Countering the Abusive Short Sell is Now an Option
“PR, Alone, is Not Enough to Counter a Short Sell”
By Michael Quiel
Investigative Reporter
There are individuals and organizations out there that want to subvert your organization in order to make a profit off your loss. From fake reports of company malfeasance to illegitimate news articles of regulatory investigations, market news can and does impact market cap.
According to an article, Naked Short Selling is Killing OTC Companies: “Small development stage companies, and even profitable companies are being negatively attacked and sucked into a trap of naked short selling, which ultimately sends their stock prices plummeting, and often to the point of no return.”
What happens when your company is targeted? Do you run out and hire a PR firm to try to mitigate the stock loss? Do you hire an attorney and try to sue these short-sell-artists to make up for your loss? Do you reach out to government regulators in hopes they can punish those who’ve wronged you?
Frankly, there doesn’t seem to be any substantive outlets for organizations to turn to when they are being harmed in a short sell. That has now changed.
The US~Observer investigates who is targeting your company and thoroughly vets their claim against you. When it’s determined that those claims are false, and the evidence is collected, the US~Observer seeks to hold the perpetrators accountable. This could be financially, publicly, even criminally.
The US~Observer has investigative journalists on its team with years of experience holding people accountable. We will right the wrongs your company has been facing and won’t stop until the problem has been resolved.
Contact us today.