An American Revolution
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By Karl Stokes
America, Current Times – My fellow Americans, Socialism only lasts until a Socialist Government runs out of other people’s money. Simply put, The “Have-Not’s” take from the “Kinda-Haves” until there is nothing left and the system implodes upon itself. All the while the real “Haves” are the ones pushing the policies, profiting from the production and keeping control of the “less fortunate”. Benjamin Franklin challenged us when he said, “We have given you a Republic, if you can keep it” and I fear the Republic is on the verge of collapse.
![]() American Revolution |
“Do not forget that Germany was the most educated, the most cultured country in Europe. It was full of music, art, museums, hospitals, laboratories, and universities. And yet, in less than six years (a shorter time span than just two terms of the U. S. presidency) it was rounding up its own citizens, killing others, abrogating its laws, turning children against parents, and neighbors against neighbors… All with the best of intentions, of course. The road to Hell is paved with them.”
– Professor David Kaiser – Carnegie Mellon, Williams College and Harvard University.
What has taken generations to build, is systematically being destroyed and replaced with the same Socialist evil that has brought poverty, destruction, and despair to untold hundreds of millions throughout history.
I was raised and taught to believe that America is the land of the free and home of the brave. We are neither free nor brave enough in these times. “We” refers to many Americans or others striving to become American; People who work for a living, pay their taxes, pay their medical expenses and, in times of struggle, rise up and overcome hardship. These are the people who simply fight to survive and don’t depend on Government handouts to get by.
The socialist propaganda that is being taught by many teachers in public schools about this great country is plainly anti-American, and it’s progressively getting worse for today’s youth. I was told by a good friend that he just doesn’t “give a sh*t anymore,” that I was put here to make a difference, not him. This statement proves just how seemingly helpless most Americans actually feel these days; that their involvement won’t matter, or, even scarier, that others will do the work for them – the government agenda of reliance on something other than self. Until they get off of their ass, realize they are the ONLY ones who can change their lives and do something, our country will continue to worsen.
A limited federal government was put in place by the people and was once controlled by the people. A Constitution was created to protect the people from the very government they had created. Sadly, this government no longer recognizes Constitutional rights. Genuine morals, the documented directives of our founding fathers and true American justice have fallen by the wayside. The very ideals once cherished, have been trampled on, ignored and even scoffed at for far too long.
There is not one government that has lasted under complete Socialism in the history of mankind. Broken down, when you give total control of your wealth and freedoms to others, eventually, abuses will occur, followed by chaos and destruction. Sadly, since the grab of centralized government power, our once great nation has become impuissant to what we once were, a Constitutional Republic and the greatest country the world has ever seen. The United States of America has been the “The Best of the Best” for many decades, excelling at all levels, as is statistically proven by empirical evidence. But because of our progressives move toward an all-encompassing centralized “socialist” system, we are no longer the world leader.
We need to wake up and stop being brainwashed by corporate media and government shills. We need to stop considering change in the form of a new government and simply take control and use the one that this great country was founded on. We are headed for a catastrophe that only the “Sleeping Giant” (The People) can change. If people are so apt to want something for nothing, then they must learn their lesson or move to a country where it’s OK to steal from other citizens. I, on the other hand, will stay in America and fight for our rights and freedoms. I will work hard and prosper with the knowledge that “I” have. I will not be told what job I can have, nor will I be told what doctor I can see or what kind of education my children will be entitled to. As I look into the not so distant future, I see America headed into a direction where the only cure is one thing…REVOLUTION. The only question is, will we possibly experience a peaceful revolution, which will require mass numbers or will it be a destructive and devastating one?
It is this simple: I will not let someone control my life. I will not let my children go unpunished for wrongs in fear of government interference. I will not let a “Terrorist” IRS demand my hard earned money when I already pay taxes. I will not depend on government for my food, healthcare, housing or anything that I am able to provide for. I will not demand that my children volunteer for government services or pledge an oath to a single president. I will not follow suit to what most of our country has been led to believe; that a Democratic “Mob Rule” is what this nation was founded on.
I live in a county where many public school extracurricular programs are being cut, and the sheriff department is being forced to survive on next to nothing. And, people wonder why it takes so long for deputies to respond when a 911 call is made! Also, people aren’t proactive when their child can’t play sports or participate in other extracurricular, educationally enhancing activities at school; they simply buy into the spin that government just doesn’t have enough money for these programs. The fact is, the government that controls these entities does have money and it has allowed these funds to be wasted on programs and projects that I, most certainly, didn’t vote for. Yes, maybe a “tit-sucking” representative that was elected did vote to pass certain bills so they’d be re-elected. I won’t argue that point. When you have no more say in where “Your” money goes, doesn’t that sound like socialism? Total government control? You be the judge.
Look into these programs (bottom of page) because this is your money, your children’s money, your neighbors’ money. Most importantly, this is “Your Government”, not theirs. When an $86,000,000.00 park-path and recreation center is built with government funds (yes, 86 million) and school’s are forced to cut out needed programs, along with sheriff departments and other needed resources….that is “political suicide” for our country. The vast spending of money – which we don’t really have – to create temporary jobs, will only prove to be as fruitless as the economic situation that got us here in the first place.
“Any law which violates the inalienable rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical; it is not a law at all.”
–Maximilien Robespierre
![]() French Revolution |
Editors Note: One day, when enough people can’t go to the grocery store and put food in their carts, they might wake up, get a back bone, “fight”, and take back what was once theirs. For those too ignorant or too brain-washed to understand, Michael Jordan stated, “There is no “I” in team, but there is an “I” in win. Heed the past. The French Revolution was a great example of what happens to an abusive and controlling government. One great movement will strike many.
Socialism Definition: socialist government Synonyms: Bolshevism, Fabianism, Leninism, Maoism, Marxism, collective ownership, collectivism, communism, state ownership Notes: socialism is the more loosely defined term and encompasses communism |
Stimulating the “Stimulator”… * Examine “barriers to correct condom use” at Indiana University, at a cost of $221,000. |
These projects come from Although many of these projects come from the state in which I live, you can see what is going on in your own state at this site. -Resurface, reconstruct or replace 23 existing tennis courts Eugene OR $1,500,000 CDBG -Design and construct covered skate park in City Center area Eugene OR $1,000,000 CDBG -Trail Enhancement Eugene OR $1,000,000 CDBG -Priority 1 playground renovations: large-scale play area renovations Eugene OR $800,000 CDBG -Redevelop vacant lot in downtown Eugene at 10th and Charnelton – 200,000 square feet of new construction to feature mix of office and rental housing. Approx. $500,000 in public participation is needed for project. The total cost of project is estimated Eugene OR $500,000 CDBG -Construct park picnic shelter Eugene OR $125,000 CDBG -Public Housing Modernization Eugene OR $900,000 Housing -Purchase three trolleys Oregon City OR $1,000,000 Transit -Portland Parks and Trails Construction: Construction of a community center, the development of several parks, and 10 miles of multi-modal trails Portland OR $86,000,000 CDBG -Portland Streetcar: the extension of the Portland streetcar loop across the river to OMSI Portland OR $75,000,000 Transit -Energy efficiency upgrades at all public housing sites. Salem OR $1,535,000 Housing -Upgrade existing playgrounds for ADA and safety compliance at 4 low income family sites. Salem OR $140,000 Housing -Replace flooring in family units at 6 sites. Salem OR $237,000 Housing -Replace old deteriorated doors, including hardware and locks, with new energy efficient ones at 6 low income family sites. Salem OR $320,000 Housing -Replace aging and leaking roof systems at 3 family sites. Salem OR $240,000 Housing -Forks of the Road Heritage Trail. This project would greatly enhance one of the primary gateways to our city by creating an African American/Ethnic Heritage Trail along a stretch of St. Catherine Street between the Forks of the Road Slave Market Site Natchez MS $3,200,000 CDBG. I confirmed this project because the website stated they wanted 600,000,000.00 which was actually 600,000.00 to begin with. -New Energy Efficiency Industrial Zones 100 Acres Cidra PR $17,500,000,000 Energy -SHRA Sacramento CA $500,000,000 Low Income Housing |