I Remember
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By Curt Chancler
Investigative Reporter
I have lived the majority of my time on this planet not only living life to the fullest but living it as a proud American male, and I have lived my life in one of the greatest periods in history. I am a self taught road scholar – not a Rhodes Scholar, but a roads scholar – which means I received my education on the roads, highways and byways of America.
I remember when the majority of Americans believed in God, Country and the Constitution for the United States of America and were willing to stand up and fight for those beliefs. I remember when our children and their teachers were allowed to pledge their allegiance to their God and Country without breaking the law.
I remember when our parents decided what was best for their children, not the government. I remember when “father knows best” was a way of life and not just a 1950’s television show.
I remember when our schools belonged to the people and not the government, and our schools taught American history and social studies, not socialism. I remember when gay meant someone with a giddy, euphoric attitude.
I remember when we were a constitutional republic and proud of it – not a liberal democracy moving rapidly toward socialism. I remember music before Rock and Roll was born; “long live rock and roll”.
I remember when we as a society set the bar high in every aspect of our lives in order to achieve excellence, not lower the bar in an apparent struggle to achieve mediocrity by letting the least qualified for the job, have the job.
I remember when our courts considered our Constitutions, Federal and State, to be the law of the land, and not just an abstract concept. I remember when law enforcement’s mission was to protect and serve, and cop was not a dirty word.
I remember when government officials feared the wrath of the people; now the people fear the wrath of government. I remember when the people of America were not a population of whining, complacent, does-nothing, political cowards, but a people of action; a people that were proud to be called Americans.
Have we became so lame, so history challenged as a society, so brain washed that we believe that 307,000,000 people armed with Our Constitutions and all they guarantee, cannot tell a hand full of our corrupted elected government officials and their little group of self serving minions, “NO”, and enforce that no?
Listen folks, this is not rocket science! It is called color of office or malfeasance of office. Any elected official in either house of Congress that voted yes on the stimulus package, or any other bill without reading and understanding it in its entirety, before they voted on it, has committed an offence called, malfeasance of office.In this instance it would be called Constitutional Malfeasance.
Malfeasance of office covers the misconduct, committed by elected officials while in office, but the most common definition is, conduct by a public official that cannot be legally justified, or their misconduct conflicts with the law.
Every single one of these elected officials, is not only a waste of a vote but a waste of skin. Every one of these mindless enemies of freedom need to be removed from office right now. Not at the next election!
No matter the intent, these people have committed an act that can only be described as an act of legislative terrorism. Now they want the government to take over and change the health care of everyone in America? Oh yeah, I forgot, change everyone’s health care in America but theirs.
These elected officials need to be in prison, not office. They need to be taken out of office by whatever means necessary, so we can begin the job of unwinding and repairing the damage they have done.
We need to remember, America was born out of a revolution, when the good men and women of this country said loud and clear, enough is enough!
The most important part of our history is to remember that our founding fathers were not career politicians; they were just people; patriots that came from all walks of life. Some were uneducated, and some were self -taught professionals, and the educated ones did not graduate from a liberal, socialistic university.
Remember, we must stop voting for doctors, attorneys, teachers, and others over educated constitutional retards. These people are great folks and we all need them – possibly excluding the attorneys. Unfortunately, they do not represent our constitutional rights or the wants, the needs or even the opinions of main street America. Educated people are not the answer to our political problems – they are the source of them.
Ask yourself, how many of my close friends and neighbors are doctors, lawyers, professors, engineers or judges. What makes you think that these people are more qualified to tell you anything about how to live, work, play, raise your children and spend your money than you are?
Remember, all educated people do not fit the above description. You know who you are. Anyone with any common sense that has discussed anything, especially politics with you for five minutes, knows who you are, too.
It does not matter what your education or political affiliation is, America needs citizens who know their constitutional rights and willing to stand up and fight for them. It’s up to you to find out what your constitutional rights are. But here’s the catch. If you do not know those rights, no one will tell you the truth about what they are and where to find them. Your rights are still there but they are layered over with unconstitutional laws and administrative rules. It will be up to you to peel those layers away to find your rights.
Remember the only rights you have are the ones you know about and are willing to fight for.
Come together with your friends, family, neighbors, church members, and form study groups. Study our constitutions both federal and state. When you do, you are going to be very upset.
You are going to find that your elected representatives have made unconstitutional laws that regulate every facet of your life, your marriage, children, home, business, travel, schools and have the power to enforce these unconstitutional laws on you and will not hesitate to use that unconstitutional power anytime you challenge their authority.
As you begin to discover the truth about your rights and the intent of our founding fathers on government’s limited role in our lives, and our authority to tell government no, you will begin to understand the power of the people.
As an example of our founding fathers intent, on the purpose of government and our constitutional right to change government, look at Oregon’s Constitution. Article 1 Section 1 says it all and says it best, “We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper”.
Our founding fathers gave us in our Constitutions both federal and state and our Bill of Rights, recipes for freedom from an intrusive and tyrannous government. The pages of our constitutions and our history books shine a bright light on our rights and governments limitations on those rights.
Remember, government cannot regulate your rights; that’s why they call them rights. Government did not give you your rights; government can only defend or violate a right. Only people have rights. Read them, understand them, demand them, and fight for them.
Remember, history shows us that we, the people, have always been at our best when things are at their worst.
Wake-up America, wake-up, before it’s too late!