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Ted WilliamsTed Williams III

Ted Williams is a tenured faculty member who teaches Political Science in the City Colleges of Chicago and Chicago State University. He holds degrees in Public Policy Studies from the University of Chicago (M.P.P. ‘02), and Rutgers University (B.A. ‘98). He is currently a host for WYCC television’s "The Professors" weekly political talk show, and has written articles for Trumpet Magazine, the Illinois Family Institute, and the Christian Worldview network.

In addition to teaching and writing he also had an extensive performing arts career which includes commercial and video work for McDonald’s Corporation, Six Flags Great America, Federal Express, Astellas Pharmaceuticals, and Accenture. He founded the 3rd Dimension Performance Group in 1999, a touring theater company that also has conducted dance and theater workshops throughout Chicagoland. In 2002, the company premiered Torn, The Musical, which toured major Midwestern universities. From 2003-2007 the 3rd Dimension conducted theater-based trainings for the Chicago Housing Authority’s Plan for Transformation, the largest reconstruction of public housing in the nation’s history. Williams is also the co-founder of The Way Christian Ministries, a church on the Southside of Chicago. He and his wife Roslyn are the proud parents of two beautiful little girls, Gabrielle and Amaris.

ARTICLES BY Ted Williams:



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