DHS Steals Newborn from the Bluetear Family
Acting Without Cause, DHS Caseworker Cindi Corrie Has it Out for the Bluetear Family
By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

The Bluetear family during a visit.
Douglass County, OR – Glendale, Oregon couple Snowwolf Bluetear and his wife Anna became the proud parents of a beautiful, yet premature baby boy they named Uudam on May 28, 2016.
Uudam was born with serious, yet non-life-threatening health issues, just like many other children. He needed special assistance, a task his well accomplished Mother was equipped to handle. Anna gave birth to Uudam a month and a half early due to severe preeclampsia. She spent eight days at Three Rivers Hospital in Grants Pass, Oregon recovering.
On June 8, 2016, just eleven days after Uudam was born, the Bluetears were preparing for an overnight visit at the hospital to take part in a CPR class, in preparation to properly care for their son. Before they could leave, they had their hearts ripped from them when the hospital called and informed them they couldn’t see their son; that the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) was taking him.
On June 10th, DHS placed Uudam in a Foster home. On June 11th, the Bluetears appeared in a Douglass County courtroom to hear that DHS was claiming they could not properly care for their son.
History and DHS intervention
According to witnesses, on March 7, 2016, DHS Supervisor Sandy Henry witnessed Anna at the Douglass County courthouse with her husband Snowwolf – Anna was visibly pregnant. Prior to his relationship with Anna, Snowwolf had gone through a very troublesome marriage, one that DHS and Henry became involved in. According to information received, Henry had “more than a dislike for Snowwolf – she was out to get him”. The US~Observer investigated this case and concluded that Mr. Bluetear got away from his troublesome ex-wife, corrected the problems that existed and moved on with his life. Further, his current relationship with Anna and the birth of Uudam has nothing whatsoever to do with his past situation.
DHS would have been wise to have investigated this case as we have before literally stealing the Bluetear child. Had DHS conducted even a cursory investigation they would have found that Anna was more than capable and far more than qualified to care for her newborn son.
Some of Anna’s accolades began in High school where one teacher wrote, “It has been a privilege to have Dorothy Parsons (Anna’s maiden name) as my student during the 1991-92 school year. She is a highly motivated young person who has distinguished herself for her sense of responsibility as for her scholarship…Dorothy has been an invaluable asset to our parent club.”
When Anna worked with the Medford Police Department (Criminal Investigation Section) a Detective Sgt. wrote, “I had the privilege of working with Dorothy Parsons during the fall of 2004 through the spring of 2005. Dorothy always came to work with a smile on her face and was ready to assist with any task given. I believe Dorothy will be successful in any endeavor she chooses.”
Anna Bluetear received a Master of Science in Criminal Justice Degree, and an award from Southern Oregon University that was given to her in part for, “significant contributions to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities on campus.”
DHS Smear Campaign

DHS Caseworker Cindi Corrie – a picture is worth a thousand words
Let’s examine what DHS wrote in a court document without conducting any investigation whatsoever: “Parents or caregivers (referring to Snowwolf and Anna) attitude, behavior or perception result in the refusal and/or failure to meet a child’s exceptional needs that affect his/her safety. Uudam is a medically fragile child who has needs that are such the parents are in need of the assistance of DHS to safely parent until deemed unnecessary by medical professionals.”
These statements are nothing more or less than dangerous DHS lies, DHS deception. Bluetears had not one opportunity to parent Uudam – he was taken and turned over to foster parents who possess NONE of the qualifications that Anna possesses.
During a recent court hearing on this case I witnessed Bluetear’s current caseworker, Cindi Corrie, act like a complete idiot in court, where she constantly shook her head up or down depending on what was said by Judge Luke Stanton or one of the attorneys present. Corrie seems to be the main person currently keeping Uudam from his parents. We find that her recommendations are opposite of some professionals involved in this case. This fact alone proves that her motives are underhanded.
At the end of the hearing Judge Stanton commended the Bluetears and prompted them to keep doing what they were doing.
Liability – Par for the Course
This case pretty much mirrors another DHS case we covered in Douglass County that occurred just a few years ago. In that case, DHS caseworker Cori McGovern was able to wrongfully keep a little four-year-old child away from her mother for 4 years. It is reported that taxpayers paid out over a million dollars for McGovern’s actions when she was sued.
The court has scheduled a hearing on the Bluetear case for July 19, 2017, to hear arguments regarding jurisdiction on a psychological report. It appears, that since DHS is getting nowhere with their original claims against the Bluetears, DHS now intends to attack their “mental condition.”
A Permanency hearing is scheduled for September 20, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. in the Douglass County courthouse.
Editor’s Note: DHS, Caseworker Corrie and others involved would be very wise to stop this abuse immediately! If not, we will soon be airing all of their dirty laundry…
Regarding the public, everyone should be petrified to know that in 2017, their government can come in and steal any child and make it appear like they are concerned. No Warrants, no proof of wrongdoing, no nothing – only orders from vindictive, police-state-driven public employees.