J.M. Appleton is a 48 year-old, life-long resident of Wisconsin. He has worked as a State Certified Firefighter / E.M.T. - D, has a Police Science and Marketing related education, and is the married father of 5 children.
In addition to writing Social and Political commentary, Appleton is also a Songwriter and Poet whom doesn’t subscribe to the theory that writers need to “Pigeon-hole” themselves in any one specific writing forum. Appleton states, “writers also happen to be artists in every sense of the word, using pen and paper versus brush and canvas, having the gift of expressively painting a picture with the words they employ…and I encourage others to broaden their horizons and share that gift within the various genre’s available to them.”
When not working on his craft, J.M. “buries his nose” in local, national and world events…watching and reading well over one-thousand different videos, periodicals and books over the past decade. Politically, he considers himself a Libertarian/Constitutional Party hybrid and is a big fan of U.S. Congressman Ron Paul’s political philosophies and direction. He’s an avid proponent of “9/11 Truth”, and also believes there to be serious and unaddressed “conspiratorial issues” surrounding the WACO, Ruby-Ridge, OKC Bombing, and MANY other controversial (government involved) events.
Appleton finds it a privilege as well as his responsibility as an American to “speak-up and speak-out” in regard to the Social and Political injustices that plague our nation, and believes the following words as spoke by President Truman to be hauntingly prophetic and unfortunately, very accurate in depicting the attitudes of most U.S. Citizens today:
"When even one American, who has done nothing wrong, is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth…then all Americans are in peril." --President Harry S. Truman
J.M. encourages all subscribers to “steadfastly continue in your support of the US~Observer, as the plethora of timely and accurate information found here provides knowledge can have a resoundingly positive impact on not only your life, but on the lives of your loved ones as well.” He also asks that you “share this website with everyone you associate with, being a modern-day ‘Paul Revere’ of sorts…helping to empower others as you yourself have been through your visits here.”