Prosecutor Jody Vaughan Pursues False, “Stacked” Rape Charge (Part 6)
By Edward Snook
Chief of Investigations
Deschutes County, Oregon, October, 2009 – On January 23, 2009, Kevin Driscoll of Redmond, Oregon was charged with 3 counts of rape, one count of unlawful sexual penetration, one count of sodomy and one count of assault IV. The US~Observer investigated Driscoll’s case and found, in our opinion that Melissa Leahy-Rossow had falsely accused him of these crimes.
Read the startling facts of this case here.
In our original article we provided overwhelming evidence that Rossow is a very “loose woman” to put it mildly. The evidence in this case clearly shows that Rossow has lied to and withheld evidence from Redmond, Oregon Police.
The video tapes obtained by the US~Observer and described in our original article show that Driscoll was simply another convenient, male sexual partner for Rossow. She tells the police that Driscoll bruised her as he was raping her and they take pictures of those bruises. An eye-witness later admits to having sex with Rossow prior to the alleged rape and on the same evening in question and states that the bruises were present when he had intercourse with her. Rossow claims that she is petrified of Driscoll, yet video evidence shows quite the opposite. Why would Deschutes County District Attorney (DA) Michael Dugan, who is fully aware of these facts, continue this abusive false prosecution?
The media in Deschutes County, Oregon has aided and abetted DA Michael Dugan in destroying Kevin Driscoll. They have cost him his job and completely destroyed his reputation. And now Dugan is telling those angry citizens who contact his office that the truth is different from the facts. Our readership needs to keep in mind that even though DA Michael Dugan has his assistant, Jodi Vaughan falsely prosecuting Driscoll, he is the person responsible.
After we completed our in-depth investigation and prior to printing our initial article we did what any responsible media would do – we contacted DA Dugan to inform him of the facts of this case and give him the opportunity to drop the false charges. We were told in a response letter (see all letters) from Dugan that he wasn’t privy to any of the video or other evidence that we referenced and he asked for the US~Observer to provide him the evidence. We did some further investigation and found that his assistant Jody Vaughan already had the evidence and that he was merely attempting to deceive us. In a brief response letter, we explained to Dugan our concerns and the fact that his office already had the evidence. We haven’t received a response from Dugan to date, which proves both his deception and his abuse of power.
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Melissa Leahy-Rossow and “Friends” |
Dugan’s Deception
Below is an email written to Dugan by a concerned person after they had read our initial article on the attempted false prosecution of Kevin Driscoll. Keep in mind that this is just one of many responses that Dugan has received.
Email to Dugan
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 10:32 PM
To: Mike Dugan
Subject: Deschutes County vs. Kevin Driscoll
October 1, 2009Mr. Dugan,
I am writing you in regards to the case of Kevin Driscoll and Melissa Leahy-Rossow. As a woman, it is hard for me to consider the idea that another woman would lie about this type of crime, making a mockery out of all the other women who are out there truly suffering from this type of heinous crime.
Unfortunately, it is my experience that lying about rape isn’t uncommon. Throughout high school, I lived in the Royal Haven girl’s home in Sisters, under the “care” of Steven Gage & Karen Lee. While there, I heard horrible stories from girls of violence and abuse, while suffering my own personal hell while in that home. There were also a handful of girls there who lied about being raped in the 3 years I was there. Their reasons for lying varied, but in the end it was all still the same. They were dodging responsibility for their own actions. They were searching for sympathy. They were making light of every girl who had ever truly suffered the shame, pain and embarrassment being raped brings with it. It is for this reason; I am disgusted with the charges Ms. Leahy-Rossow has charged Kevin Driscoll with. I know that I am not an expert, or an investigator, but I am a woman with common sense and integrity, and I am appalled at what is going on.
I have known Kevin for several years. In my opinion he is not capable of committing this type of crime. It is funny to me that his story makes sense, and her story is full of lies and inconsistencies. She lies about the stupidest things like how she arrived to Kevin’s house, and whether or not she was engaged in sexual activity with another man just shortly before going to Kevin’s room. There are several ridiculous lies she tells, and then there is the big one… that he violently and brutally raped her. Out of all the people at his house that night, every one of them seems to be backing up Kevin’s version of the story. Her own husband has stated publically that she lied to him about the rape because she knew he wouldn’t believe her. I cannot imagine my husband not believing me, and if he didn’t because I’d lied about it in the past then I would really think that said something about my character… wouldn’t you agree?
At first when this all started back in January, I believed that with all the evidence against Melissa there was no way that this case would go on as long as it has. But now, after almost 9 months, nothing has happened, and I am losing faith in the system. I am worried that the laws protecting the “victim” are preventing the accused from defending himself. I worry that the evidence is being overlooked by your office and that scares me; and not because I worry about Kevin going to jail, but I worry that the right thing isn’t being done. I worry that it is so easy for women to file false charges with no repercussions. The life Kevin has worked so hard for has been shattered by a false accusation and a refusal to fairly look at the whole picture, not just one side. It bothers me that I feel so let down by the system that has stood so strong by my side in the past. Things have clearly gotten out of hand here, and I hope that you would personally take the time, if you haven’t already, and look at all the evidence, not just the evidence that will be allowed in court, but everything. Both parties have a past, but if you could just set that aside and look at this case, the big picture, hopefully you can see that something has gone terribly wrong here. It is my belief that you hold the key to ending this all.
If it comes out that Melissa is indeed lying, is your office prepared to hold her responsible for her actions? Maybe if the women who lie about this type of thing were punished as harshly as the accused, it would weed out the dishonest and help the true victims feel more comfortable to come forward.
I hope that you take this letter to heart and ensure that the right thing is done in this case.
Very Respectfully,(Name withheld)
By Joseph Snook
Investigative Reporter
Deschutes County, Oregon – On January 23, 2009, Kevin Driscoll of Redmond Oregon was charged with 3 counts of rape, one count of unlawful sexual penetration, one count of sodomy and one count of assault IV.
The early morning of January twenty-third, found Kevin Driscoll and his friend Pete having some drinks at a local bar when they struck a conversation with the alleged victim in this case, Melissa Leahy-Rossow and her acquaintance Dennis Baker. After the bar closed, Driscoll invited Melissa, Dennis and others to his home, for an “after hours party.”
Upon discovering the facts and then reading Melissa’s statement made to the police, this writer found that the facts completely contradicted the statement – her false allegation of rape. Rossow stated that she took a taxi to Driscoll’s residence with her friend Dennis, but indisputable video surveillance of his home clearly shows Melissa and Dennis arriving with Driscoll and his friend Pete, in Pete’s car.
Once everyone had arrived at Driscoll’s home, Kevin realized that his keys were left in another friend’s car. Driscoll called his friend and video surveillance confirms a lengthy wait in his driveway until the keys arrived. During this time, Melissa Leahy-Rossow and her so-called “friend” Dennis Baker were clearly shown on video surveillance getting intimate on the side of the driveway near Driscoll’s boat. Melissa was shown kissing Dennis and then vividly touching his privates in a stroking motion, while his penis was exposed and held in her hand. Melissa conveniently forgot to mention these actions while attempting to deceive police investigators, hours after her alleged rape.
Shortly thereafter, a witness stated Dennis and Melissa entered the hot tub completely naked. The witness said it appeared that the two were having sexual intercourse. This same witness stated that Melissa had pleaded for him to join in for a “threesome” between Dennis and her as he watched from the fence. After Dennis and Melissa were reportedly done having sex, others entered into the tub. According to witness statements, everyone was in the tub together for some time and eventually they went inside Driscoll’s residence. Melissa was reportedly asked to put her clothes on after exiting the tub, to which she replied, “I don’t have any,” as she walked by her pants, lying on the deck.
After hanging out inside the home, Driscoll stated that he was getting tired and he went to bed. Driscoll said his friend Pete was still there and he trusted him to keep things under control. Another witness, Crystal, who had never met Driscoll previously, but had known Melissa from the bars, stated that she watched Melissa walk towards the room where Driscoll was. This witness also stated that she was sober by this time and clearly remembered seeing this, because all Melissa was wearing was a sweatshirt without anything else on.
Driscoll’s Version
Driscoll stated that his room was dark and he didn’t remember anyone being in bed when he got in, but a short time later when he rolled over, Melissa was in his bed naked. Driscoll stated that Melissa began kissing him and he consented to her as she was pursuing intimacy with him. After intercourse, Driscoll stated that they fell asleep. According to Driscoll, he awoke to find Melissa on top of him pursuing sex again, so they had intercourse once more before Melissa got out of bed. Driscoll said that she stood in front of the mirror and said, “I’ve got sex hair and look like crap.” After making that statement, Melissa reportedly asked Driscoll if he could take her to her car, which was still at the Fireside Lounge, where she began drinking the previous day.
Melissa’s Version
Melissa stated that Driscoll stood in his doorway after allegedly raping her the first time to keep her from leaving his home. Next, she said that he raped her again. Rossow told police that she tried to fight Driscoll, yet there wasn’t one mark on his body to bolster any claim of struggle whatsoever. She then allegedly told Driscoll she needed to get her kids to school and she asked him to take her to her car.
The Facts
Video surveillance shows Driscoll leaving his home (by himself) to start his vehicle, which would have given Melissa the perfect chance to escape. Rossow didn’t make any attempt to escape! Driscoll then went back into his home to let his vehicle warm up. Shortly afterwards, he returns to his vehicle, gets in and Melissa follows, waiting at the passenger door for him to unlock it from inside the vehicle. This opportunity gave Rossow yet another chance to escape to the safety of neighbors, living in this crowded development. She doesn’t make any attempt to run, but chooses to comfortably enter the waiting vehicle. Are these the actions of a woman who has just been violently raped?
They arrive at the Fireside Lounge where Melissa’s car was located and more video surveillance substantiates Kevin’s statement that they conversed for approximately 15 minutes while he gave her his phone number. Rossow exits the vehicle, casually walks to her car and then reportedly went home to take her kids to school and then to sleep. Melissa’s story to the police about this part of the incident is completely contradicted by video surveillance.
Melissa’s Past
Not surprisingly, Melissa Leahy-Rossow has a past, which the mainstream media hasn’t touched, nor will it be brought up in court (if needed) due to the rape shield statute under Oregon law. It is reported that Melissa had previously accused another man of rape. Douglas Foucher of Thurston County, Washington was allegedly accused of rape by Melissa but never convicted of that charge. Ryan Rossow, Melissa’s husband, reportedly said that his family (Melissa and children) had to leave Washington State because Melissa had ruined their reputation by sleeping around and accusing his best friend of rape. He also reportedly stated that he had later found out that her relationship with Douglas Foucher was consensual. According to a witness, Ryan Rossow stated, “This isn’t the first time this has happened” and when I called her shortly after her alleged rape by Driscoll, she told me she was at the hospital because a friend was raped. She wouldn’t tell me it was her because she knew I wouldn’t believe her again”
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Melissa was actually at the hospital with Patrick Murphy. She and Patrick had allegedly been having a sexual relationship for sometime without her husband’s knowledge. So if you’re keeping track, there are four reported sexual partners of Melissa’s, her husband Ryan, Patrick (her alleged boyfriend), Dennis (her hot tub friend on video) and Driscoll (the alleged rapist).
Thanks to witness Dennis Baker, who has no relationship with Kevin Driscoll, it was confirmed that Dennis spotted numerous bruises on Melissa’s body while in the hot tub, which Rossow told police Driscoll had caused. He stated that he vividly saw the bruises on Melissa’s arms and legs and asked her where she got the bruises – she just turned her head and got “real weird,” according to Baker. Her husband Ryan (who has never met Kevin Driscoll) also stated during a taped interview that Melissa has bruises all over her body and frequently gets them at work. Even more truthful is the report from Forensic Pathologist Terri Haddix, MD, in which she states, after reviewing the pictures taken at the hospital, “A large percentage of the contusions demonstrated in pictures, both located on the legs and trunk, appear to be healing and in the range of at least a couple days old and were not sustained within 12 hours of their photographic documentation. Many of the other injuries are so poorly documented as to preclude interpretation.” Dr. Haddix also stated, “curiously there is no comment included about the presence or absence of anal injuries. There is also no photographic documentation provided as yet of the anal examination.” It is evident that these three witnesses have disproven Rossow’s claim that Driscoll caused her bruising.
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Just after Melissa Leahy-Rossow’s false rape charge against Driscoll, she wrote a letter to the judge, begging him not to release Driscoll from jail. At one point in her letter Melissa stated, “Even with him locked up, I have to have someone watch me while I am sleeping to get any sleep at all. I can’t imagine how I would function at all if he were released.” These sound like the words of a “real” victim that has been traumatized beyond belief don’t they? According to Melissa’s “My Space” account and other witnesses, she has reportedly continued her drinking and partying lifestyle with unknown men as if nothing happened.
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Kevin Driscoll has been forced to spend thousands of dollars to help prove his innocence. Why? The police and Deschutes County Assistant District attorney have had the same opportunity that this writer has, to view the overwhelming evidence proving that Driscoll is completely innocent of the false rape charges leveled against him. Why wouldn’t the Redmond Police Department spend their time investigating this case as opposed to faxing information regarding the false charges to Driscoll’s employer? You be the judge…And keep in mind “as you judge” that Driscoll has been indefinitely suspended from work and shunned by friends and neighbors, when he is factually the victim in this case.
Local Media Lies to the Public as They Support the System
News Channel 21 and local TV KOHD (ABC News) has greatly assisted local law enforcement in an attempt to make the public believe that Driscoll is a guilty man. News Channel 21 even went around asking his neighbors alarming questions and posted the following online.
“Neighbors of Driscoll said Monday they were stunned to learn a nearby resident would do something like that. They said most in the area are easy-going and keep to themselves.”
“It’s quiet you know, and nice, nice people – nice neighborhood to live in,” said Alfredo Arreola. “But you never know who’s around.”
“It’s a family-oriented neighborhood because of its location, right next to an elementary school, raising serious concerns and fears for parents on Teak Street.”
“You’ve got to be more careful and check on the internet to see who’s around,” said Arreola. “Because you’ve got to take care of your little ones.”
Mainstream media affiliates involved should be held just as accountable as the ones conducting the inept investigation, because they are responsible to inform the public, not to make misleading implications. The local media who reported on this case are just as incompetent as the investigators who rushed to a conclusion based off of a debilitated investigation at best. The media, as well as the police and district attorney’s office are all responsible for ruining Kevin Driscoll’s life.
The US~Observer publicly asks the Redmond City Police Department and the Deschutes County District Attorney’s Office, why they haven’t arrested Melissa Leahy-Rossow for filing a false police report? Why haven’t they charged her for reportedly consuming alcohol after her reported DUI arrest just weeks prior to her alleged rape? Rossow reportedly took a diversion plea on February 11, 2009, for a DUI arrest, in which she was allegedly ordered not to consume alcohol or be in an alcohol establishment for 1 calendar year. Witness statements clearly prove that she has continued to disobey the court order.
It is fact that there is not one single witness that has supported anything Rossow has stated, yet there are 8 witnesses, combined with irrefutable video surveillance, that confirm Driscoll’s innocence. If all it takes are some bruises and an allegation to arrest a man and ruin his life, which is exactly what has happened to Kevin Driscoll, anyone living in Deschutes County, Oregon is residing there at considerable risk…
Editor’s Note: The US~Observer asks anyone with information about Melissa Leahy-Rossow or anyone else involved in this case to please contact us immediately at 541-474-7885 or email us at