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Vindicated Video


Minns - AAA - IRS Triumphs and Tears
A Continuing
Tax Case Saga

Motive and Intent,
Randy Gray's False Criminal Prosecution

is at it again...

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as it was printed!
(This is a large file.)

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Curt Chancler
Curt Chancler

Devvy Kidd

Michael Minns

Ron Lee
Ron Lee

Dr. Kathy Marshack
Dr, Kathy

Eric Coltrane

Ted Williams
Ted Williams

Lou Ann

J.M. Appleton
J.M. Appleton

Victor Sayre

Nathan Wente
Nathan Wente

Anya Bennett
Anya Bennett

Lorne Dey
Lorne Dey

<<< Fukushima debris island the size of Texas floating to the US >>>
Tenn. lawyer demands to be called 'Captain Justice' (FUNNY) --USA Today

   US~Observer Editor Picks

Man locked up in jail
for one month despite
evidence of innocence

County borrowing $10
million to pay pair
wrongfully convicted

--The Columbian

Open gun carrier wins
settlement in unlawful
detainment case

--Corvallis Gazette Times

Hospital bills man for
rectal search he was forced
to undergo by police

   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines

Dave Aronberg button
“Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right”
Florida State Attorney
Dave Aronberg Hinders Justice

Jose Velasco-Veyro
Ties to Fast and Furious –
U.S. Attorney Grissom
Targets Hispanics

Ellen Rosenblum
Destroying an Oregon Family
AG Rosenblum Allows False Prosecution

Michael Minns
Historic Criminal Tax Case Ruling
Government Fails to Prove
Tax Due: Judge
Bryan Phelps
Kansas City Marijuana Bust
Bryan Phelps Info Needed
Consttitution Stupid
It’s the Constitution, Stupid -
Bogus Administrative Rule!
Bernie Ziemenski billboard
Sign of the Times -
Constitution Be Damned
Jackson County vs Ziemenski
Don and Jason Libby
Faced With More Police Abuse,
Twin Brothers Vindicated AGAIN!
Local Involvement
Local Citizen
Involvement Wanted -
Grants Pass Heating and Air Warning

   Daily Breaking Mainstream Headlines


Southern Oregon Home For Sale

   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines (Continued)


Oregon Passes The “Monsanto Protection Act”

Fast & Furious Book: 'Last Thing ATF Wants is for Truth to Get Out'
--FOX News

Prosecutorial Misconduct at Root of Two Recent Exonerations
--The Open File

U.S. drug agents smuggling cocaine, Venezuelan president alleges
--The Examiner

Wrongful convictions: Exonerated inmate wins early round in suit -
Federal judge allows case to proceed

--Chicago Tribune

$2 Billion NSA Spy Center is Going Up in Flames
--Fiscal Times

How Prosecutors Rig Trials by Freezing Assets
--Wall Street Journal

1/6 of U.S. Population Now on Food Stamps – Is There Any End in Sight?

Memo warns about terrorist "dry-runs" on airplanes
--CBS News 10

Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest Contributions

The Insidious, Hidden Nature of Theft By Government

Emails Show Pay-For-Play Scheme In Drug Trials

At The Tipping Point

Devvy Kidd


Just Following Orders
--Juli Adcock

Finding a crime for every man
--Judge Andrew Napolitano

Who Shut Down the Government?
--Thomas Sowell

Obamacare is Not a Law: It’s a New Three Letter Agency
--Michael Lofti

Protecting the Speech We Hate
--Paul Sherman and Robert Mcnamara

How Big Pharma hides vaccine dangers
--Jonathan Benson

Obama's Next Power Grab
--LTC Allen West

Chancler and DC Parts

2nd Amendment

Gun Prohibition Means More Demand for Guns
--Ludwig von Mises Institute

Lockport police catch flak for SAFE Act arrest
--News Niagara Reporter

US~Observer Edition 2 Number 25

See the US~Observer
as it was printed!
(This is a large file.)

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