Steve Phillips: “Don’t Worry – I’ve Got Your Back”
Jewell, Oregon School Superintendent Steve Phillips
“Agreed to Help Woman Who Made False Sex Abuse Claims”
Editor’s Note: After our initial article on this case was published, the US~Observer was inundated with many helpful phone calls which prompted us to write this follow-up. Thank you to each of those who contacted us! We will be publishing updates as this case moves forward. If you have any information regarding anyone named in this article, please contact the US~Observer immediately. Email: or call 541-474-7885.
By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

Steve Phillips
Jewell, OR – Just two years after resigning as Beaverton School District’s Deputy Superintendent over blowback from an “anti-immigrant” tweet, Steve Phillips, now a Jewell, OR. School Superintendent is under fire yet again. Phillips was named in a tort claim (notice of intent to file a lawsuit) filed against the Jewell Oregon School District by Dave Samuelson. Samuelson was Jewell’s Varsity Basketball Coach before he was wrongfully terminated according to court records. Samuelson had also previously served on Jewell’s School Board for eleven-years.
A recent court ruling in the ongoing legal battle aligned with Samuelson’s belief that Jewell Principal Jon Wood, Superintendent Steve Phillips and the Jewell school board did not follow proper procedure when they terminated his employment on October 7th, 2019. Claims that Samuelson “touched Shannon Wood, the former assistant varsity basketball coach on her butt, on the outside of her pants” is what led to Samuelson’s termination. Samuelson believes he has been retaliated against for disclosing allegations of Shannon Wood having extramarital affairs, which were disclosed to him by a Student Athlete’s Parent.
Samuelson, and others in the community who claim to know Shannon Wood, believe she made false allegations against Samuelson to try and hide her “extramarital affair with Brian Meier.” Meier, a former school board member for Jewell School District was instrumental in helping hire Steve Phillips according to US~Observer sources.
Since taking on this case, the US~Observer has uncovered many troubling claims against Steve Phillips – all which lead us to believe Jewell School District and others will be sued by Samuelson and possibly other Parents if Phillips’ actions continue.
The Allegation

Shannon Wood and Dave Samuelson giving an award
Dave Samuelson, a 63-year-old life-long resident of Clatsop County was reportedly contacted by a Student Athlete’s Parent about, “Shannon Wood possibly having an inappropriate relationship with Brian Meier.” As the Varsity Basketball Coach, Samuelson took the parents concern as reported to him, to Superintendent Steve Phillips as he should have. It was reported that some of the Jewell Students had witnessed Meier and Wood having an inappropriate relationship. Wood and Meier were reportedly seen in the same hotel room at an out of town school volleyball tournament. Several concerned people have voiced concern over a, “rush to judge” Samuelson, while Jewell School Officials, “swept the claims against Wood under the rug.”
Another student had reportedly witnessed Wood and Meier eating, having a romantic dinner together in another town around the same time Wood was seen, “in a hotel room with Meier.” It was reported that school staff, students and several others in the community were aware of the “romantic relationship” between Wood and Meier.
Phillips discussed the allegations with Wood, which she reportedly denied. Then in a strange turn of events, Wood claimed that Samuelson had been sexually harassing her for well over a year. A letter Wood wrote to Samuelson and her relationship with his family completely disprove her false allegations. Furthermore, Wood’s claims against Samuelson were reported just three days after he disclosed what he was told about her reportedly being unfaithful in her marriage.
One of Wood’s allegations against Samuelson was that he touched her on her butt, on the outside of her pants. Although Samuelson says he never touched Wood inappropriately, he did apologize for anything he may have done, as an attempt to take the higher road. That apology was reportedly used to fire Samuelson according to a written report by Principal Jon Wood.
One witness stated, “If you know Dave, you know how he communicates. He often uses metaphoric sarcasms. What he says could easily be taken out of context. I do not believe for one second that he would touch Wood on her butt, on the outside of her pants. If it were true, then why hasn’t anyone else stated they saw him do it?”
Denied Stalking/Restraining Order
Shannon Wood also attempted to get a stalking/restraining order against Samuelson soon after he disclosed what had been reported to him about her, “extramarital affair.” Judge Paula Brownhill denied the stalking order sought by Wood because it was not supported with, “legal basis,” according to the Judge.

Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian
Prosecutor Ron Brown makes an argument during a hearing.
Despite Wood’s stalking/restraining order denial, Clatsop County District Attorney Ron Brown (D.A. Brown) still filed a total of ten misdemeanor charges against Dave Samuelson. Samuelson, if convicted, could serve a ten-year prison sentence. D.A. Brown took one allegation of touching Wood on her butt, on the outside of her clothes, and turned it into ten times of touching her after talks with Wood. The US~Observer believes this stacking of charges was done as an effort to extort a plea deal from Samuelson. D.A. Brown later proved that point when he offered Samuelson a deal – if you plead guilty to one Misdemeanor count of Harassment and pay Shannon Wood $12,000.00, we will settle your case without a trial.
Jewell School District Proposed Order of Dismissal – Denied
After Samuelson was fired by Steve Phillips and the Jewell School Board Samuelson’s attorney, Richard Cohen filed a Writ of Review which asked the Clatsop County Circuit Court to determine if Jewell School District acted properly when they terminated his employment. In response to the writ that was filed, Jewell School District recently sought to have Samuelson’s amended writ dismissed.
After considering what Jewell School District was asking for, Judge Beau Peterson stated, “…I conclude that the authority exercised by the Respondent’s (Jewell School District and Steve Phillips) was quasi-judicial in nature. The motion to dismiss is denied.”
Judge Peterson agreed with Samuelson when he denied Jewell’s attempt to dismiss Samuelson’s claim, so, the issue of what to do with Samuelson is now back with the School Board. Judge Peterson’s written opinion makes it clear that the Jewell School Board and Administration acted as a Judge and Jury and denied Samuelson due process.
Rush to Judgment
To this day, The Jewell School Board and Steve Phillips have reportedly never talked to the students who brought forth the allegations of Wood and Meier’s extramarital affair.
Several people believe the reason why nothing was done regarding the “extramarital affair” is because Superintendent Steve Phillips does not like Dave Samuelson. Samuelson believes Phillips does not like him because he, “disapproved of how Phillips was hired and was vocal about it during the vetting process.”
Furthermore, after the “false” allegations were leveled against Samuelson, he was told by Steve Phillips, “I can’t have a predator in the school… We cannot have a guy who grabs women’s asses. With the #metoo movement, you’re a middle-aged white guy so you’re guilty.” According to Samuelson, Steve Phillips also sent him a text that stated the investigation against him was over – before it was investigated and before he even discussed it with Dave.
Others who know Phillips have also alleged that Phillips, an active member of the Mormon Church is also reportedly trying to, “get Shannon Wood back in the Church’s good graces.” Wood is allegedly a non-active member of the Mormon Church. One witness to the, “cozy” relationship between Wood and Phillips stated that she overhead Phillips and Wood talking at a sporting event just after the allegation of Wood and Meier’s extramarital affair was disclosed. During that conversation, Phillips was heard telling Wood, “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back,” as he placed his hand on her shoulder while giving Shannon Wood his reassurance. This is yet another clear demonstration of Steve Phillips’ bias toward Samuelson’s accuser for these “false allegations” of sexual harassment.
This witness was so appalled by the statement, that she reportedly pulled her student out of Jewell School and stated she would be willing to testify under oath to help ensure Steve Phillips is held accountable for what he’s done to Samuelson.

Deputy Chance Moore
Deputy Chance Moore Threatens Witness
One parent who was told about the relationship between Wood and Meier claims to have been, “threatened” by Clatsop County Deputy Chance Moore. Deputy Moore allegedly told her that if she says anything about the “relationship,” she could be sued for slander. Instead of asking to speak with her child, who made the statement about Wood and Meier, Deputy Moore reportedly said what her child told her was, “hearsay.” According to that parent, Deputy Moore’s threats were so out-of-line that another Deputy who was present when she was threatened apologized for Moore’s actions.
Oddly enough, like the allegations against Shannon Wood, Deputy Chance Moore has also been accused by other’s in the community of being unfaithful in his previous marriage. One witness stated, “while Deputy Moore’s ex-wife was in rehab, another woman who Deputy Moore dated was often seen driving his ex-wife’s car around town.” That same witness also stated that Deputy Moore makes illegal purchases of prescription drugs, specifically Adderall, for personal use. Another witness stated, “He’s (Deputy Moore) proof that the good ol’ boy system exists… He’s hit on me at least a thousand times… The things that he says are completely disrespectful.”
Three Pending Cases for Dave Samuelson
The legal fees and costs for Dave and his wife, Ann, have reportedly exceeded well over $300,000.00 to date. They have been in a costly custody battle for six-years, trying to protect their grandchild in addition to Dave’s “wrongful criminal charges” and the ongoing legal battle with Jewell School District over Dave’s “improper termination of employment.”
As if things could not get worse for Dave Samuelson, while he was working long hours to help cover the extensive legal bills, he suffered a major heart-attack. He barely survived and is now on a lengthy road to recovery. It is a miracle that both he and his wife Ann have been able to survive – mentally, physically, and financially. To read the full article on Dave’s “false criminal charges,” click here.