horror or another. Sounds fiction-ish, doesn't it? [See Forstchen's ONE SECOND AFTER.] But, judging from all reliable intel sources I check-in with weekly, it's coming. That's why I send out warnings occasionally to those I care about for them to prepare for hunkering down for some unspecified number of months without outside assistance. It could be mild or far worse than predicted (go see the movie THE BOOK OF ELI with Denzel Washington or read the novel PATRIOTS: SURVIVING THE COMING COLLAPSE by J. W. Rawles, to get a glimpse of what I refer to here). This is serious, and many constitutionally-minded citizens are prepared and have been preparing for this for quite some time. I'm not talking about hillbilly snapping-turtle catchers here, either, but former Special Ops personnel, former Special Forces personnel, former SEALs, former military and gov't intel personnel, all who have been watching this current Socialist/Progressive movement for decades, and whom I have spoken with personally either via email or face-to-face. I said years ago to my closest folk (albeit rather subtly) that I had contacts with people in certain (some clandestine) agencies. I wasn't joking. I've never divulged, even to family, who those sources are, but they are reliable and better informed than most sources you could name. One of these sources has even written a novel hinting at this collapse/take-over by UN-supported factions. I have spoken with him personally. He's a family man, very congenial, well-educated (univ. post-grad degree) and not given to panic. He has been seriously prepared for years now. It's coming. What King George III did in the 18th century was nothing compared to what has been done to us and what is about to be done. It will not be tolerated much longer and "they" know that and will try to pre-empt, by nefarious methods which will produce shock and awe, any attempt of ours to return to our founding fathers' roots . Just watch. The key is not to be paranoid, just prepared.
And that's the view from my saddle.
Boots Selleck
The Obama administration has it all wrong. You don't stimulate the economy by spending money we don't have and giving it to corporations and bank. In order to get the economy moving again, cancel the income tax which will put money into the hands of American workers to spend, hopefully for goods Made in the USA. Secondly, repeal our participate in GATT, NAFTA & CAFTA. unless we do this, we will continue on the road to bankruptcy. We need to bring our industry back home. Also get us out of the UNITED Nations. We do not need them and their communist agenda of one world government. The sooner the better, and get the UN out of the United States. We need to back off from Free Trade. Has it helped us? Hell NO! Unfortunately we have 435 people in Congress and most of them are Traitors to the cause of Liberty. We need to clean house there also in the coming elections. DON'T REELECT ANYBODY! There are only a few things that need to be done but unfortunately we don't have enough people in Congress with the balls to do what is right.
Gus Metz
Point, TX
Snake Oil vs. Olive Oil
The United States and the American way of life can be brought back to its former state of a super-power and free holding “We The People” as Sovereigns as easily as turning water into coffee.
Even the steps to achieve it are easy. However, the process would take steel resolve and unwavering motivation with dedication.
The answer is: Return to The Constitution “for” the united states of America and institute that document as the Supreme Law of the Land.
Second, is to reinstate the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the Monroe Doctrine with the Federalist Papers as supporting documents for reference and validation of the Constitution.
Unknown to most people is the Act of 1871.
This act was passed illegally by a congress (Acts of the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62) and signed into law.
For the record, this law has NEVER been abolished or repealed. It is still in effect today as explained below.
The result of passing the Act of 1871:
It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool We The People into thinking it governs the Republic. It most certainly does not!
Read more of this response by John Nutter - click here.
John Nutter
We have major issues facing us. Our beloved country has been infiltrated,occupied by zionist criminals. The international banksters are becoming more brazen,they feel they have "it" in the bag. The coming months/years are going to be very trying, not only for America but for the world.
Whats the fix? We need to try and awaken the sheeple. They have been lobotomized by sports, MSM, medical/legal paradigm's and taught to obey authority.
In my humble opinion, we need massive voluminous info taken to the public.
How best to do this?? Let's build and expand on an existing platform. ie; usobserver.com also idahobserver.com
I'm looking for ways to promote these excellent papers. One easy and cost effective way is email. Print flyer's,rent space at public events. Lets all work together to make this happen.
Our lives and our children's depend on what we do now. We must wake em up!! For instance lets take the money issue. If we can convince the public to only start a food storage program. And to start buying Silver/Gold while it still dirt cheap.Your input please.
A concerned American,
Jack Lovett
Family & Friends:
According to the federal government and the corporate media, on April 19, 1995 a terrorist-planted bomb destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, taking 168 persons to their deaths and injuring many others.
This would imply that they are speaking of Timothy McVeigh and his homemade fertilizer bomb in the Ryder truck which did damage to the facade of the building but the majority of the people were killed or injured by the collapse of parts of the building which was caused by contact explosives on certain building members– an inside job.
McVeigh was seen at various times in OKC and elsewhere with Middle-eastern looking men as testified by various people. The New American magazine had many stories on this tragic incident over the years and I have saved quite a few.
Brigadier General Benton K. Partin (Retired) and many other explosive experts have testified that the building could not have been destroyed by the fertilizer bomb but that the steel reinforced concrete columns and beams were cut by contact explosives. There has been nothing but lies and cover-up. This happened during the Clinton-Gore-Reno administration as did Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidians (near Waco, TX), and the first WTC bombing.
Now if we come forward to the Bush-Cheney administration, we see a continuation of lies and cover-up by many in the government regarding the tragic occurrences that took place on 9/11/01. Not only the two 110 storey towers WTC 1 and 2 fell but also WTC 7, a 47 story skyscraper, fell the afternoon that the towers fell in the morning; and WTC 7 was not hit by an airplane! This collapse of the 47 story building was not even mentioned in the government’s The 9/11 Commission Report! You might want to refer to The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions and Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11 by David Ray Griffin.
President Bush did not want any investigation into the tragedy and was forced into it by some of the 9/11 families and he put one of his operatives, Philip Zelikow, to oversee it and make sure the truth did not come out in the 9/11 Commission Report. It has been shown by scientists and engineers that the burning jet fuel (like kerosene) can not possibly reach a temperature high enough to melt steel. Only controlled demolitions could cut the massive columns and bring the buildings down; And the steel fell in convenient lengths to be picked up and loaded on trucks to be shipped to Asia. And we must remember that no steel framed high-rise building has collapsed from fires before or since 9/11.
Here is an abstract of a paper by Dr. Steven E. Jones, Physicist and Archaecometrist, titled Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse:
“In this paper, I call for a serious investigation of the hypothesis that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by impact damage and fires, but through the use of pre-positioned cutter-charges. I consider the official FEMA, NIST, and 9-11 Commission reports that fires plus impact damage alone caused the complete collapses of all three buildings. And I present evidence for the controlled-demolition hypothesis, which is suggested by the available data, and can be tested scientifically, and yet has not been analyzed, in any of the reports funded by the US government.”
The Pentagon was apparently hit with a missile as there was no airplane crash debris there and Flight 93 was probably shot down by one of our fighters as there was only a smoking hole in the ground, the debris was scattered over many square miles near Shanksville, PA. There are several books, DVDs and Internet web sites giving the truth about this.
The Bush-Cheney administration used this tragedy as their “Pearl Harbor” to get the American people behind them so they could wage war on Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries that had nothing to do with 9/11.They are changing our longstanding laws and regulations via the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and the Defense Authorization Act which according to Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) essentially wipes out Habeas Corpus – precursors to a military dictatorship. Now we have the Real ID Act which requires that state issued driver’s licenses meet certain federal standards and becomes a national ID card with bar codes required to enter federal buildings, board commercial aircraft, open a bank account, visit a national Park, etc.
So, who caused the three buildings to collapse and the damage to the Pentagon and the crash of Flight 93 and exactly how did they do it? This is not known for sure at this time because there has not been a real investigation. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are calling for a new, fully funded, unimpeachable Congressional investigation with subpoena power. Your letters to your congressmen could make it happen.
Why would anyone want to do this false-flag operation against their own people? Hard to say, but we know that Rome changed from a Republic to an Empire, characterized by the Welfare-Warfare State and declining morals, before the time of Christ. Yes, conspiracies/secret combinations seem to go back to the beginning of man – for power and gain. Could that be what is happening to our beloved America now?
The recent election of Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden as president & vice-president of the United States and the election of many congressmen and women who do not respect our federal or state constitutions should be a wakeup call to all Americans to turn off the TV and read what is happening and contact our federal and state legislators on important legislation and pray to the Lord to save our country.
With the loss of our manufacturing base and ensuing unemployment, the Real ID Act, the proposed North American Union (combining Canada, the USA and Mexico), invasion by millions of illegal aliens across our border and continual war and killing in Afghanistan and Iraq and a huge debt that our grandchildren and their children will be saddled with, to list a few, we may not have much time left as a moral, sovereign nation of States with our freedom under the Constitution with its Bill of Rights.
Daniel W. Richard, PE, LS (Ret.)
Eagar, AZ
I have many thoughts, just a couple for now.
1. I interacted with many people during and since the 1930s especially during WW2, I was in he Army Air Corps that is now called the Air Force. The American masses have been so thoroughly brainwashed since WW2 I am afraid nothing can wake up enough of them to make any change in the totally corrupt federal and state governments.
2. For years I have had a feeling the search for Bin Laden is more smoke and mirrors. The shadow government does not want him "caught." Ben Laden is told what, where and when and to what extent to create disaster. Fact or fiction, but since the more than just suspicious World Trade towers destruction I lean toward fact.
Yes I would very much like to say something. This war we are into is unbelievable I can not imagine what is going on over there with our troops, but to tie their hands like this country has is just outrageous. Let them go in and whip those SOB's. We surely must have forgotten Vietnam! I am so upset with the way this country is running its unforgivable. Oh and then prosecute our soldiers if they god forgive make a mistake! Let our soldiers do what they got to do and bring them home. ALIVE not in BODY BAGS.
Arleen Bumgarner
One thing that would change, the congress should make no laws or rules that they themselves would not be obligated to obey. They should not be able to raise their own pay. The constitution should be obeyed to the letter and the intent of the original authors. One term of 6 years with no chance to go back to D.C. And last, the Fair Tax should be instituted immediately These changes would turn our country around fast.
Charles Barrow
Watch the 15 minute movie "KITNA" by G. WILDER before it's too late.
Kim Wilde
To the Editor;
Have to cut costs and make jobs.
1-Deport illegal's.
a-will create jobs for people to remove these illegal’s
b-US citizens’ can do the work that these people are doing.
c-hospitals won’t have to give free health care to these people.
Deport the illegal's in prison back to their own countries.
a-will cut costs of the prisons
b-The guards of these prisons can be sent to the border to stop illegal immigration.
c-Hire more people from the savings in medical field and prisons to help with the borders.
In the government work force.
a-If people aren’t producing fire them.
b- Have fewer bosses and more producing people
c-Cut benefits to more like the working people.
Government is too big, there is too much overlapping of services.
There are too many people on permanent welfare, if they are not handicapped, make them work.
Do not subsidize having a large family, after two children penalize instead of encouraging.
Health care.
Every citizen should have the same opportunity for the same care. Unions and government workers have the same.
Congress should have the same health care as the rest of the nation. Then it would be fair. This should include their retirement benefits.
Term Limits on all elected officials.
The salaries of congress should be voted on by the people. Them giving themselves raises and cutting or leaving social security the same is not right.
No bribery in congress to get votes for a bill.
No amendments after a bill is passed or as it is being passed.
Live by the constitution, not change it, this what made this country great. Government out of the people’s lives.
Leave the 2nd amendment alone.
It keeps government in check.
It keeps the criminals from having a free time and protects the law abiding citizens protected.
Richard Short
Send AIPAC packing to a desert. And all their brothers,sisters,children and cousins.
Proud American
The condition of America is frightening for one reason only.....reality never sees the light of day here. In 2000 and 2004 it was evident to most that elections were being tampered with. In 2001 the crimes of 9/11 occurred, and not one person was held accountable. The oil men we chose to lead us raised the price of oil fourfold and no one said a word. Wars waged against innocent nations, no one speaks up. Laws are passed that attack Americans' freedoms without objection, and debt is foisted upon us, our great grandchildren will likely not be able to pay. We are scammed and conned by wall st and then pay them off and cover up their crimes. Currency, stock , bond, futures markets admittedly rigged, not a word printed. Purposely our water is poisoned with fluoride, our air is tampered with (chemtrails) and no one asks why.
The fact is America is being systematically destroyed from within, and there's nary a word said. The fact is we Americans are never told the truth. The fact is we have no media, we have no reporters, save the few on the internet, that are actually seeking out and delivering truth to the public. The main stream media doesn't report news....(news is unbiased)....no, they are simply giving you what their owners want you to believe. Americans are not allowed the truth. If they read truth somewhere, it is attacked as conspiracy theory,and if they point to the culprits, they are derided and chastised and called names. There is no reality left in America...it's all virtual reality... it looks real...but it's not! That is the state of the country.
Dave Smith
President Obama, has loaned billions to the banks to help stabilize the financial markets and home owners. Instead the banks have invested the funds overseas and collected huge returns and still refuse to help out the average home owner. Then President Obama adds strings to the money he loaned the banks, so the banks repay the loans to the government after collecting huge returns overseas.
Result: Banks make very nice profit at the expense of the American Tax Payer, Home Owners in financial despair continue to suffer, financial lending is still tight and very restrictive … so economy continues to recover at a snails pace.
????? Why do we continue to have lawyers run our government? Isnt it time for to run it more like a business since our government continues to bleed money? How long should a company be allowed to run in the RED? Unless you believe it’s a good thing China Red owns the majority of the US debt????
Is there really a solution to the problems in which Amerika finds itself? B. 1937, I've seen people come and go with so-called solutions to the situation. Nothing has worked to this point, while Amerika sinks deeper into the slime pits. A tremendous war seems in the looming, either based on religion, economics, or race. This seems inevitable, since there are so many forces trying to take supreme power.
The major problem as I see it is the world being held in the grip of powerful central Banksters, along with the secret cabals working in tandem. They use fiat debt notes along with usury to get countries further and further into debt, from which they can't extricate themselves. Much like they work to get farmers in debt over their heads so they can't pay the mortgage, thus losing their farms.
When the nation's military is controlled by the enemies of freedom, the people have no protective mechanism to work with them to throw off such power. It only remains for the enemies to so control the people through drugs and brainwashing that they become too dumbed down to solve their probems. They are then easy victims for takeover by a police state.
With such a scenario, it remains that revolution is the only method left to the citizens to overthrow the tyrants. This could be prevented if enough of the millions of citizens could organize to peacefully take over the reins of power. But, being so dumbed down, and the power of government preventing their organizing for such a venture, it is virtually impossible to see this happen.
So I see no solution. The people will apparently continue with their sheepish submissiveness and partying til they are pounced on and either killed or taken to internment camps, the end of the trail and trials of this life.
Please inform me of the solution as you at usobserver.com see it. Thanks.
Yours truly,
Dr. Brooks (ret.) in Georgia
I am now sixty years old and have seen a lot of things transpire in this once great nation of ours. The problem that bothers me the most at this point in my life is the absolute disregard that our government has for the American people. I am a great student of the Constitution and it saddens me to watch how all of our elected officials have become traitors to their oath of office. Some people don't, or won't believe that this is possible but it has happened right before our very eyes in a very gradual and planned orchestration. This nation which once was a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer exists. It is now only a nation of the government, by the government, and for the government. We elect government to represent us, not to rule us.
Every elected official in this nation is aware of their oath of office and they have all betrayed it! There is only one punishment for treason, only one. Our elected representatives should only answer to the people who elected them, that is who they work for. They don't work for the government, they work for the people who hired them to represent them. No one else! Our government has sold it's soul to the devil (the wealthy elite) for a better way of life for themselves with no regard for the people of this once great nation. They have thrown God out of the window and allowed corruption on a mass scale to infiltrate their masses where only a blood revolution will ever cleanse this nations soul. I predict that someday soon a high ranking military officer will be so sick to his soul about what has transpired in this nation that he will gather unto him a group of men of like spirit willing to lay down their lives if necessary to free this nation from the oppressors that now inhabits our capitol.
If this sounds like wishful thinking I challenge anyone to offer up a solution that turns this nation around from the destructive coarse it which it is headed.
Carter Baxter Powell
Dear Editor,
Get this Country back on a sound money system. Get rid of the Federal Reserve Board and their collection agency the Internal Revenue Service.
Repeal the 17th Amendment, returning the control of the Senator's back to the states. which will do away with the special interest groups.
Get the CIA and all the other subversive groups out of intervening in other countries businesses.
Close our boarders to Illegal entry.
Steven Bebich
The political, economic, news leaders and some left-leaning religious organizations in America have been selling out our national sovereignty, Constitutional rights/freedom/liberty, economic, and rule of law for decades. It has subtly been occurring for over 60 years. Key appointments and advisors to presidents are aligned and/or members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, global financiers, and socialistic organizations. They’re aggressively pursuing a path toward a New World Order. Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski's career with the U.S. Government spans several presidents: advisor to John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson; policy advisor to Jimmy Carter; and G.H.W. Bush's co-chair on the National Security Advisory Task Force (1988). He is now an advisor to Barack Obama on foreign relations. The irony of this is that it has been reported that Kissinger also hand-picked Sarah Palin to be John McCain’s VP running mate.
Who, if anyone in the American political arena, can the American citizen place their trust? I dare say, no one if “we the people” are to regain control of our nation.
Bend, OR
As you can see these were sent to the NRC the week before Christmas. They still are my best suggestions for a comprhensive solution to the national ills. But, they will take time to complete, and that is required for the debilitating condition of the patient our precious country the U S Of A. --Vic
Dear Mr. Steel,
Unfortunately, I do not have money to give, but I hope that the following will be worth millions to the GOP; provided that it is valued.
I have served the Party for many years in various capacities here in Oregon; and what the leadership really needs now are three things. Timing is critical.
A) Admit clearly that the GOP had blundered –especially in the recent past- as far as the role of the Federal government was concerned.
B) Commit to lead the GOP to eliminate the career politician at all levels of government during the next decade, i.e. by 2020.
C) Develop a pledge, a legally binding oath that every elected official will sign and abide with beginning in 2010; and it will include the following:
1- He/she will serve only six or less years in government.
2- They will pass legislation revamping all past laws to lessen the role of the Federal government except in the areas of Justice, National Defense, and foreign relations.
3- All future compensation to all retired government officials, elected and appointed, shall be under the Social Security rules that apply to all people.
4- Pass legislation that will limit the annual budget spending to no more than 10% of GNP; including a reserve for emergencies.
5- Commit to return to every state any surplus taxes collected by the IRS on a pro-rata basis; after all the national debt had been retired.
6- Pass legislation to remove life appointment for justices on the federal bench.
7- Eliminate all departments that are not vital for the well being of the States; starting with the education department.
At the age of 72, I believe that the above is crucial for the revival of the GOP and the Republican Party in the coming year. I’m not sure whether the leadership is capable of or willing to listen. I hope and pray that I’m wrong.
Have a very blessed Christmas and a great New Year.
Vic Bitar
Get rid of the UN, this way the CFR can't operate and we will save 7% of the national Gross a year on dues, then arrest David Rockefeller for Treason, he admitted to it in his book, and is head of the Trilateral commission and the CFR, both of these orgs are anti American, they are in our whole Government system and in the Military and schools, they are anti-American and so are the people that belong to it I would guess, a 6000 member think tank? every president we ever had was a member except JFK and we know what happened to him just before he was due to close down the federal reserve. Get the UN out and all of the spin off groups on our budget like the OAS and USAID, then close the HAARP facility . Pass a law , no more members of private clubs allowed in the Government, that includes the skull and bones , bilderberg etc. Problem solved. no?
Thank you , Thank you!!
It's time for a Revolution. We need to get Obama, Pelosi, Reed, Frank and a few others out of the WH. If not, this country is doomed.
Ed Blome
As a resident of another country and vitally interested in the future of the USA I am convinced that there is a solution to most, if not all, of the problems faced by the USA today.
It’s a simple solution, but not an easy one and it is ‘National Repentance’. Considering the foundation of your country much of those earlier principles have been lost and forgotten. The solution is a spiritual one and the beginnings of it can be found here:-
“Deu 11:13 And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day, to love the LORD your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul,
Deu 11:14 That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil.
Deu 11:15 And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest eat and be full.
Deu 11:16 Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them;
Deu 11:17 And then the LORD'S wrath be kindled against you, and he shut up the heaven, that there be no rain, and that the land yield not her fruit; and lest ye perish quickly from off the good land which the LORD giveth you.
Deu 11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.
Deu 11:19 And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deu 11:20 And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates:
Deu 11:21 That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth.
Deu 11:22 For if ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you, to do them, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto him;
Deu 11:23 Then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves.
Deu 11:24 Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be. [from sea to shining sea]
Deu 11:25 There shall no man be able to stand before you: for the LORD your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, as he hath said unto you.
Deu 11:26 Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse;
Deu 11:27 A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day:
“Joe 2:12 Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:
Joe 2:13 And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.”
[from the AKJ]
Fare thee well, Uncle Sam
Ralph Ford
The only way to take our country is to get rid of the Federal Reserve.
Laren Fusman
There IS a solution. We, as a nation, have forgotten that the elected government officials are OUR employees. This country needs to rise up en masse, and strongly convey that message to our government. This country is going to heck in a handbag, and we could go on and on listing the ills and the tax and spend motto of government ad nauseam. But we all know the reality. It is time to do something about it. If 75% of the country (as cited in a CBS Evening news poll 2/11) is dis-satisfied with how our government is working, why don't we all vote them out of office? The trouble is, most politicians are self-serving, greedy and morally/ethically questionable in their governing, so we sure don't want to vote more of the same in. We need to elect officials we know are going to do the job we pay them to-which is run this country efficiently and within the budget we set.
For the first time in my life I pray my children do not have children, because I know what a struggle living the middle-class 'dream' has been for my husband and me. I can't imagine what the challenges will be for the future generations.
Karen Carlin
Portland, OR
There is no doubt that our country is going downhill at an alarming rate, and before we even have a chance to vote against anything, we will be hit with more .....
I truly wish that those of you who have articles and a places to display them would start with an (all out campaign) against the "leader" of the troubles beset upon us, and you know that it's: B. Obama.
This man is "illegal" without any doubts. He has no right to sit in that chair and spend money that not one single soul knows where it is exactly being spent, while the usurper and his cronies eat the finest beef in the world and cavair, and we, pick up the tab.
I am positive that you all know what it takes to be a ("natural born") citizen in this country as related in the constition.
It (only) calls for a "natural born" citizen in the constitution, but as our guide in framing this document, we, 'adopted' Vattell's "Laws of Nations" as America's own Common Law, and a ("natural born" citizen) is very clearly defined in there as: two american born citizen parents, giving birth to a child, (actually anywhere in the world, now since we have military bases all over the world.)
It definitely does 'not' allow for any 'one' U.S. citizen and, 'one' foreigner, to ever have a: ("natural born" citizen) child.
Now B. Obama has, on more than one occasion (admitted) his father was born in kenya.
This may be witnessed on Google with the title "Obama's Cairo Speech", at the 11th paragraph down, you will find his own statement. It has been on You-tube, he has also put down his father on his hawaiian (colb) as an : african.
Now, by his own admissions, he has told the world he is (not) an American citizen.
He was adopted by Soetoro in Indonesia, and the laws clearly state that age 5 and under, the child, nor the mother, have any right to deny the automatic changing of the child's citizenship to indonesian, and religion to Islam, but, may claim his status back anytime after age 21.
As a muslim, in Indonesia, children are required to memorize the entire Koran in its original arabic language. Obama clearly has done this, to wit: listen to his Cairo speech where each greeting is in perfect arabic, and all of his references to the holy Koran.
In his own words again, in his book "the audicity of hope", he states "if the political winds shift in an ugly direction, i will side back with them" (Muslims).
The entire country knows it, and the rest are in complete wonderment.
Why, if, he is illegal are'nt the proper authorities doing any thing about it, they ask....
Well, if you have never heard of the Bilderberg group, and all of those people who think they will be part of the "elite" are siding with those who want America broken down to a socialistic nation, where the Gov. control everything, as with communism.
Then it will be very easy to complete the "new world order" with the extreme rich, who dream to rule the whole world.
Actually, it is starting to fall apart already with greece, and another 4 nations all going bankrupt, as is america.
Those such as Geo. Soros, and the ones he had Obama insert into the necessary places to prevent anything going wrong, such as the 33 cases brought against Obama's legality, to occupy that seat, those very well paid off judges, and the Chief Justice Roberts, as the one who vows to crumble the Constitution.
Eric Holder, placed there as attorney general, who vows he will never challenge or charge obama, and all of the federal judges being told to shut up or they will be terminated immediately.
A young guard at the passport office was found shot in the middle of the forehead on the same night they discovered the passport office had been invaded....
It's hard to find any judge who doesnt fear Obama's Chicago thugs, who are not beyond killing anyone who disagrees with them.
Notice the town hall meetings where the SEIU hoodlums from that union beat up citizens who try to attend these town hall meetings. Even the congress persons won't attend in person, but carry on the sessions from their homes because of the rumblings that go on.
Notice the black panthers who stand at polling places with night sticks, as deterrents to entering the polling places...
Not really necessary now, as the (new)? electronic polling machines have modems inside of them, and all it takes are cell phones to slide the votes for anyone else that they dont want elected, off of certain sheets and switched electronically to the sheets they do want elected.
We need to go back to the cardboard election sheets where only black felt pens are used to vote, which cannot be switched, and in addition, there will be two opposite parties witnesses, one Dem. And one Rep. who accompany the sheriff's deputies who collect these votes, and drive them personally down to the counting polls. (This was one of my jobs as a sheriff.)
As to the Tea Party people....are you aware that there is a 4th part of the U.S. Government?
Most people do not know of it, and it is: we, the people, who are the true Govt. of this country, and always have been, although it has been kept from almost all persons, it gives we, the people the absolute right to disband the entire govt., throw them all out, and start all over again.
This would be the very best move, however the people would fear reprisal, but from whom? Our sons, daughters, and nephews, cousins are the military!
The one thing we need to do is to first "terminate" those top few admirals and a few of the generals from the pentagon, who did their service, but started to play politics, and found it profitable...those who form our military command, and then there is no army to resist us from our rightful duty.
If you think I am a weirdo, let me assure you that I am a disabled sheriff from Wash. State and no weirdo at all, but totally despise anyone who breaks the laws.
All of the statements I have made here I can and will back up with either the URLs or the paperwork attached to your email address upon request.
If you would start these articles on the educating of the fast asleep Americans, the sooner we finally get rid of the usurper, the less hurtful will our country be, if its already not to late.....
Thank you,
G. Mynor
Washington State