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Curt Chancler
Curt Chancler

Devvy Kidd

Michael Minns

Ron Lee
Ron Lee

Dr. Kathy Marshack
Dr, Kathy

Eric Coltrane

Ted Williams
Ted Williams

Lou Ann

J.M. Appleton
J.M. Appleton

Victor Sayre

Carol Steve
Carol Steve

Nathan Wente
Nathan Wente

Anya Bennett
Anya Bennett

Lorne Dey
Lorne Dey

The claim that the ongoing IRS scandal is limited to low level employees is falling apart. --Personal Liberty
Wrongfully Convicted Often Find Their Record, Unexpunged, Haunts Them--New York Times

   Daily News - US~Observer Editor Picks

Wrongfully convicted man
is free at last after 17 years

--New Observer

Board upholds rare
firing of prosecutor

--Mercury News

‘Absolutely Protected
By 1st Amendment’
--Judge Napolitano

I Am The Face Of The
Obama IRS Attacks

--Personal Liberty

   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines

James O’Hagan battle against bankruptcy fraud
Bankruptcy Fraud
in Washington State?
James Roberts sticks it to corruption
Sticking it to Corrupt

Matthew Rinehart, Diana Pike, Daina Vitolins
DA Vitolins Continues
Pursuing Rinehart

DA Nisely
DA Eric Nisley’s
Obstruction of Justice

Zane Crowder
Today, Accusations Get
You Life (in Prison)

Michael Minns
IRS, Media and
Common Sense

   Daily Breaking Mainstream Headlines


Devvy Kidd

   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines (Continued)


Fort Collins man reunites with father wrongfully imprisoned for 27 years
--The Coloradoan

Florida Sets Up Hotline To Report Government Haters; What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

EU Moves To Control All Plants

City Sues Good Samaritans Who Feed Strangers’ Parking Meters

Chicago police officer convicted in tow truck payoffs
--Chicago Tribune

Monsanto wins landmark patent case in Supreme Court

Gov. Perry signs Michael Morton Act into law
--ABC News

Man awarded $5.5M from NY for wrongful conviction

Reversal of Fortune: A Prosecutor on Trial

Insurers predict 100%-400% Obamacare rate explosion
--The Washington Examiner

Innocent Man Tommy Braden Jailed For Rape, Police Refused DNA Testing

Exonerated Inmates: Florida Bill To Speed Up Executions Would Have Cost Us Our Lives
--Think Progress

Feds block Utah law over police power on public lands
--The Salt Lake Tribune

Clearing a Name; Man's Reversed Conviction Still Haunts Him
--KOBI - NBC News

Child Abducted by CPS after Parents Seek a Second Medical Opinion

Cell phone users ‘have no legitimate expectation of privacy’ – judge

Biden now blamed in Seal Team 6 Deaths
Attorney: 'He should even be held criminally accountable'

US approves new pesticides linked to mass bee deaths as EU enacts ban

Chancler and DC Parts

LI Debt Ceiling


Why we should mistrust the government
-- Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, Fox News

What No One Wants to Hear About Benghazi
--Ron Paul

29 Shocking Facts That Prove A College Education In America Is A Giant Money Making Scam
--Michael Snyder

Poll Shows Americans Embracing Nullification
--10th Amendment Center

Shredding the Constitution: Obama’s attack on the media
--Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post

Lieberman: Terror! Terror! Hurry, Throw Money At It!
--Sam Rolley,

southern oregon property for sale

PL Stricter Gun Laws


54 Colorado sheriffs suing to block two new state gun control laws
--ABC 7 News

Anti-gun Liberals Don’t Understand, Lifelong Gun Owners Are Safe Gun Owners

FBI Data Shows Criminals Won’t Be Caught In Gun Grab Dragnet

Obama Trying Gun Control End Run

As it was printed:

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