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The Gross Injustice of Obamacare

By Lorne Dey
As a writer for the US~Observer, I’m accustomed to finding injustice within government and the legal-justice system but one injustice among many from the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act otherwise know as Obamacare is particularly shameful.
I’m talking about the fines that people will have to pay for NOT signing up for having their money taken and receiving little if anything good in return from Obamacare. Many people who don’t have healthcare now don’t because either they don’t want it or can’t afford it.

Imagine fining someone for something they are physically unable to do. And therein lies the most egregious injustice of Obamacare.
For those who don’t want Obamacare or any other health insurance, one can hardly blame them.
Back in 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that doctors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. The study upon which the article was based found that many deaths in hospitals for patients under doctor “care” were a result of: unnecessary surgeries, infections, medication and other medical errors, and “non-error, negative effects of drugs”.
As of 2011, the statistic hasn’t changed much with nearly 784,000 deaths in that year attributed to doctor screw-ups or 24.5 times more than all gun-related deaths combined. It’s a small wonder why some people choose to opt out of healthcare coverage altogether and there is every reason to believe that things will be far worse under Obamacare.
Also, just because some opt out of health insurance, it doesn’t mean they can’t afford to pay for it – with some choosing to pay out of pocket or carry catastrophic coverage instead.
In 2009 when Obama was busy misrepresenting the alleged 46 million people who did not have healthcare coverage in the nation, he conveniently left out the fact that approximately 17.6 million of the 46 mil made enough money to be able to afford it but for various reasons like those mentioned above, simply chose not to buy it – which was and still should be the right of every American.
It is a travesty of justice to fine people for something they don’t want or can’t afford and shouldn’t have to pay for to begin with, but when you allow socialism/communism to slither into power, this is what you get.