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Print Edition Headlines (Continued) |
Free Thought Project Contributions
Former DEA Prescription Head Drops a BombShell — Congress Protects
Big Pharma & Fuels Opioid Crisis
WATCH: California Cops Rob Every Penny from Innocent Family, Including their Children
Cop Famous for Falsely Arresting Dozens of People is Run Over By Woman
Who Refuses to be Arrested
The Elimination of Reason
--24 Hour Gold
Zoning Laws are Erasing the American Dream
When a state’s drug chemist lies for years, should all her cases be thrown out?
--Washington Post
Texas Finally Finds a Woman Legally Innocent of Murder
--The Atlantic
Meet the law that turns parents into pedophiles
--NY Post
Incarceration in the U.S. costs more than $1 trillion a year, University study claims
--STL Today
Government Health Insurance Up, Freedom Down
Book: Police Generate False Confessions Using Coercive Tactics New Book Claims
--The Libertarian Republic
The Path to Total Dictatorship: America's Shadow Government and Its Silent Coup
--Rutherford Institute
the US~Observer
as it was printed!
(This is a large file.)
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