Shawn Y. Discrimination
Shawn Yoakum
Case Type: Discrimination
Outcome: Compensated
“You changed my life forever, and made me want to help others. You did what you said you would.”

Shawn Yoakum
Shawn was a hard-working employee. As such, his employer found a way to move him to a position that exploited his work ethic by paying him a salary and working him long hours – thereby paying him less than an hourly employee. He also found himself and his wife discriminated against, and he lost his job.
That doesn’t work for the US~Observer, and Shawn soon found himself rehired and compensated. While there was no publication of his story, the time the 15th Street Market in Portland, Oregon was protested, keeping shoppers at bay by a public (led by the US~Observer) wanting justice, is still talked about.
The US~Observer can’t stand discrimination and we won’t tolerate it. If you have ever faced discrimination in the work place, or in any way that has significantly impacted your life and you’d like to be compensated for the wrongs you have suffered, contact the US~Observer. Find out more about us and how we can help you.