Recall Success or Future Failure?
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By Edward Snook
Chief of Investigations
Grants Pass, OR – On September 15, 2009, a minority of registered voters in Grants Pass successfully recalled 5 city council members.
Only 7,702 voters actually voted – a dismal 41.35 of registered voters casting their ballots. According to the Josephine County Clerk’s official web-site, 4,307 voted against Councilor Ward Warren, 3,354 in favor; 4,201 voted against Robert Pell, 3,461 in favor; 4,042 voted against William Kangas, 3,614 in favor; 4,039 voted against Councilor Mark Townes, 3,590 voted in favor; and 4,451 voted against Councilor Lisa Berger, while 3,194 voted in favor.
Through the US~Observer, I conducted an investigation into this case approximately 4-5 weeks before election-day. I found that all 5 city councilors have done an outstanding job for tax payers. I further found that the firing of City Manager David Frasher was more than justified, and my article also disclosed that the group who pushed the recall started organizing before the 5 Grants Pass City Councilors were even sworn into office. These councilors have saved taxpayers millions of dollars and a number of them began investigating issues involving flagrant misuse of public funds.
While many of the facts on this issue have already been published (Click Here) the real story with this recall is that the honest, hard working tax-payers of the City of Grants Pass, Oregon, have literally been screwed over. Special interests drove this election and the people will end up paying for it in a big way financially, in the not too distant future, for recalling these 5 outstanding councilors.
The US~Observer publicly commends the many people who took time to look into the facts regarding the recall and voted appropriately. I also publicly condemn those progressives who lied about the council, strictly to promote their agendas or those of their friends.
To the voters who were deceived by the recall lies, I pity you, that you were so ignorant you were unable to read and understand facts and to see the positive change that the 5 recalled councilors were making. You should realize that you have cost taxpayers huge amounts of unneeded expenditures in the not too distant future and rest assured, the US~Observer will be here to remind you of your tragic mistake.
To the nearly 60% of registered voters that didn’t spend the time to get off their worthless asses to vote, this writer says, enjoy your future utility and tax bills and don’t dare bitch when you are having troubles paying them. The City of Grants Pass will certainly hire David Frasher back, or someone of his ilk, and you can contact them and see how far you get…You deserve no less!
Those of you who didn’t vote (and those who voted for corruption) are going to get the exact government that you deserve and you aren’t going to like it. I have been fighting corruption in government for well over twenty years and for much of that time I thought that the corrupt individuals that I have exposed and destroyed within various governmental entities (the legal system being the most predominate) were my enemies. A few years ago I awoke to the fact that you are my real enemy. You have allowed this great country to go “square to hell in a hand-basket.”
Last, but not least, I want to publicly condemn the degraded media who either helped those promoting this recall, or the media that remained silent. Put it in the bank, you are also my enemy and you are the enemy to each and every person who voted in favor of some very fine city councilors. You know very well who you are and you completely disgust me. How in the world can you sleep at night, or look yourself in the mirror?
I want to personally and publicly thank those who assisted the wrongfully recalled councilors. You all know who you are as well. You are the real heroes in this story. If there is any glimmer of hope left for this community, or for America, you are the ones responsible for it. You should be proud of yourselves and I sincerely hope and trust that you will remain vigilant. Always remember, corruption and evil inevitably destroys itself – keep standing against it. I feel honored to have met each of you and I’m proud to call you my friends.
In closing, the US~Observer and I personally thank Robert Pell, Ward Warren, William Kangas, Mark Townes, and Lisa Berger for representing clean and accountable government. Each of you should be proud of your stand and each of you should realize that the totally worthless people I have described above didn’t deserve you. It is rare to find government officials today, who posses your character and devotion to the citizens you served. I thank you for the opportunity to have investigated you and those who stood against you. You have been honest and up-right. Each of you and the actions you took while in office is what acountable and responsible government is all about. My very best to you…
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